If you click on the image, you will see, although she doesn't, because she is blindfolded, that she does actually have a head!lol Ironic init?lol Smiling at you, Tai
and being of......there's some power in the two letters, condensed rems.
this brings to mind MOB. the mindless mob with their strings showing; who pulls their strings? the Becks of the world and stupid tea baggers whose hate is used to spread fear like a virus. bullies indeed.
it's kinda hard to grasp on first read through, but then again if it was any different it would lack all of the punch it has, so I'm glad I read through it again.
and being of......there's some power in the two letters, condensed rems.
this brings to mind MOB. the mindless mob with their strings showing; who pulls their strings? the Becks of the world and stupid tea baggers whose hate is used to spread fear like a virus. bullies indeed.