Tie Your Shoes Firmly

Tie Your Shoes Firmly

A Chapter by TabaD

Patrick, Furia, and their friends, enrolled in the L&SDO have been busy reuniting dragons with their true riders for some time. But still, things don't get tired of getting out of hand...


Tie Your Shoes Firmly


Elvis and I called our father and told him about our new occupation. He was glad my brother found such an important job, but was kind of concerned about me leaving my studies definitely. But when we talked about it, we both discovered it was a mistake that I resumed my studies in the first place. This was my life… trying to walk away and play the regular guy again was the wrong decision to take, but now that I was back… I couldn’t feel more at home.


I had to stay at a small hotel in Miami, the parking lot was too small for Furia to stay without blocking the coming and going cars; plus no one would bring a cow here. Furia had to spend the night in the nearest farm and then come to the hotel in the morning to start our patrolling. Many times I laughed to myself when thinking about this decision; though Furia and I kept being Dragon Society members, we now operated as Guardians: financed by The Government and operating solely by cellphone. Though the names “Guardians” and “The Government” were forgotten and left behind. They soon changed their name completely to the L&SDO; the operative was now supported by the government of the United States.


Elvis and Pyro, Alan and Helios, Oliver and Tyranis, and, Furia and me, as individual units, we were scattered and deployed by sectors in Miami. Our duties were to stay sharp for any kind of weird behavior between dragon and rider, and to take action if suspicious behavior was caught on sight. A special badge was designed for the members of the L&SDO, that way, when intercepting a rider and a dragon; they would know we just want to make sure they are properly related. Not even I would stop if someone pops out of nowhere and chases me while yelling “I just want to check your relationship!”.


The next two months, until beginnings of august, were the golden days for the L&SDO. Fake riders were found all over United States, and to our luck, the United States was the only nation dragons were being stolen and sold in. When we suspected someone was a fake rider, we intercepted that person and dragon, and made them a simple test: let’s say I made the test; I would get between the dragon and the rider, keeping the rider at my front, then I would make a number with my fingers at my back for the dragon to see them, but not the rider. Here’s the catch: the rider had to tell me, with his dragon’s help, what number I had at my back a random number of times without a single mistake. If the rider succeeded, “Thanks for your cooperation. May you and your dragon have a good day”, but if he failed, a police patrol would take him to jail for a non-negotiable year and I and Furia would take the dragon to one of the sanctuaries rider-less dragons were taken to, there their true riders would pick them up after passing the same test. Fake riders who released their dragons in the sanctuaries would remain unpunished.


The L&SDO members faced interesting situations; some fake riders tried to take action against the L&SDO by hiring lawyers, but it was useless, there were no laws we were bound to. Some riders tried to ride away when we approached them to make the test. Darwin was the only one to suffer a high level of abuse from his fake rider; all the other fake riders managed to dominate their dragons with their authority and by inflicting fear to the dragon under their domain.


Alena and the rest of the riders in Chief Douglas’s protection squad were dismissed from that mission after the two months and took part against the fake riders. No one seemed to have interest in killing Chief Douglas, but still he was given an emergency number to call, and the nearest L&SDO members would fly to his aid.


Each one of Team Awesome’s members, except Alena, had caught at least two fake riders within that lapse of time. After that, still many, the still free fake riders took measures to avoid being caught: moving among crowds, staying put during quiet hours, trying not to give away the clues the L&SDO paid attention to.


To solve that problem, a system of collars (for dragons) and bracelets (for riders) was invented. Every single dragon had to wear a collar of a contrasting color, it was the same color of the rider’s bracelet and it had a tag with the dragon’s name, the rider’s name and the same identification number on the rider’s bracelet. As fake riders were getting almost imperceptible, the collars and bracelets system was a fool proof way to know who was a true rider and who wasn’t.


Furia and I went among the first ones to get our collar and bracelet. Everyone had to pass a series of tests regarding to the mental link, including me and the members of the L&SDO. After passing, they assigned us our color; as Furia was dark-red colored, they gave us a bright yellow collar and bracelet. This makes me look ridiculous…  Furia said… to what I answered with a laugh.


