![]() Chapter 8A Chapter by SyntheticDivine The next thing Kat knew, she was standing
on a sidewalk in what at first glance seemed to be some kind of metropolis. All
around her were huge buildings and skyscrapers that were brightly lit even
though it was the dead of night. But the architecture was incredibly weird, and
she could faintly hear music playing in the distance, although she couldn't
quite make out where it was coming from. She'd heard music similar to it
before. It was what Matt liked to call Neo-Tokyo Trance. She was quite positive
he'd made that name up himself and no one else called it that, yet it seemed to
fit somehow. The city had a smell and a taste to it unlike anything she'd
experienced before. It was metallic, not the coppery taste of blood but
something sheerer, cleaner. And there was a faint current of electricity
beneath it that could only be felt. It was... Technology. That was the only way
she could think to describe it. Like raw technology had taken on sensory form. She was still trying to make out the source
of the music, of the sense of technology, when she heard the scream. It was
sharp and shrill, a female voice, and it was coming from nearby. Kat didn't
think twice, she took off running towards it. The length of a block passed by
in a blur, and then she was turning into a narrow alleyway as a second scream
sounded. Two figures, bathed in shadow enough that
she couldn't clearly make them out from behind, were slowly approaching a girl
that had already backed up against a wall dead-ending the alley behind her. The
girl was young, mid-teens at most. Kat couldn't make out any visible weapons on
the two figures, but the girl's screams were enough to show that they were
trouble, and the girl believed herself to be in danger. "STOP!" Kat shouted into the alley,
not quite sure what she was going to do if they didn't, but knowing only that
she had to help the girl if she could. The two figures rounded on her, casting
just enough light over their faces for her to make them out. Two boys, maybe in
their late teens, not much older than the girl herself. They were both rather
pale, but the outline of their bodies showed well defined muscles. Their faces
were rough, but sculpted enough to be quite attractive, the sort of guy she
might have gone for once upon a time. Now though, both looked like they meaned
business, and while their faces showed a little surprise at her shout and at
the sight of her, leering smiles quickly broke out over both their faces. "Look what we have here," one of
the boys said, taking a step towards Kat. "Aren't you a pretty little
thing. You want to join the fun, sweetness?" "Stay back! I mean it!" Kat said
forcefully, raising one hand in a gesture to ward them off. "Or what? You'll yell at us again,
girlie?" the second boy said with a wicked grin as the first boy took
another step towards her. "Do you know what we are? The people who live
around here sure do. This is our territory. Yell all you like, no one is going
to come to help you. It was terribly nice of you to bring your sweet little a*s
right to us, though. Here we were thinking we were only going to have one toy
to play with, and you hand-deliver a second. Twice the fun." Kaitlyn started to take a step back when
she saw the two boys' eyes widen, the smiles vanishing from their face. Before
she could wonder why she felt a hand on her shoulder, pulling her gently but
firmly back as someone stepped around her. It only took a quick glance for her
to know who it was, she'd seen his profile so many times it was ingrained in
her heart. Matthew. "Trent, Craig, what the hell do you
think you're doing?" Matt demanded. He was paler than usual, but otherwise
seemed unchanged. "We were just playing around,"
the first boy said resentfully, his eyes showing a sort of hesitant anger. The
best Kat could guess, Matt was in some sort of authority position over the two
of them, and the boy clearly didn't like it. "You know the Goddess gave us specific
orders not to harm the humans of the city," Matt said reproachfully,
glaring at the two of them. The Goddess? Kat could feel her eyes widening, but
Matt wasn't paying attention to her. "Like I said, we were just
playing," the first boy said, though he wouldn't meet Matt's eyes.
"We were only going to have some fun with them, then we would've let them
go." "I know full well what you were going
to do. Let me make this perfectly clear for the both of you. You will not
disobey Her will. Because the moment you do and I catch you, there isn't going to
be any mercy. You're not going to be forgiven. I'm going to rip you a new one,
tear the Power right out of you, and if you're lucky enough to crawl away from
the encounter alive, what's left of you will be a sad sight to see," Matt
told them sharply. "She'll never condone that. She chose
us, just as she chose you," the second boy shot back in return, though he
wouldn't look Matt in the eye either. "You're fools if you think you can't
fall out of her favor. You both remember what happened to James, don't
you?" Matt demanded, and both boys blanched. "He was chosen too, but
that didn't keep Her wrath from falling on him for his blasphemy. You both know
how much weight she gives my reports. If I tell her you've lost the faith and
are abusing what she gave you, you'll end up the same as he did." "Maybe we... Took things too
far," the first boy muttered. "Scared them too much. We weren't
really going to hurt them, it was all in fun. But maybe we crossed a line. It
won't happen again." Matt
didn't look like he believed a word he was hearing. "It had better not.
