

A Poem by T


I cant live in your shoes

Though Ive tried them on

They are too big, too much, and they hurt when I try and walk in them

You look at mine from afar with wonder, and questions

But Ive yet to really show them to you


Your path has been a mix of love and pain

Mine too

Your pain looks different and the highs and lows impossible to walk

Without understanding, without sharing the experience


I push my pain deep below the rocks

I bury it in the ground and whats left falls beneath the cracks

But it still comes up from the ground when I least expect

Like a spring underneath the surface

Water slowly forming puddles to step over, or jump in


I don’t know how to let you in but I try

And you don’t know if you can but you want to

Maybe that’s the start

Maybe as we walk together

We will find new paths

Stumble over the old ones

Rise above and beyond them


one step at a time




© 2019 T

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One size can never fit all; but we can all stretch, or shrink, (to a degree,) understand and absorb differences and build from there.

Always there is a starting point; a mutuality, the trick being to figure when that moment is, and as you so tellingly observe, from there, 'tis one step at a time.


PS. Adore 'These dreams' by Heart. My dad introduced me to them a while back now and I listen to them regularly on You tube music.

Posted 4 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 25, 2019
Last Updated on September 25, 2019




It's a wonderful journey this becoming, It's part letting go of who I was, while releasing the beliefs that sabotage what I want to be, and-knowiing that in order to transform, I can't live in b.. more..

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