The disadvantage was that the system would only work after every true rider and dragon had their collar and bracelet. The process was slow due to the production of the collars and bracelets; they were produced by just a few incorruptible companies. Both riders and dragons had to go to the selected places the collars and bracelets were being assigned, and that sort of stuff. But at least it began to work; it was harder to hear the comment, most of the times true: “We just passed the test fifteen minutes ago…”, and when we heard it, we had all the right to say “Then go get your collar and bracelet. It will save us both a lot of time”


But it still was too slow… no one would have predicted or even guessed what happened next. Three months after the collar and bracelet system was invented… by the beginnings of November it began…


A fake rider killing frenzy suddenly started. The L&SDO tried to accelerate the collars and bracelets system, but dragons all over the United States began to desperate and killed their fake riders like it was some kind of uprising.


Kids, men, women... all dead around a hundred by the end of the month… People began to fear for their lives, even some true riders. The media began to refer to dragons as erratic animals that couldn't control themselves, even when help was on its way. And to worsen it all, rider-less dragons were kicked out from their towns by the people and couldn’t get to the sanctuaries along with the other rider-less dragons.


The L&SDO wasn’t only working on the rider-less dragons and fake riders, it also tried to investigate the deaths of Chief Oliveira and the investigator. The one who quit was useless regarding to information. We tried to track down the Dragon Traffickers by their clients, but every lead we caught ended with a dead alley.


It kept getting worse for two more months. The United States government wanted to take action, for they thought the L&SDO incapable of cleaning this mess. It was a chaos and someone had to speak through it. The L&SDO selected me for the job… I was getting tired of being the center of attention. But what could I ask? Furia was the strongest and most experienced dragon around, and I was the strongest and most experienced rider. The only ones above us were Francesco and Tanith and they were in the Bermuda Triangle… So… it was up to us.


A couple of representatives from the White House would come in a couple of weeks to arrange some terms and procedures. In the meanwhile I talked with Francesco about the big scale situation and he gave me a few hints to consider during the reunion. Furia and I weren’t diplomats after all, and for that reason, we were going to be accompanied by another experienced rider and his dragon, both members of the L&SDO. The day before the reunion the representatives called us to confirm the reunion and we answered positive, everything would follow as scheduled.


That night, I was sleeping in my hotel room when my cellphone rang. I rubbed the sleep off my face and answered…




-It’s Eric. There’s a dragon across the street. It’s carrying a box.


When I checked in the hotel and knew Eric was the security guard in my row of rooms, I gave him my number and told him to call me if something interesting happened on the street. After hearing what Eric had told me, my senses got completely awaken.


-Alright, I’m coming. Thank you.


I changed up and went outside. I saw the dragon, just standing across the street, looking at me. As the dragon had his collar, there was nothing to worry about.


-Has he done anything?     -I asked Eric.


-No, he just landed there.


-Looks like it’s a messenger dragon, I’ll go check what is this about.




Eric stayed behind and I crossed the street towards the dragon. On the way I said…


-My name is Patrick Darst, is that package for me?


The dragon nodded and I got next to him. The box had half the size of a shoe box and was tied to the collar. I generated a Vital Energy knife, cut the tying and took the box from the dragon. I dissipated the blade, patted his shoulder and thanked him. The dragon nodded at me and I walked away.


While crossing the street, I turned the box around, looking for its top side. I saw a tiny note and got the box closer to my face to read it.


-I… salute you… from hell… attentively… Costanzo?


The box suddenly exploded a cloud of smoke at my face. My throat and eyes began to burn and I couldn’t breathe nor see a thing. I fell to the ground trying to scream for help. I heard a voice trying to struggle out, like there was something like a rag blocking someone’s mouth, and then the sound stopped. I contacted Furia and frantically yelled in my thoughts for help, but she didn't answer. Suddenly I felt a hit on my head and lost consciousness.


