The world births man for what reason?
An iron curtain casts a shadow over the world.
So man, himself, cannot endure the true beauty.
Encased in a dark, gloomy world.
Why can't I break free?
The lucky spectators watch me
As the molten core of the Earth bleeds my blood.
My blood! To last the god-damned drip.
Let it trickle to the very last drip drop.
World problems given to me, to comrades,
To foreign nations much poorer than us.
Please just resolve.
Why would you give this to us?!
U-S... The U.S. doesn't even represent us.
We are all trapped here.
Let all of our blood stain your so-called
Pure white blanket that tucks in the world
Every night at bedtime.
Our blood has stained your comfort.
Vanity for the masses,
Truth for the masses,
Death by the masses.
You soiled it.
You soiled us.
Why can't we break free?