Beyond The Wall

Beyond The Wall

A Story by Tim


Beyond The Wall

 Chapter One

My Usual Morning

BEEP BEEP BEEP. My alarm clock started whaling in its familiar monotone noise, I hit the snooze button hoping to get a few extra minuets of sleep. The sound was immediately replaced by an even worse one, my Moms yelling. “MARTY GET THE HELL OUT OF BED IT'S SIX FORTY FIVE, YOUR BUS COMES IN FIFETEEN MINUETS.” She yelled, her semi-portly body charging up the stairs to my room. “ You don't want to be late for your first day of high school do you?” Without letting me answer she said “ Of course you don't. So get your a*s in gear and head to the bus.” she left the room, I realized two things as she was walking down the stairs. 1. my Mom obviously has no idea how long it takes me to get to my bus stop and 2. she has no idea how to read a clock, it's five thirty in the morning.

Instead of going downs stairs and yelling at my Mom I decided to check my blog. Pulling on a pair a jeans while simultaneously grabbing my laptop, I stumbled over to my desk,. had become the closest thing to social interaction I had. I had just a little over a thousand followers which made me feel good, at least someone was listening. Or at least reading. Not only had Doodleblogger been my escape from life, it was also an escape from school seeing as J.C Chesly middle school had just about the worst firewall ever made. Looking up at the clock I realized that that it was almost seven. Picking up my backpack off the sock covered floor, I ran out the front door stopping only to grab my Ipod off the kitchen table and ran to the bus stop.

There is only one thing about the first day of school that I like, the walk to the bus stop. You get up at a time when you never would have over the summer and you see things that seems almost foreign to you. You see the sun coming up, slowly over the horrizion. You see the dew on the ground, like liquid crystals waiting to solidify. I hate mornings, but a walk in the early hours of summer almost makes it wroth it. When finally I made it to the corner of Elm street and Waltsberry Lane. I heard a sound, not uncommon to the summer, but always a welcome one. Birds singing, sing there songs loud and joyfully. I closed my eyes and listened to there beautiful melody being wrapped up in there warm blanket of sound.


Chapter Two

A Bus Ride of Bad Memories

The bus pulled up to the corner in its loud clanging fashion, a yellow piece of crap that was supposed to drop me to the prison that the state calls a “school”. The driver opens the door and I climb into the isle and look into the rows of seats in front of me. Being the second bus stop has its advantages I could sit just about anywhere I wanted to, choosing a seat in the back, I pass a familiar face of a girl that used to be my best friend and the girl who I love. Her name is Elisabeth O'brien. She and I used to be as close as friends could be. We would ride bikes every where and just talk, to be a hundred percent truthful, she would do all the talking I would just listen and absorb every word she would say, like a sponge to water. She would always stand up for me when I couldn't stand for myself. I remember one day we where playing in the woods, besides what are parents told us. When suddenly I lost control of my bike, flipped over and broke my leg. She carried me a mile and a half back to my house where in my parents drove me to the hospital. She told my parents that it was all her fault, that she convinced me to go into the woods. My parents were mad but promised not to tell her's it was there “little secret”. She never once left my bedside except when her parents forced her to. One day middle school came and she became a bitter memory and a broken heart. I was destined to be the nerd and she was made to be popular.

As I was passing her she turned and looked at me for a second, her beautiful green eyes piercing my soul and her captivating long brown hair still a little damp from her shower. She opened her mouth as if to say something but I sat down before she could, she couldn't be seen talking to me she has a reputation to uphold.

Chapter Three

First Confrontation (of the year)

As I got off the bus I could smell d********g in the air, just as I turned around someone grabbed me. His name his Joesph Gladmen, AKA the freshmen football prodigy who's been on my a*s since 5th grade. “ Hey buddy” he said in a menacing voice. “Miss me over the summer.?”

Like a cancer” I said. After which he put me in a headlock.

Listen here smart alack, your not going to talk to me like that Okay, from now on, you going to address me as Sir. You got that” he said making the headlock even tighter. After a little while he let me go, merging into the crowd of Abercrombie wearing d*********s. Two seconds into the school year and I already hate it.