For your sakes." After one last glance at the young girl
huddled against the dead-end wall, the two boys began to walk out of the alley.
Kat found herself gently pulled to the side by Matt as the boys stepped past
them. They started to set off down the street, but after only a couple seconds
the second boy paused and looked back at them. "Why did you even come
here, anyways?" he asked, his eyes finally meeting Matt's. "Our Goddess sent me. Perhaps she knew
what you were about to do and was generous enough in Her mercy to send me to
stop you before you did something she would have to punish. You two have been
given a second chance. Don't waste it," Matt answered. After one last
suspicious glare shot their way, the boy turned and walked on into the night. "Thank you. I guess you saved
us," Kat said softly once the boys were out of earshot. "Thank the Goddess. It was Her will
that sent me here tonight. But it wasn't really those two she sent me for,
though perhaps she foresaw this happening and wished me to warn them as well.
It was you she sent me for, Kaitlyn," Matt said with a smile, before he
glanced down the alley toward the young girl still cowering there. It was her
he spoke his next words to. "It's alright, no one's going to hurt you. Run
home, and be more careful in these parts after dark." The girl stared at Matt for a second,
looking almost too scared to believe what she was hearing. Then she gave a
short, quick nod and took off running, bolting past the two of them and down
the street in the opposite direction from where the boys had gone. Kat watched
her go before turning her attention back to Matt. "You know my name? Have
we met before?" "No. The Goddess told me you would be
here. She described you to me, asked me to bring you before Her. You're very
blessed, few besides the chosen ever get to stand in Her presence," Matt
said, a reverent undertone in his voice. "Who is this goddess?" Kat asked,
and then when Matt gave her a scandalously shocked look, she was quick to
follow-up. "Please don't take offense, I didn't intend any. I'm new to
this city, I just arrived actually. You're the first person I've heard speak of
her." "Well, it is true that she chose this
city to be the heart of Her grace, and has not left it since her arrival. Still
it's hard to imagine there are places left that haven't heard of the majesty
and power of Bast," Matthew said, still looking shocked. Bast, Bast, Kat knew she'd heard that name
before. Then it came to her. Bast was an ancient Egyptian goddess. In fact, she
was a... Cat goddess. The irony of that wasn't lost on Kat, in fact she was
sure it couldn't be a coincidence. Yet just what it meant about what this world
was supposed to represent she wouldn't be able to say until she met this
goddess for herself. "Then I am honored to be called into Her presence. I
would very much like to meet the Goddess, if you will take me to Her," Kat
replied, trying to put the same emphasis and inflection on the identifiers that
he had. "It will be my pleasure. This
way," Matt said, smiling once more as he turned and set off down the
street towards a car parked about a block away. Soon enough Kat was in the passenger seat
and watching Matt as he drove. She was convinced now that there was something
different about him, besides the paleness of his skin, and the more she watched
him the more certain of it she became, but she couldn't put her finger on what
it was. Something about the way his body moved, perhaps, or the intensity in
his eyes. Her attention was finally drawn away from
him though when their destination came into view. Even without Matt saying
anything, Kat knew it had to be the place the instant she caught sight of it.
It was the strangest building she'd ever seen. Kat was neither an engineer nor
an architect, but she wasn't even certain a building like that could exist in
the real world. It was shaped like a cat's tail. The main part of the building
rose about thirty stories straight up, and that's where it got weird, because
after that the building started to arc to the side. The highest point, perhaps
forty stories high, hovered over the building next door. The building then continued
in a downward arc back to the thirty story point before ending in another
straight up-and-down section that went for about ten floors and was suspended
there, twenty stories in the air, directly above the street. Kat could only gape at the structure as
Matt pulled into a massive parking lot in front of it and the two of them got
out. "Amazing, isn't it?" Matt said as he lead her towards the front
door, clearly amused by the look on her face. "The Goddess designed it
herself, had it built upon her arrival. A testament to Her greatness." "It's... Really something," Kat
agreed, nodding. There were two men standing to the sides of the door, each as
pale as Matthew and the two boys she'd seen before. They seemed to be guards of
some kind, but they recognized Matt on sight and nodded to him without a word.
They gave her slightly more curious looks, but the fact that she was with Matt
seemed enough for them, because they let her pass without issue. Directly across from the door was an elevator,
which Matt made a beeline towards. As they stepped in, Kat noted the buttons
only went up to 30. "What do we do when we reach the top?" Kat asked. "We take the stairs," Matt
replied as he reached out and pressed the 30. The trip to the upper floor was a
short one, and as they emerged they encountered more security like the men
downstairs, half a dozen of them this time. Apparently the main building was
open to a far larger list of people, but only the chosen and a select few
others were allowed into what Matt called 'the Temple'. Past the guards was a
stairwell, and they began to ascend. Only, unlike a normal spiraling staircase,
the stairs in this one only led one way, forward. On the top floor they emerged
into a long hallway with several doors leading out into the main section of the
floor. They ignored them however, and at the end of the hall the stairs leading
down began. All those flights of stairs were more of a workout than Kat
had thought they would be, and she was
glad that when they reached the final up-and-down section, the tip of the cat's
tail as it were, they came to another elevator. The buttons in this elevator
didn't have numbers at all, but symbols. It would've taken Kat forever to
decipher them, but Matt didn't hesitate as he reached out to press the bottom
button. When the elevator doors finally opened at
their destination, Kat found herself looking out onto a luxurious apartment.
