![]() The Dark Secret of Ms. Lily’s RosesA Story by TKBickelThe Dark Secret of Ms. Lily’s Roses From a darkened bedroom, Alice Holt peered nervously through the cracked window blinds at the pristine two-story white house across the street. Her mind could practically see through the house to its backyard containing a greenhouse and an extensive garden of exotic roses. It was late but her growing anxiety made it difficult for her to sleep. She had only three more days before leaving her quiet urban hometown. This was her senior year at NYU and a perfect excuse to get far away from her neighbor, Ms. Lily also that rose garden across the street. Her stomach knotted thinking about what she could have been so close too. With a squeak she jumped back from the window. Did she see Ms. Lily's window curtain move? "It's just your imagination playing tricks on you. That's what it is, that's what it all is... your imagination." Even though the verbal words comfort herself, she still couldn't convince herself that it was her imagination and quietly crawled back into the safety of her bed. Blankets pulled tightly under her chin in hopes that they would shield her from the nightmare. Slowly, It was such a beautiful evening on the street she lived on. The big orange sun began teasing the horizon as As she returned back, Taking a deep breath, The greenhouse’s top was open to vent out the building heat of the day. Now that her craving was satisfied, she rose and dusted the dirt from her knee. A little glimmer of some barely exposed metal caught her attention in the divot left behind. She noticed the dark earth, speckled with white, had been recently tilled up. Ms Lily must have added her secret compound into the soil fairly recent. No one is allowed in the back when Ms Lily did her ‘Top Secret’ work on the roses and she would be in so much trouble if she was caught back here. Shaking hands started to steady as she realized she knew this ring. There was no denying it was Mr. Bing’s fraternity ring. When you were around Mr. Bing, there was no escaping the flash of his pride and joy ring or his old crazy Frat stories. Dropping the ringed finger, Retrieving a white cell phone from her back jean pocket, An idea formed, she had a camera right in her hand. Bouncing out of the bed, she hurried to shower and dress. Since her father died five years ago, her mother worked long hours to keep the house and the life they were a custom too. Saturday mornings where special, it has always been designated as mother daughter time. The smell of bacon coaxed her dangerously faster down the stairs, sounding like a buffalo stampede on the wooden steps. She latched onto the end of the banister to make a tight u-turn swing to bolt into the kitchen. Socked feet skid to a stop on the kitchen tile as a smile and cheerful “Good Morning Mom” was met with an unwanted surprise. “This looks lovely Helen. Thank you for inviting me to stay for breakfast. Eating alone can be very depressing at times.” Helen slid into the seat across from Ms. Lily, behind an identical heaping plate. “I know what you mean. My dinners will become quiet again with Trying hard not to look anxious, Dragging feet, she made her way to the table and took a chair between the idle chatting women. The mixed aroma of roses and food created a knot in her throat and a burn in her stomach. She couldn’t look and the big yellow taunting roses. The only action she could manage was a slow gradual feed of bacon, passing her numbed lips. Thirty minutes later, their breakfast survival looked promising…until her mother dropped an unsuspected bomb. “So tell us Ms. Lily…How’s the relationship going with Mr. Bing?” A piece of food rode on the quick shocked gasp of air and lodged in Helen continued to inquire Ms. Lily. “Well now that excitement is over, you can tell me about your excitement. How are you and Mr. Bing getting along?” “Helen, you know how hard it can be to read men…but I believe Bill and I have taken a real fancy to each other.” She leaned over the table, closer to Helen and lowered her voice. “Just maybe I’ll ask him if he would like to move in when he returns from his trip.” The two giggled like teenage girls enjoying an inside joke. “Ms. Lily, I don’t think you will need to have any dinners with me.” “Hmm, maybe so in the future…but for now I could use a dinner partner. I spoke with Bill last night and it seems his trip has been extended. I don’t know when he will get to come home. I tell you, the company he works for works him to death.” The word death might as well been a lightening bolt zap. The lightening bolt passed onto Not realizing Ms. Lily had also left the table, The over supplied heat and blood drained from her face, causing another concern look from her mother. “Let’s get you to a chair incase you feel like passing out.” “Mom, I’m fine…” She was lead by the mummified hand to the table. Ms. Lily trailed behind, pushing her along with both hands on her shoulders. “I have the perfect bandages you can use. Listen to your mother and sit. I’ll be right back.” Her mother eagerly accepted the help. “Thank you that will be great. We couldn’t have such a better neighbor that you.” Ms. Lily paused at the back door and smiled back at Helen. “You know we widows need to stick together,” and walked out the door. Only two days didn’t matter anymore. It was subtle but the threat was there. The weekend’s sands of time trickled through its hour glass as The road she took didn’t head out of town but to the center, straight to the police departments parking lot. Car parked and phone in hand, up the stairs she went with a set determination to make them see the truth. 1-2-3 was the magical count before her world changed again. Officer number one was polite and smiled, showing all signs of what she feared. He didn’t believe her but things began to swing to her favor with Detective number two. He listened and raised an eyebrow here and there with the tale of her short to the point story. Number three Mr. FBI Agent was the game changer. It seemed the FBI had an interest in Ms Lily. A dark history, of boyfriends and husbands vanishing, followed Ms. Lily. The FBI where already here working on a stack of old open cases in connection to her when Mr. Bing’s employer called the police department to check on his house after he missed a couple appointments. Following a few inquires, the FBI connected Mr. Bing to Ms. Lily but lack the evidence, again, for a search warrant. The Agent handed her a can of soda. “Are you sure it was a finger and Mr. Bing’s ring? Are you willing to testify to it in court?” Within the moment when Ms. Lily call out her name, Alice managed to snap one perfect shot of the ringed finger, yellow roses and the fresh over-turned dirt. The only mistake was thinking Ms. Lily wouldn’t find the finger after she used the tip of her shoe to fling it deep into the roses. “I’ll make a deal with you. You keep that crazy woman away from my mother and I’ll testify to all of it.” “You have a deal Ms. Holt.” Still smiling like a fool, the Agent waved a ‘come hither’ at another suit outside the office that happen to look up. The office door opened to allow a head to pop-in. The FBI Agent proudly announced, “We need a warrant.” © 2012 TKBickelAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() TKBickelKC, MOAboutI am a bookworm that happens to love writing. Now I finally have the time to write a story that's been clawing its way out of my brain. God help me before my brain explodes. -The Forever Hunting Se.. more..Writing
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