Carolina' World

Carolina' World

A Story by tabia ghada

Carolina's world


Once up on the time there was a little girl living in a small village in Tunisia , she was beautiful as a flower , pure as an angel, innocent as a baby, since she lived all her childhood there, she never traveled, never leaved her nest , never spring her wings, she never met a stranger or a person with characters she doesn’t know , her parents ,since the day she was born, they sow that sparkle in her pretty little eyes and they herd the truth from her cute red lips , they knew that this kind of soles is not made to fed in or to live in sash cruel world , so they kept protecting her, or the right word is making her a prisoner in her perfect little world they've made specially for her. For her own safety, but how could they know? Although they were teaching her and they make sure to give her the best education she could get, which have been for her a privilege from were she could meet the outside world, even in her reading, she reads like a machine, she loves reading no matter what, were or how Carolina never cares if she were reading and like that she were enlarging her knowledge and making her self secure from every outsider trouble she could ever face off , because people don't read so that they would never know what she extremely understand and when she talk her words were fool and rich with theories and poetry it all make since in a great and wonderful harmony even if the listener was a narrow mind individual he immediately get convinced and inspired even by the way she speaks, wish makes her family even more and more conservative , although they know deep inside that things wouldn't stay the same forever and they can't keep such a treasure to them selves and that one  day their little princess would leave to face that world and to search for her prince, the right person to spend her life with, since she really believes that it's easy and that precious, I mean love, of course it is, but that kind of love don't exist any more may be just in fairytales at least not in reality but she don't know that" she think life is pink and love is a soul link it's been writing for us and no way we could discus"  and we can't blame her for that, she even think life is a fairytale, in that case of course love will exist with such purity and beauty ,and like that she would start her search since she got the chance to reach university ,well then, they can't stop her, they never will it's her destiny and hire it is the hand of God start working , now  when the time arrived , when she should leave, she should go away from the nest she never left , it's her first time, when she's getting ready to spring her wing although she never tried to fly, every one is very anxious for her, I mean she doesn't even know how to do it, how to fly and to travel in that cloudy sky between the flow of the win, between the rain drops, under the cold snow, how could she survive, how could she land safely and with the least harm she could get, every one in the village keep convincing or at least trying and telling her how dangerous facing that cruel furious world and that they are all worried for her, like they were sure that she won't last tow days and she will get back scared and hart broken, but Carolina was just standing there listening to them silently, and then she hold her bags, she steps in the plane and she said to them " may be you all right, maybe there is an unbearable world out there , I will come back ,maybe with a broken hart but don't worry in that windy cloudy rainy and snowy sky million of stars survive, as they did I will find my way and I will land any way, but remember it's not about the destination it's always about the path we been through to get there , good by my dears until we meet again"


and like that they all stand there looking to her plain leaving them and flying away from there to the unknowing , and few or maybe non of them understood what she actually said but although they couldn't compete with that, and hire she is enthusiastic, maybe a little bit scared, she knew they have a point and an explanation to their fear, there must be something unlikely they don't want her to discover because they don't want her to get heart but although she still want to go she want to know she want to see and to discover that cruelty she wanted to judge it by her self she knew the right from the wrong so it will be easy for her not only to judge them but because deep inside she believes she could change them and in them she could find the best of human kindness they only don't know it yet they can't see inside of them but Caroline had the ability to see through people, so many things turned inside her mind which makes her more and more prepared to get involved in the real world issues..


         But finely the plane is landing and there she is entering to that world, first when stepping up, she was surprised in a weird way, she sow a light reflected in her bleu eyes, she looks in front of her, she looked left, right she was looking every were like she were lost in the middle of no were, she took a moment organizing her thoughts , taking a deep breath to get ready to let her journey begin , she walks in the streets admiring the buildings, the people going and coming, no one is bothering the other or asking him for explanation to his actions, why he did that or why his acting like this why does he wear bleu or pink or even yellow, inside of her she was saying " it's not that bad after all, so let the freedom ring " Carolina took a cab drove her strait to her university where she meet the principle how welcomed her to his system but to her it was like hi's welcoming her to his world like he was saying " are you ready girl be careful be prepared be armed , cover you up there is wind out there"