The next thing I know is that I am falling. When I opened my eyes, they still burnt, but not as intensively as earlier. Not even a second later, I hit the ground with my right side, followed by my head and I lost consciousness again.


Slowly I began to regain consciousness, but couldn’t sense a thing. I couldn’t feel my body and everything was spinning around. Without mentioning that numbness in my eyes that made everything blurry and not even the voice of my thoughts was there. All I could do was to wait until getting out of this twisting limbo.


Suddenly I felt a slap on my face, and then someone pulled my head back by my hair. Once looking forward, I saw it was Costanzo, he was laughing lightly while holding my head up. Another one got closer and said “Look, one of his eyes is broken; he might have even a concussion. He won’t understand a word while on this state… heal him.” Then Costanzo used his other hand to strangle me. I tried to defend myself, but I couldn’t move. My forearms were tied up and whenever I moved my hands, they hurt horribly. At the same time, the numbness in my mind banished and the pain in my head from the earlier impacts banished as well. After that, I never saw Costanzo again.


When the guy let me go, I was all fine and could be aware of my surroundings. There was a group of three masked men in front of me, behind them was Furia, and behind her were three dragons. Furia? What is going on? Where are we?  She was standing, impotent look in her eyes while saying… These men approached me and said that you would cry for my help at any time and that if I tried anything, they would kill you. I was about to kill them when you did cried for my help, and then I knew this was real. They guided me here and I found you like this… I am sorry. Furia was very sad while speaking.


I tried to stand up, but a sharp pain in my hands stopped me. I grunted and looked at my hands. They were nailed to the end of the armrests of the chair I was sitting on. My respiration began to get stronger with anxiety, and then I yelled…


-What the f**k is going on!?


The three guys began to laugh, their dragons did as well; Furia could only lower her head with impotence. After a couple of moments, the one in the middle came closer to me and everyone stopped laughing. He punched my face and torso randomly and many times before generating a knife and stabbing my left shoulder. I received the punches with grunts, but the stab forced a groan out of me.


The man got closer and while slowly twisting the blade, he whispered at my ear with an obvious Russian accent…


-I can inflict indescribable forms of pain to you without worrying about killing you…


He then stabbed my other shoulder and quickly went to my abdomen with a horizontal laceration to then go back between his comrades. I could only scream and curse with pain as the Russian broke the barriers of my tolerance; he even forced a tear out my eye.


Furia looked at The Russian and roared, then turned her sights at me. She was tense and showing her fangs, I could feel her desire of doing something… blocked by the impotence. Not because Furia couldn’t do something, but because she wouldn’t. I saw through her eyes that behind me was a fourth guy holding a Vital Energy sword.


After a couple of eternal seconds, the Russian said…


-Now you understand how important is to wait for the permission to talk. (He gestured to the guy on his right)… Heal him.


The guy, who healed me the first time, proceeded to do as he was told. At a moment I was cured, but the mental trauma stayed. Breathing hardly, with widely open eyes, I kept looking at the Russian. I managed to compose myself to a neutral state, hoping that wouldn’t happen again. The Russian got nearer to me and crouched, then said…


-Your dragon asked me to stop hurting you. You do care a lot for each other; exactly what got you that fancy Double Scar… You don’t have the slightest idea about what's going on, do you?


Without taking my sights from him, I slowly shook my head.


-Dragons, Patrick… are awesome. Who better than yourself to say it, huh? ... The first Rider… You revolutionized the world, Patrick… more than did the car or the NASA… even more than the Internet itself. (He stood up and turned his back to me, and then he went back to between his partners, and continued saying…) Alike them, Patrick, you did something GOOD for the world… People began to leave their cars at home and rely on their dragons as transport. (He started to get excited and to make gestures with his hands.) Delivery based businesses like fast food, diaries, etc… started to require being a rider to their delivery mans. (His tone began to rise) Some farmers pay in cash to the riders whose dragons stay in their lands; that worked greatly for those who couldn’t get a job. Many saw their dragons as job opportunities and became Stunt Riders, among other occupations. (Then he yelled, throwing his arms to the sky) You saved the world, Patrick!!