Directly in front of them was an oddly shaped but huge living room. And based
on the large number of doors leading off of it, she had to imagine the
apartment took up the entire floor. Seated in chairs halfway across the room
were two more two more pale men and a single woman who could only be the
goddess herself. It would've been hard to mistake Bast,
since she looked almost exactly like Kat herself. As the woman rose at the
sight of them, the only differences Kat could see were that the woman had
lightly furred and tufted cat ears instead of normal ones, and what looked very
much like a furry tail extending from her hindquarters. In fact, it looked a
lot like a costume Kat had cosplayed in several months before, except then the
ears and tail had been part of the costume, and these looked very much real. "Matthew, I see you've brought my
guest. Very good. Everyone, leave us. Kaitlyn and I have much to discuss,"
Bast said with a gesture towards the elevator, and even her voice was identical
to Kat's. "As You will, so I obey," Matt
replied in a reverent tone, bowing his head in acceptance. He waited for the
other two men to reach him, and then all three of them turned and stepped into
the elevator, the doors quickly closing behind them. "Well, Kat, now we're alone. Amazing
isn't it? How we're nearly identical and he doesn't see it? You wouldn't think
someone could block something like that out. It's remarkable what the mind can
do, if it's not ready to deal with something," Bast told her as she moved
back over to take a seat, and hesitantly Kat followed to drop into one of the
chairs the men had been occupying. For a second Kat just stared at the woman,
unsure that Bast was truly saying what she thought she was. "I'm not sure
I understand..." Bast just gave her a look of mixed
amusement and frustration. "In all likelihood, one of two possibilities
holds true. Either you are the real Kaitlyn, and you've entered these worlds
Matt's mind has created. Or Matt unknowingly created a hallucination capable of
traveling between those worlds. One that acts on so deep a level of his
subconscious as to fool even me. If the first is true, we need to have a
serious discussion. If the second is true, all I waste by having that same
discussion is a little time. So might as well, don't you think?" "So... You know what's going on here?
You understand what his mind is doing, what these places are? But I
thought..." Kat trailed off. "That he was completely unaware of how
fractured he is, how screwed up his mind happens to be at the moment? He is
unaware, to an extent. He's unaware because he can't handle it all. He's unable
to cope. So his mind instinctively created these worlds to compartmentalize
some of his biggest issues, so that rather than dealing with them all at once
he could deal with it a piece at a time. Unfortunately he's failing miserably
at it, as you've probably noticed. He's no more capable of fixing his issues
now than he was before he swallowed those pills, and the more he struggles the
more reserved and isolated he becomes within his own mind. Yet he can't stop
trying. He craves catharsis, relief, and until he gets it he can't stop. But if
the walls of these worlds were to crumble, if all that weight were to fall back
on his shoulders all at once, he might break, go insane, and in this place I'm
sure that would be extremely unpleasant. But I... I can see it all, can know it
all, because he doesn't see me as himself. Technically I am him, just as
everything else here is. It's his mind I spring from, so technically my
thoughts are his, my actions are at his direction. But to him I'm a character
of sorts. While his brain creates what I think and feel, he doesn't actually
experience those thoughts and feelings. In that way he's guarded from what I
know. His subconscious has already realized a great deal, but so long as he
doesn't have to consciously accept any of it, so long as he doesn't have to
face it, he can keep the weight of it off his shoulders. If the incarnation of
him that brought you here were still in this room, I wouldn't be saying any of
this, I would still be playing the part of the goddess he made me into, I'd
have to. All part of his mind defending itself. But so long as he doesn't
perceive himself as hearing any of this, he can still cling to the illusion
that he doesn't know it," Bast explained to her. "So you're saying that you're him...
But not him?" Kat queried, feeling like she understood, most of it at
least. "In a very real way, yeah. I mean,
haven't you guessed yet, Kat? I'm you. That's why we look so much alike. He
isn't ready to face the real you, but he still needs to be near you sometimes,
so here I am, a character in one of these worlds he's created. Let me put it
this way. Have you ever had conversations with Matt in your head? Ever imagined
telling him something, or showing him something, and then imagined what he
would say?" Bast asked, and when Kat nodded, she went on. "Then you
have a Matthew inside your mind, just like he has me. All the conversations
he's ever imagined having with you. Every fantasy or dream he's ever had of
you. That's me. When I think about myself, I identify with you, not with him.
