In 2003 , when you were told you are were carrying a second son I can only imagine the expression that crossed your face perhaps you were already picturing how I would look.FINDING A Names for your son , Battles were coming unbeknownst to you but no one noticed your quiet strength amidst the chaos . Everyone's attention was on your struggles.. JUST LIKE your brother predicted.he SAID you would work as hard as any man people may call you different names like a selfish woman but all I see is a strong independent woman who put others before herself proud pictures adorn your shelf much like a study tower that never falters,You praise GOD for the difficult times you've faced knowing that he helped you pull are my angelic protector guilding me through life's challenges a comforting song when I'm joyful a warm smile when I'm sad and a helping hand when I have been my angelic protector from day one and I am grateful for you,they are one billion people in the world but you are my perfect mother of me .