Chapter Four

Period 1 Computer Literacy

Computer Literacy is quite possibly the stupidest class ever created. The entire class is just a crash course in learning Microsoft Word. Changing font, making boarders and shading, I learned all that crap in 5th grade and I didn't feel like learning it again. The sad part is that just about every kid in the class has no idea what the teachers talking about, they are all illiterate in using a computer. There are some perks of this class though. Not only will it be the only class that I'm going to ace, it'll also give me chance to get to Doodleblogger.

I begrudgingly open up Internet Explorer (another thing I hate about school is that they have to use the worst web browser ever made.) and type in the address for the website Almost immediately a pop up appeared on the screen. “ The web address has been blocked because of the following content. (Open source, Blogging, and Social Net Working). For a moment my heart stopped. I calmed down and realized that I could just use a proxy. So I go to Google and type in the address, the best proxy out there. Not only is it the fastest and most reliable, it had a pretty kick a*s name too. Hitting the enter button caused a small chain reaction to happen. One a pop up appeared saying “SafeSearch Pro has blocked this website for the following reasons (Proxy Gate), and Two the teacher stood up from her desk and said “Marshal Evans get off whatever website you are on and come talk to me after class!”

crap.” I said softly

Chapter Five

period 2 English

After my chat with Ms.Shnider about “Computer safety” and “Why we have a fire wall”. I continued on my way to my next class, English, with Shawshik. I walk into the class a few minuets late and pass by the teacher on the way to an open seat, he didn't glance in my direction. After sitting down he asked. “I'm assuming that your Marshal Evans.” he said I nodded my head. “Good, now I can continue taking attendance. Jodi Galyd.”


Emily Gone.”


Elisabeth O'brien.” At the mention of the name, my head practically turned 360 degrees.

Here.” She said in a voice as clear as a bell. There she was, sitting two seats in front of me with no one in between us. How I walked by without even noticing her I have no idea, the only thing I know right now is that this was going to be the best class ever.

For the rest of the period I just sat there starring at the back of her head, even from behind she was just as beautiful. Her hair in perfect harmony, with each hair in the place that it was made to go. I barely heard what the teacher said, from what I heard we are supposed to reffer to him as Dr.Shawshik, not Mr, or else we'd get detention. Also that we're going to be doing a project sometime in the next few weeks nd that we would be working on it in pairs. The bell rang and I watched her pick up her backpack, stand up, and walk out the door. There I sat completely oblivious to that fact that everyone but me had left the room, it took me a while to realize it. As I picked up my stuff I mumbled something, that I couldn't say to her face. “I still love you.”

Chapter six

Home Again

The rest of the day passed by in a blur. Each teacher saying the stereotypical “Hello my name is Mrs/Mr.SoandSo, in this class well be learning [insert uninteresting topic here] , and I know that you're going to have so much fun this year.” It's as if they all got together before school started and wrote a script that they were all supposed to read or else they'd be fired. The bus ride home was pretty much the same as the one there, I get on bus look for place to sit, find one in the back, look at Elisabeth for a second, sit down and listen to my Ipod until I get off. When I get home my Mom asked how my day was, I tell her it was fine and go my room to check my blog. I make a post Life can be so weird sometimes, the world had been pushing her away from me for three years and is now pushing me toward her?!?!? I feel like a martinet puppet, life is weird.20 people respond most of them telling me that life will straighten out eventually but I doubt it will. I get off my computer to get on my bed, I sit there for a while just staring the ceiling thinking of her. “Why.” I said in a whisper “Why does it have to be like this.”. After about a hour of staring at my ceiling, my stomach growled begging for some food. Getting up but still thinking of her I leave my room.

On my way down the stairs I passed my Parents room, I heard yelling from it and decided to see what they were talking about. “Where were you last night.” my Mom said with a hint of suspicion “You didn't come home until two in the morning.”

I was out drinking and playing poker with the guys last night.” My Dad answered.

Oh really, then how come I found this in your brief case this morning!” My Mom retorted, holding up a pair of panties.

I went down the stairs before I heard any more, I had heard this discussion before and it doesn't really appeal to me.