Yet I know it's him I'm a part of. So my feelings aren't necessarily the same
as yours. The things I say aren't necessarily the things you'd say. Rather, I'm
what he would imagine you saying, what he'd imagine you feeling and
doing." "And so you're telling me all this
because you want to help me?" Kat pressed hesitantly. "Exactly. It tears me up to see him
like this, as I'm sure it must for you. If I can help you heal him, I
will," Bast answered. "But if I could just talk to him, if I
could tell him how I feel..." Kat trailed off. It was after all what she'd
come here to do. "He wants to see you. But right now,
to him... You represent judgment. You represent the possibility of rejection,
something that mentally could hurt him even more than he's capable of hurting
himself. Even if rejection is not your intent, he's not ready to face that
possibility, yet. You also create a question, a fear. And please, don't tell me
the true circumstances, because that is something powerful enough that it might
break through the wall separating my knowledge from his conscious, and that
would be dangerous. But the fear is that... Right now, you're within his mind.
Had he survived, that shouldn't be possible, so if he's then correct in
assuming that he succeeded and is now dead... The only way you'd be able to be
here, is if you were dead too. That is also something he's not ready to deal
with," Bast told her. Kat wanted to tell her that his assumption
was wrong, that she was still alive, but the woman had specifically warned her
against revealing the answer. The truth was Kat didn't even fully understand
how the person had been able to send her into Matt's mind, so she wouldn't be
able to really explain it anyways. She wanted to say she wouldn't judge or
reject Matt, but she'd already been told her intentions didn't matter. So what
did that leave? "What am I supposed to do?" she finally whispered. Bast paused for a moment, then gave a sad
smile and a little shrug. "If Matt knew how to fix his problems, I
wouldn't be here. And so long as he doesn't know the answers, neither do I. But
unlike him, you're aware that each of these worlds is one of his issues. You
know the truth that he can't accept. And if you want to get him through this,
you're going to have to find whatever it is that he's missing. Some way to help
him deal. You can't cure his problems altogether, but you might be able to find
a way to lift him above them. To reduce the weight of them, to give him back
his strength, his hope, so that maybe he can finally stand up without those
issues pushing him right back down again." Kat had been trying to do that, to figure
out ways to help him, but she hadn't been doing such a great job of it so far.
"What issue does this world represent, exactly?" was what she finally
asked. "Isn't it obvious?" Bast queried
in return, gesturing around her. "This is him putting you up on a pedestal
so high that you become unattainable, something he can never have. But worse,
something he feels he's not good enough for. He made you something that's
perfect, holy, revered, a goddess, something he can only serve and worship.
This is him loving you, needing to be close to you, yet feeling like you're
something more than he deserves, more than he can hope for." "But he does have me... He never lost
me... I just..." Kat trailed off, trying to put it into words and failing. "You left," Bast said, not in a
tone of accusation, but of simply
stating a fact. "You didn't come back. If he has you, he doesn't feel it.
He doesn't believe it. And the more time that passed the further you slipped
out of reach for him. Until you were so far out of reach that you were just...
Gone. If you want him to see things differently, you're going to have to
convince him. I'm not sure how you can do that, but whatever you want to try,
I'm in. Just say the word, and you'll have all the help that I can give." "Limited by the fact that if he's
actually around, you turn back into just another character," Kat muttered.
There had to be some way to get past that though, something she could do. "It does complicate things," Bast
agreed with a nod, before suddenly looking thoughtful. "Although... It's
possible if you jarred him a little, broke through his focus on this world just
enough to render him confused, unsure... It might make him uncertain enough of
the characters here to allow me to act outside of my normal role. On the other
hand, it might just jolt his mind from this world to a different one. Hard to
say, really." "If there's a chance it might work
though, it's worth a shot. It opens up possibilities, at least," Kat said,
intently considering. "And it's not exactly like I have any better
ideas." "So what's the plan, then?" Bast
queried, watching her. "I need something that'll jar him out
of the role he's set for himself for a second without scaring him, or hurting
him. Fear or pain would both probably be the things that would cause his mind
to instinctively try to escape, and that would lead to the world shift. So I
need to... Shock him, startle him so much that for a moment he doesn't know
what to think. The question is, how do I blindside him like that without
scaring him?" Kat murmured more to herself than to Bast, still thinking. Bast's head suddenly jerked to the side,
her eyes focusing on something in the distance. "Looks like you're going
to have to figure it out later," the woman said, backing up a step.
"I can feel it coming." Kat was about to ask her what she meant,
when it hit her, the sudden surge of disorientation, and then the sense of
falling as the world around her disappeared. © 2012 SyntheticDivine |
Added on December 6, 2012 Last Updated on December 6, 2012 Author