Suddenly my urges of asking him overpowered me.


Patrick, don’t do it!!


-Then why the f**k are you doing this to me!?


The Russian slowly lowered his arms and let them rest on his sides. Suddenly the two guys next to him walked towards me while I frantically tried to move my hands and feet, that were tied too to the chair’s front legs.


-Oh no… no… s**t… no… FUUCK!!


After the beating, half of my ribs were broken and I spat out two teeth. My head hung forward and I could barely breathe. Then I was healed, but not by the guy who did before, he had to recover; the other one healed me. They went back to their respective places next to the Russian. Furia, who groaned lowly during the entire beating, told me…


Damn it, Patrick! I feel the hits too! Without mentioning I have to watch it without doing a thing!


I am sorry, Furia. I am sorry! I just...


Then I was slapped and saw the guy getting back to the side of his boss. Then the Russian said…


-It is rude to talk outside of your interlocutor, you know? ... And to answer your question; while you helped the entire world, you angered a small bunch of people. Petroleum companies, fertilizer companies… among others. Their earnings have decreased; not a lot, actually; it’s just been a year, but you know how picky those greedy b******s are. I’ll let you say that one accusing comment.


I didn’t want to say it now, not like this. But in the end I swallowed my pride and said it anyway.


-Then what are you? Calling them greedy when you are helping them for a couple of cents and maybe a yate? Isn’t it better for you to find your own dragon and be part of all this? You just said it! Dragons are awesome!! Is the yate really worth getting the world to its earlier degrading state?


The Russian began to laugh lightly and then said…


-No, Patrick, this is not worth it, not even for the yate. I already know I am going to the seventh hell for doing this. And about the payment; they aren’t paying me, they are just financing me. This is all MY idea. I want to hear it from you… ask me why…




The Russian began to slowly walk towards me while I felt each step tenser. He got near my ear and whispered…


-Because… Patrick… This is my vengeance… against… you.


Very lowly, hoping I wouldn't get another beating, barely surpassing the lump in my throat, I said...


-What have I ever done to you?


He laughed lightly and walked back to his earlier place.  Then said...


-Do you remember, Patrick, a little while ago, when your dragon just roared, and I knew what she meant? Tell me what you think about that.


-It was obvious because of the situation.


The Russian chuckled and said…


-Maybe... but the answer is actually more interesting...  See, the mental link with a dragon, it opens the rider's mind to its dragon’s. If a dragon dies, the rider's mind will still stay open. It becomes a sense like vision and hearing. I sensed what your dragon meant and traduced it to an idea.


-So you can talk with other dragons...


-And read people’s minds.


I remembered of when I talked with Furia, he sent his partner to slap me, and then he told me it was rude to talk with someone else. That made me freeze and leaved me speechless. I didn’t care about his powers, though; I just wanted to get out of there and redirected the conversation.


-I haven’t killed a single dragon since the battle of the Bermuda Triangle. This is a mistake.


-It is not a mistake (he began to walk closer to me) because it was in that very battle where you leaded your troops and murdered… (He punched my face with each word) All! My! Friends!! (He then stabbed my belly three times with a Vital Energy knife).


Furia collapsed to the ground, groaning loudly while curling up, suffering my stabs. I couldn’t even grunt; any movement of my torso resulted in pain. The worst was being unable to move; the muscles of my arms and legs just tensed, trying to endure the pain… my jaw pressing hardly on my teeth.


I tried to yell, but nothing came out of my throat. My respiration was irregular and weak as every single movement stung my inners.


The Russian then moved behind the chair and pulled my head all the way back by my hair, exposing my neck. I felt a pointed object rubbing my throat. Furia roared and tried to step forward, but she was blocked by the others and the dragons while the Russian said...