so she was like shaking but in the same time enthusiastic to meet that win and to follow the flow , and to fight with her one and  only arm her knowledge and her reason .they finish talking get to knowing the roles, then he sent her with his assistant to show her the building of girls and specially her room and of course her room mates, the place where all the rocks goes where all the magic of the world exist and the missing things in her life will wake up and show up to her, following that women she was like running she couldn't wait to finely meet real life real girls real sisters she never had real fun she never been able to experience , and hire she is walking through that door looking to a simple four walls an other square she had to live into but that's not the way she sow it for her it's a dream coming true from each tow side tow beds one under an other like a sandwich but hire she is screaming" oh my god I love this place how do they do it look to this beds marvelous  I know from now I'm going to be just fine and I'm going to fed in perfectly" she thank the assistance and closed the door, hire she is turning around to see a very strange looks from a very accusing eyes, she sow there her three room mates shaking her up and down she felt incredibly weird like she made a terrible crime like she killed to them a loving one of course she couldn't understand their behavior , but inside she knew that this was a simple example from what she is going to face and what her family warned her from previously and then she know hire she goes she said to her self "here is the beginning of my hard and tiring journey mostly impossible to survive from " although she knew what she's going to face she did not surround or get back it just made her stronger and even more intending to go for it .any way she said to them " hi girls I'm really glad to be hire with you and I think we're going to spent an amazing year together I'm Carolina  you can call me Carol or Carro it's very nice to meet you girls I knew we would make a wonderful sisterhood together " and without looking back she started organizing her things waiting for a judgment and it was weird for her because it took them so long to answer as she herd it usually take tow three second and opus they start their attack the first one said

"can " we call u car" the second one added "oh or carrot" but the third one get things even more high and tense so she said "no I think we should call her alien because she looks like she just came from veins " "oh where is your space ship" "did u hide it some where "u better get back home your family must been looking for u " but very calm and wise she let them finish their harsh humiliation then she answered with a very sweet blue sure and confident look in her eyes and smile in her face "u can call me any thing u want in the end names doesn't matter what really count is personalities and our soles purity so I don't care sweet yourself off , oh and about me being an alien , I confess I'm, I never been hire before I'm from an outsider world a better world it's something I'm blest with I will always be proud of who I'm and where I came from  but are u?" she made them like she always did open mouths ,they couldn't say a word after that so they just left the room anxious and worried did they really understand what she just said were they humiliated with a very classy and modern way , all they knew that she is some one they should avoid messing with although they were very angry facing their inability and their narrow minds . any way she just stay in the room organizing her things and making it much more like home ,or even more exaggerated, she pent the walls with pink and covered it with millions of picture and not supper stars but to very famous and brilliant writers and poets a huge quantity of books and educational magazines , it was like a peace from haven with flowers and the colors and every thing was just amazingly beautiful refreshing and mostly alive it made her happy when she lay down on her bad and smiles like she finely observing a peace of art she just completed and she said" don't u love life , living hire would help me a lot to survive it's a huge support and energy that would definitively be useful and she just slept like an angel in a moment of peace leaving thoughts about the trouble of a very long tiring fool of action and sweet moments , her first day at university ..

Carolina woke up in the morning; prepared her self for the best and the worst, and went street to the headmasters' assistant office get the instruction, then enthusiastically she jumped on the classes list signing her name in almost every class , now she have to walk into the holes trying to find her closet first and her classroom second, so she said" every thing is going to be fine just breathe " and with a steady steps she start walking in there, wearing in red trying to pass through not to get so mush intension but to be noticed, that was hard to happened because since the moment she steps in the hole every one just tern, fix their eyes on her some admiring her beauty others amazed by her charm and mostly girls loathing her since the moment they sow her I mean they don't even know who carro is why would they hate her, I said that was jalousie ,although she seams very calm besides the annoying whispers," look at her who she think she is pretty Barbie" "that princess is far away from her castle ""oh my god that is one unique hot check I'm going to go talk to her" "oh baddy don't she's way of your liege", it was driving her crazy because she couldn't fig rout what all of that was about, but she just kept being still, confused but proud , found her closet organize her books and stuff , then she found her   way to her class , since the moment she got in she jumped on the first seat she sow in the front of course , then there was the teacher coming in speaking so fast and he said" good morning every one , I want to welcome our new student Carolina I'm glad u joined my class u wont regret it" "happy to be hire sir " "it suppose to be tow new students I don't know where is the other guy , being late is not good as a first impression , any way I have to tell u that we're studying Shakespeare books and we are in the twelve one now so u should read the previous ones to catch up your friends understood," "oh that would not be a problem so Shakespeare is a very brilliant writer I already read all of his works"