Looking for something to do, I decided that I would Google search that fire wall that the high school had put in, SafeSearch Pro or whatever. Typing it in on Google, I hit the “Im Feeling Lucky” button. It brought me to an article on entitled “The Bane Of Computer Nerds Existence, the SafeSearch Pro Fire Wall” The article read Releasing only this summer, SafeSearch pro is no ordinary firewall. Not only does it have the capability to immediately update its 'No go' list of websites as soon as you try to access the site, it also sends a pop up on the screen of the nearest administrative account that is logged in telling them what website your on. So far the people of hackpack of not found a single way to get around it. It blocks all use of Zip files and executable files, that are not on the administrative list of files. My heart dropped . “S**t.” I said to myself “How the hell is this possible.” I spent the rest of the night looking up ways that I could get by it, my search proved fruitless. At two in the morning I write blog post simply saying CRAP.

Chapter Seven

Ripping It To Shreds, Two Weeks Later

The next two weeks of school had gone by uneventfully (besides getting the crap being kicked out of me everyday), and Today seemed to be going in the same direction. Until I missed my bus. My alarm clock didn't go off, which in retrospect doesn't surprise me since I bought it at a garage sale for five bucks three years ago. I woke up and seven o'clock , quickly realizing what time it was I grabbed a pair of jeans and a crumpled Supper man t-shirt. Running down the stairs, I grabbed my Ipod off the kitchen table and ran out the door, making it to the bus stop just in time to watch the bus round the corner and out of sight. “Crap.”

All of those bike rides with Elisabeth had finally paid off in that moment, when I reilized that I could catch the bus stop at the last stopped if I went down the road and made a left down that street. “One more reason to love her.” I said in a somber voice, with a hint of anger beneath.

Waiting at the last bus stop with some five foot two kid with a stereotypical short hair, with the front spiked up like a porcupine, was quite possibly the most awkward thing I have experienced all year, but its only the second week, I could feel a lot worse coming over the horizon. After about ten minuets of waiting with porcupine kid (as I so brilliantly nicknamed him), the bus came hurling round the corner clashing and clanging in its usual path of silence destroying. The door opened and porcupine kid got on with me immediately following him. Looking down the isle I realized that Porcupine kid got the last readily available seat. Walking down the isle, I started to think to think that it was hopeless until I heard voice calling my name clear and firm. “You can sit here Marshal.” It was Elisabeth, her eyes sparkling in the light.

Thanks.” I said sitting down, laying my back pack the isle. She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans , a plain blackish, gray t-shirt and a pair of black high top Converse. Her favorite brand of shoes. Her long brown hair brushed up agents my uncovered elbow, it was soft as sitting on new grass, on a summer after noon. For a while we sat in silence, neither of us really knowing what to say. After a couple of minuets, she broke the silence by saying.

So Marshal, how have you been, I feel like we've haven't talked in forever.” she said sweetly.

That's because we haven't. I thought bitterly, but managed to mumble “It's been okay, yours?”

It's been great, I'm so happy to be starting high school. I'm a cheerleader now, did you know that?” she said. The old Elisabeth would have rathered died before saying that. “My friends told me to try out, I was so excited when I found out I made it.” she continued. I tuned out as the bus pulled into the school she was talking about her group of friends or something, and I didn't particularly like that group of people. As the doors of the bus opened I snapped back into the conversation, I wish I hadn't though because the last words out of her mouth were.

Joe Gladman asked me out, and I said yes.” My heart dropped, farther then it ever had before. Getting off the bus I watched as she came up to him, hugged him, then kissed him. Not just a dry kiss between friends but a wet kiss as a sign of affection. Suddenly my hands started shaking, tears started to form in the corner of my eyes. Before any of them had time to fall, I ran. I ran as fast as I could running away from everything. From school, from home, from life, from Love

© 2011 Tim

Author's Note

its still in progress, so be gentile.
please add any commentary you feel helpful

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I like it so far, the attitude of the main character comes through nicely. There are a few grammar issues that could be fixed, but other than that it's pretty cool!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 20, 2010
Last Updated on May 18, 2011
Tags: marty, love, romance, novel




im 15, i love to write.When im older, i want to become an author. My biggest influences are C.s Lewis, J.r.r Tolkien, John Green, and Edger Allen Poe. Apathy is my inspiration. yeah, im that hipster. more..