From where within my soul is it found?
A beautiful verse in rhyming round.
With zealous search, eyes closed, heads reclined,
in silence, mouthing words we choose to refine.
Being the antitype of many who walk on this earth,
poets pen our thoughts by weighing a words worth.
Writing what we mean and meaning what we write,
we use our intellect alone and not our fists to fight.
Whether we write of love found or that of scorn,
maybe we will pen words of a death to mourn.
Never the matter of what topic we compose,
it's for certain that our thoughts we impose.
For some are blessed with many musical skills,
still others who can calculate telephone bills.
But it is we who are given the greatest of ability -
that of communicating all of life’s complexity.
You may think that for hours we might labor,
only to write simple words upon some paper.
One might even be so emboldened to inquire:
“Poet, of where do you think your work is required?”
In resounding triumph you would hear us sing:
Our words ended battles as well as humored kings.
We have lifted spirits and spread good cheer;
some of us have brought an end to political careers.
So there good man, our labor has not been in vain.
Know this, that our poems will echo with refrain.
Writing our thoughts daily, we faithfully pen;
being poets before statesmen, we get the last word in.