and like this a huge laugh released in the class and a Barbie girl that kind of shakes that is so rich extremely beautiful with a designed body , very popular and loved ,that what u can see from the outside and even more but in the reality if all the beauty goes all you're going to find is an empty useless and dispread spoiled one , any way she said with a very sweet voice not sweeter then Carolina but it was sweet in  a weird way, "honey u can't read all of Shakespeare's writing it's impossible specially for a little girl in your age so don't lie to yourself " an other one said "she is right you know I spent since the beginning of this year in this particular book and I didn't even get to the middle it's really hard to understand it " "so a ridiculous boy said to her " that's because you read with comprehension you should focus more on the letters" so I said to them "that is the point from reading she would be stupid if she completed without understanding a word I agree it is hard but never impossible you just have to  get your knowledge level to Shakespeare's one the you would be able to get the maximums of incredible ideas , and I did read them all"  but the teacher interrupt that argue ," I'm sorry but I really don't think that you read them all and even if u did not with the comprehension we need " any way u have time to prove to us that u not only read them but also understand them  u and the other guy where is he? Ok I'm going to start the lesson, last time we have a problem understanding the point from as some critics call it the cold end of a remarkable life , and I've asked u to think of Shakespeare reason and to tell me what u got next time , so what was your ideas come  on surprise me " "any body" but a stupid guy how don't even know who Shakespeare was said" well sir when some one can't breathe no more and all of his body function stop working we know that was the end of his life and that we have to put him in the grave that's it his dead there is really nothing to think about"

an other said " yah your right I think that's it" but the teacher answer" let me refresh your memory , the question was why a brilliant writer as Shakespeare would right a simple end to a remarkable man's life , now I need a question to that answer and I need it convincing , in that particular moment an amazingly beautiful and charming guy just come in Carolina was fascinated about him she was just like wowing , but the teacher interrupt that eye contact that took every body's intention like they know each other for a long time and hire they are meeting again but no it was the first time their eyes sow each other and it was like a moment of magic that been interrupted as it always happened so the teacher sais "or maybe Christophe could enlighten as since he is late perhaps he was preparing a revolutionary entering to this silence " but the guy doesn’t seem ready for that he was just standing there lost between the humiliation and an non organized thoughts although he seems to be smart but u know in this kind of situation Albert Anshtine could be speechless, so Carolina decided to save him from that embarrassment in the first place and prove her ability and maybe show up a little bit in front of him so she said "sir I think I know the answer , I believe Shakespeare wasn't to stupid to find him self wordless like some of them just said but when he said his dead that simple four letters word means a way more than a twenty pages of description to that said disappointed act of death, it's because he didn't see it that way the death of that amazing man wasn't the end of the world because every end means a new beginning , that man has already lived all the exiting chapters of his life his done all what he suppose to do and even more , I'm aware that his death is not laterally joyful but to Shakespeare to said it as it is the most incredible and honest peace of art even if it hurt some times" and after a silence of three minuets the teacher said " wow impressive u did really read them , well that was an amazing explanation it make sense as it prove that it came from a lot of thinking and efforts that is an example u can look up to , any one wants to tell me what he understand from what she just said , any one" after taking his breath , understanding the situation Christopher said " I totally agree with her ,Shakespeare doesn't need to increase the intension or the influence of this man's dead on people but he only has to show his creativity announcing dead as a part from the human life as it always use to be"

so Carolina admired him when he was looking at her in the same time smile to each other chair a secret amazing conversation only by looking to each other's eyes , any way every one get's surprised  fascinated by that sharp eye and the specific sense of understanding and the clear vision of the author intention of both of them even the teacher said " wow I guess u read all of Shakespeare's writing too did u ? " so the guy said " yes in dead I did how did u know " and all of the class start laughing again since the guy couldn't understand so he said again" what, what is wrong with that ? ,the teacher answer him" no sun nothing is wrong it's just that u both I mean Carolina and u have read all of Shakespeare writing with a very impressive comprehension which I still think it's impossible but I think I really have to congratulate u both for this remarkable accomplishment " "it's not really as remarkable as the author's greatness but thanks any way " they both said in the same time mean while the hole class start laughing not ironically like the first time but amazed by their charm like they were understanding what was really going on between them or practically their soles connect and cherish a marvelous feelings and thoughts but the teacher interrupt that harmony saying " although"…every one just turned they where like saying although where does this come from but they don't have to wait much because he pursue

