![]() Chapter 7A Chapter by SyntheticDivine "It's not like it's forever. It's only
temporary, Matt," she found herself saying. She was in another memory, in
Matt's bedroom. But like before, by the time she realized it she was already
losing herself in her role within the memory. "It's not you, it's me. I
have to take some time and figure things out for myself. My entire life I've
always depended on myself for my happiness. I've believed in that, make
yourself happy before looking to anyone else for that. And all those a******s I
dated before... It was how I was able to always bounce back. By reminding
myself that I didn't need them, that I could be happy without them. But with
you..." "With me it's different?" Matt
demanded, his tone sounding angry but she could hear the hurt underneath it,
the pain this was causing him. "Why is that such a bad thing?" "Because I feel like I'm starting to
rely on you for my happiness. Like I'm becoming emotionally dependant on you,
and that scares the hell out of me. If I lean on you for all my emotional
needs, if I let myself need you like that... What if something happens Matt?
What if you decide you don't want me? I fall apart. I know a lot of girls would
think oh great, a love that's gotten that intense, let me jump right in. But
that step terrifies me. I can feel how much I want to take it, how much I want
to just cast everything else aside and need you, like warmth and oxygen, to the
point where you're everything and the world crumbles without you. But I'm
scared, Matt. Maybe it's because every guy before you hurt me. Maybe it's
because I could never imagine that kind of attachment being healthy until I
fell for you. Maybe it's because I just don't know how to handle that, those
feelings. I don't know, that's why I need some time to figure it all out, to
decide if I'm ready for that," Kat told him. She was doing her best to put
her feelings into words and still it didn't come out sounding how she wanted
it. "I need you, you know," Matt
said, the anger gone from his voice, his eyes shifting to stare at the ground.
"I'm already there Kat. In a way you can't imagine. I need you. You are my
world. You're everything good in my life. I need how happy I am when I'm with
you, how you make me feel. Without you... There's nothing. You are my everything.
Rely on myself for happiness? I wouldn't even know what that means. You are my
happiness. You are my love. And I need you." Kat winced. She knew he meant it, she knew
this couldn't be easy on him, but this was for the best. Better for her to come
to terms with her worries and her fears now then to freak out on him at some
point down the road. "It's only for awhile, Matt, I swear. It doesn't
change how I feel about you. I love you Matt, so much. It's not because I want
someone else, it's nothing like that. I can't even imagine myself being with
anyone but you, anymore. It's just something I have to figure out for myself.
Please, Matt. Please understand." Matt slowly lifted his head to stare right
at her, his face twisted with so many emotions she couldn't make them out.
"I do understand, Kat, but my understanding doesn't change the fact that
you're leaving me... I know you're scared, I know why you're making the choice
you're making, but you don't have to make that choice! You can... Take a leap
of faith. Trust in me. Say 'screw my fear' and dive in headfirst, and just
trust that we'll figure things out as they come, together. That you'll find a
way through it all, with me by your side. Put everything on the line and take a
chance, because the life we can have together is worth it. Show me that you
believe that, that the life we can have together is worth fighting for, is
worth struggling for, is worth everything. Don't give in to the fear, and let
it make you pull away. Fight. Fight for me."
"Do you think I want to do this Matt? I hate it. I hate that it's
hurting you. I hate that it'll mean I'll be apart from you for even one second.