-It is so pleasuring to have you like this... so vulnerable and helpless...  feeling your pulse, your respiration under my blade… all of it flavored with the knowledge of how easy it would be to terminate it... say her name...


A tear slipped by the side of my head as good memories began to flow in my mind...  my friends... my family...  my life...  then I whispered...




I closed my eyes and exhaled. This was my finale… my no-way-back street. I felt Furia’s soft touch in my mind and told her…


It’s been awesome, Furia… You are the best friend I have ever had and I couldn’t be a prouder Rider…


No one better than you, Patrick, to spend my life by the side of… we’ll continue riding in hell.


I let out a smile and waited for the cut… The Russian embraced my throat with his hand, and, as I grew tenser, waiting for it, he began to heal me. I widely opened my eyes and felt like my heart skipped a beat. When I was completely healed, I was panting, confused, but euphoric I was still breathing. Then the Russian said from behind me…


-But still I am not done with you two. Saddle her up!


He let my head go and I looked forward. I saw the other two men carrying a saddle and getting closer to Furia as she hissed intensively and showed her fangs. The Russian said…


-Ah, ah, ah, aah… my dear Furia. Let them proceed or I’ll give Patrick another hard time…


Furia fixed her eyes on me and said…


Patrick, I don’t like this, I truly don’t like this!


-What are you going to do to her!?


-To her? nothing. With her? Just spend some time, we’ll ride to a couple of towns, maybe to a couple of states, and I am sure she will be a complete dear during the entire process; you want to know why?




-Because if she even hesitates to accomplish an order, I’ll give a call to my partner behind you, who will stay with you and keep you alive until our return, a call and he will make you have a very hard time.


There is no other way, Furia…


Patrick, you don’t understand. When he touched my mind, I could see more of him than what he just appears. He is going to make me do bad things, Patrick!! I know it for sure!!


-How did you survive the Bermuda Triangle?


He was near Furia, petting her neck while saying…


-Furia is a beauty, isn’t she? But not as my Parda; she had an intense brown color. One of your men cut off one of her wings. As we fell to the ground, I unstrapped from the saddle and let her embrace me against her belly. Parda hit the ground with her back, saving my life… and losing hers. I wanted to die that day, but she made me swear to avenge her. And since that day, without a single wasted second, I’ve been preparing for this.


-Why has the whole world to pay for me?


-Because, Patrick, I am not planning to kill you; you aren’t scared of death. I must avenge Parda in a different way. There are things I want you to experience… things that are actually worse than Death itself. Get ready to ride!


He began to climb onto Furia’s saddle along as his partners did onto their dragons. From Furia’s back, he said…


-Don’t worry Patrick; I will get her back as healthy as she left.


Furia began to groan lowly while saying…


Patrick, please! Don’t let me; don’t MAKE me go with him!! You promised me you wouldn’t make me do this again! I am begging you!!


I let go a tear and said…  I am sorry…


Furia stopped the groaning and sighed, then said…


You might be thinking this is a high price to pay for survival, but you are just selling me cheap.


After saying that, Furia took off, followed by the other two. It was hardly enough for me to see her flying away like that, but worst of all were her last words. I could only say “I am sorry” over and over while watching the three silhouettes disappearing in the night sky. After a couple of minutes, Furia was completely out of my reach.


I decided to compose myself. The reunion of tomorrow was going to take place and I would miss it… I was about to miss a White House related reunion. And to make it worse, when I asked the guy behind me about Eric, he told me they used a chemical component to neutralize him that would make him forget the last few hours before exposure. They left him lying on the street with an empty bottle of vodka near him. My only hope for help had banished… All I could do was to wait for Furia to come back… if she was ever going to come back.


© 2014 TabaD

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Added on May 20, 2014
Last Updated on May 20, 2014
Tags: investigation, chaos, torture, revenge, mind



Santiago, Dominican Republic

My main characteristic as an individual is that I enjoy strong emotions. I like horse riding, off-road driving and gun shooting. I enjoy Metal music mainly, my favorite band is Corroded. I like writin.. more..

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