"although this wouldn't make me forget the fact that your coming late in your first day ,your lucky she saved your enter otherwise you have no idea what I could've done to you ,that's mean you've gave me a first bad impression  second amazing one so I'll be watching you" but some how Carolina get the courage or I think she didn't even know how did the words come out and in a very unexpected way she said " I'm looking forward to see your third one" so he smiles to her and said I won't disappoint you I'm working on it "  I know u won't she answered with the end of the class tone so when going out Christopher wasn't a patient's guy so to fast he catch her and he said" hey , thanks for saving me back there it means a lot " she said " oh no it was nothing "but he insisted "no really it's a great favorite " " I guess u owe me then " yah I guess I do so do u have a boy friend or something I was wondering what about a hang out after school ?" but surprised and happy somehow she stops him and said " hey, hey easy cowboy I'm not hire to date " neither do I , so u don't have a boy friend "he asks so she smiles and said no I don't have a boy friend "he said again "neither do I, so I guess we have a deal then " but insistently she said "Christopher I don't think I actually said yes yet " beautify he said " u didn't I thought you did , ok then I pick you up at 5 am by the way u can call me Chris " but this time she couldn't actually resist his charm so she said "ok  Chris , fine but it's not a date " he laughs greatly and he said " ok , I just won a non date with the most amazing girl in the school yey " , so she gently smiles and said " hhh don't exaggerate see you then "ok he said by until we meet again " but he didn't left he still standing there so she said " ok go then " "what" "you still hire " " a ok sorry by " and like that so slowly they went every one in his direction imagining fantasies about their remarkable non date… 

    …. To be continued …


Carolina didn’t know what was happening to her for the first time in her life she felt a very  strange feeling she could neither describe nor feigner out what it was, although she was lost between the trees of the jangle of love too many feelings that u cant make up ur mind to decide which one could really describe that sparkle, that new fire burning in your heart but still taste great , well we all know how exited she felt when chris asked her to go out with him but u know what that couldn’t describe what caro was being through I mean for a regular person it’s too hard to understand or even to imagine , but with a such pure spirit every single emotion , every bit on her hart makes an amazing harmony in which all of her sense dances and fly with joy and excitements specially for the first time ,when she would experience what she have been waiting for, for her entire life well now the moment has arrived for her to finely sense that and experience the taste of real emotions so with the excitement her mind kept thinking and wondering asking a thousand question ; would it be the same as she imagine it ? How different could it be? Would she be surprised would it be better? Fascinating? Worse? Disappointing? And although she couldn’t find an explanation or an answer to her questions she just kept being optimistic and happy amazed and also enthusiastic about her fantastic non date, and so fast she went home to start preparing her self for the big meeting , she was moving into her room so fast without even noticing the eyes of her room mate gazing on her , not understanding what was actually going on they just stand there watching her crazy moves around the place making them nuts ,although there was a lot of question being asked, a lot of whispering , a lot of dump fetchers Carolina didn’t feel any of that although she has a sharp mind she just was kind of lost her feet weren’t in the ground back then her mind wasn’t in the room, even if she seams so alive and present her fantasy was far away she was just swimming in an unfinished water where her thoughts pass by an incounteble waves that made her overwhelmed ,  it was for her too fantastic and joyful to let it go and care about some incomprehensive girls or too lay down from her clawed , why would she do that any way the view is much more amazing and likely up there ,she could see all the bowshet of life too small and tiny to be considered or to think of, when she could enjoy a peace from heaven with an amazing view that with one look just one sight she can actually draw her own path and see it so clear and shiny , I mean how could she fight that , how could any one resist such beauty and such amazement, trust me no one with a hart and sole will, and  for the same reason I believe Caro didn’t  .so she kept preparing her self choosing her best close every thing that might make her look beautiful and give her glamour with a touch of feminine and some make up not too cheesy and shiny just perfect to make her little cute face look peaceful and angelic and her blue eyes pure enough to look as deep as a mysterious ocean , and her tiny lips to look as red as a strawberry and her softy skin to look as pure as a baby touch , it was just too perfect with the right sporty and tasty clothes and attractive and lovely coolers , the girls just stand there gazing even more but by the fascination and amazed by the look she create from the mess they were annoyed by , do never miss estimate your enemies running every where doesn’t make u a runner , talking to yourself doesn’t make you crazy , not seeing the truth doesn’t make u blind , like answering to questions doesn’t make u smart , they were wrong by judging the look she’s going to end up with just by the miss she made in the room u can create wonders from the trash , do never prejudge . any way now she was ready to go and the time has arrived for the dream guy to pass by , so she stand behind the door waiting impatiently ,while her hart start to bit so loud that those in the room could hear it ,she no longer breathe or maintain her wild emotions  , with that awkward tiring moment when someone just stand thinking his already and completely prepared to face what ever is out there his preparing him self  but still doubting and scared from the unknowing ,frightened about what to expect and what would actually be how surprising would it be , would we be strong enough to face it either ways whether it was too perfect and overwhelming to drown us in the fountains of happiness or extremely shocking and disappointing that we couldn’t handle , but still not taking our step back and regret it all saying it’s not worthy if it’s so risky , well it’s right that u never know and it is risky but if u don’t take risk , if u never go forward it and try to see what’s going to be like u will never really know u will stay your entire life trapped there like a rap never has the courage to go out from your dark cave or to discover the light of truth whether u like it or not u will be your entire life a prisoner to your own fear and u will never get over that carry feeling of barging into the unknowing and building your way no matter how hard was the circumstances  you’ve got to be brave enough to win your own battle which is not really against the mysterious and the unknowing, but against the fear it self because whatever was out there in life it’s never scary if u never think of the idea of being afraid if there is no fear so what’s to avoid well I don’t believe in fear it’s just a crazy thought that people had in their mind since ever and that doesn’t make any sense if we really think about it . It’s just an illusionist phenomenon like any other crazy things that people create to be as a big rock in their way. the only think that need to be hated and avoided is the fear it self which get weaker and weaker lower and lower every time u loss faith in it believe in it’s illusionism . It will so easily disappear then you will be sent free and so easily, you will flow your dreams and meet with the mystery as your very trusted pall. just like Carolina hire did after a moment of patience the door of her room nock mean while her hart bit get just faster and faster with an extreme excitements she just open the door to face a marvellous moment when their eyes connect she was like glowing from the inside to the outside. Their hart were biting in a rhythm that creates some sort of harmony a dance in which their emotion meet and start swaying on the rhythm and the musicality of love. Each tone gave birth to an endless joy, every bit represented one unique emotion, the one, and only from it kind, that surprised both of them and took the lovers to an unbelievable possibilities of an indescribable pleasure of love.

Well although the moment of joy comes always too fast to notice this one in particular was so hard to skip or to pass on too soon or too fast it was irreplaceable and special and u know special moments leave for ever never been forgotten or getting over or invisible it's just too precious to lose. Well this one was definitively one of them. so after enjoying the moment Christophe pay intention to her remarkable beauty  at first all he was noticing was her pretty little eyes and the sparkle glowing from them that's the first sight that too k more emotions then time , but after a while he could see more. Therefore, he was just gazing up and down checking her amazed and fascinated by the unnatural beauty that god blest her with. Without making it any longer or risk to lose the magic they just stop gazing at each other like a retired and save that awkward moment. So

- Chris Sais: hi, wow … u …look fascinating, where does this come from? u never show up with this glummer at school". so she answered with a charming and lovely smile

-" really thanks but u know like u said it's school it's for literature and knowledge not for glummer " so he smiles back and said".

-" yeh it's for knowledge and what a better knowledge would be more valuable than watching such angelic beauty every single day it would be like heaven"

- " hey put your feet back in the ground this is earth not heaven so u just keep dreaming , we don't want u to be distracted don't we?"

-" yeh we won't want that, so shall we go"

-"yeh why not where are we going" u will discover by your self"

- " mmm we'll start it with mysteries and surprises m interesting"

-" trust me u will like this just follow me"

- Ok!

And so quickly he grab her from her hand feeling her softy skin with a smile in his face , a smile that show so much joy and pleasure of her company and he made her run after him , some how she just followed him without asking any kind of smart embarrassing questions . maybe for some hidden reason she just trusted him , she felt that that day would be the best in her life and it was perfect so far so would she spoil the entertainment she couldn't done that she just keep being optimistic and hoping for the best ever.

And I guess Chris did not disappoint her he took her to " paradise", it's just like he went through her, figuring out what she may like and what she may not, he could know what would she appreciate and what would she despite what would she admire and what would she hate. so he took her somewhere special his special place and now it become hers too , he prepared some kind of restaurant of one table in a roof of an old building with the most incredible view ever from where u can see the ocean and the most fascinating sunset ever all the circumstances made a perfect harmony with a smooth emotional music which made the air even more and more romantic, romance that amazing feeling or phenomenon that attracts u without resistance a perfect shake in your hole body that make  in an unforgettable moment feel as much free as ever as much sick and annoyed by the fact of being defeated by some sort of magic or an real power that seams unbelievable but unforgettable amazingly irresistible   be continued.......

© 2013 tabia ghada

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Added on April 4, 2013
Last Updated on April 4, 2013


tabia ghada
tabia ghada

Bizerte, ElAlia, Tunisia

well there is not much to say I’m a student first year of university I’m the artistic kind I love creativity painting singing creating stuff decorating music , I love meeting people having.. more..