But it's for the best. In the long run, it really is for the best. I want my
life with you to be perfect. I don't want this to come between us. I have to
work on myself. I have to get to a place where I'm not afraid, anymore,"
Kat tried to explain. "Nothing is perfect, Kat. There are
always problems of some kind or another. The test of a relationship is getting
through them, together. And there's no such thing as a place where there's no
fear. Being afraid is a part of being human. We can't erase our fears, we can
only fight to overcome them. And what you're doing now isn't about overcoming
your fears, it's about surrendering to them. You're giving in so you don't have
to fight. So you can just sit back and contemplate them, so you can try to wash
them away. So you don't have to take a risk. Am I not worth taking that risk
for, worth fighting for?" Matt demanded. Kat sighed and shook her head. "You
don't understand, Matt." "Yes, I do. What you're doing now is
selfish. It's beyond selfish. You're not doing it for us, you're doing it for
you. And you don't care what it does to me," Matt said flatly. "Of course I care, Matt. How can you
say that? How can you think I'm only doing this for myself?" Kat asked. "Because it's true," he replied
sadly, his voice dropping to a whisper. Kat sighed again. There were so many things
she wanted to say, but she didn't think any of them was going to make a
difference. "If you want to see it that way. It's not true, but I don't
want to argue about it, Matt. I don't want to go into this with us fighting. In
time, you'll see, I know you will. You'll understand. And one day, when we're
old and gray, we'll laugh about this together." Matt raised his hands to the sides of his
head, his fingers running through and then clenching around his hair. She could
see those hands trembling, see fine tremors running through his entire body.
"Kat... Please... Don't do this. Don't... Leave me. Please. I'm begging
you... I need you. Without you... It's too much. Please don't." Kat could feel it tearing at her heart,
seeing him like that. She wanted so badly to walk over and wrap her arms around
him, and tell him everything was going to be ok. She wanted to give into him,
just to take that pain away. But she knew she couldn't. "I'm sorry Matt.
You know how much I love you. It's not like we won't talk all the time. It's
not like we can't still be friends while I work on me. You're not just the boy
I love, you're my best friend, and nothing is going to change that. You'll
always be my Fox. It's just for awhile, and then we'll be together again, I
promise." For just a split second Kat saw a look on
his face, haunted, defeated, like someone who'd been through a war on the
losing side, who'd watched their entire world collapse around them and was now
trapped in the devastation left behind. It shook her to the core. "And if
you lose me?" Matt whispered as his expression assumed a mask of
neutrality, his eyes fixed on some point in the distance, not even seeing her
anymore. Kat swallowed hard and took a few deep
breaths, doing her best to push aside the feeling that had just hit her, to
remind herself how intense their feelings for each other were, and why she was
doing this. "I don't think that's possible. I don't think you could be
with anyone else any more than I could. I know that you're the only one for me,
Matt. I know that I don't want anyone else. And even when we're apart, that's
not going to change. I believe you feel the same. That even when we're apart,
I'll still be your Kitty. If I'm wrong... If you somehow find someone else... I
guess I'll have to accept that. But I don't believe it's possible." Matt still wouldn't look at her, but his
lips twisted into a horribly sad smile, as if there was something she hadn't
thought of. Something he knew that she didn't. "I love you Kitty," he
whispered, and then his eyes fell shut and he turned away from her.
"Goodbye." "It's not goodbye, Matt. It's just see
you later," Kat told him, but she felt the tiniest hint of doubt creep
through her, she heard it in her voice. For one instant she wanted to take it
all back, to scream out that she was sorry, that she'd made a mistake. But then
the moment passed, and they both just stood there. Matt didn't say anything, he
refused to look at her. And finally, after another moment, Kat turned and walked
out of the room. At least that's what the memory of her did.
But the future Kat, the one who now truly understood what Matt had meant when
he'd asked about losing him, remained. At the time she hadn't even contemplated
it, she hadn't even imagined that it was something he might do. But now, in
retrospect, it was clear what had entered his mind in that moment. For several seconds after she left, Matt
just stood there, trembling, as if not sure what to do with himself, but
finally he sat down on the edge of his bed. As the first tears streaked down
his face, his arms slowly encircled himself, his fingers clenching at his
clothes in a self-hug that clearly gave him no comfort. The flow of tears
quickly increased, and would've become outright sobs except that Matt made no
sound. Behind the tears, the look in his eyes was desolation. Horribly, Matt's
expression didn't crumble, it maintained that mask of neutrality, even as his
tears became a river down his cheeks, even as his nose began to run. If not for
those signs, and the look in his eyes, you wouldn't even know anything was
wrong with him. Slowly Kat walked over and sat on the bed
beside him, her heart aching more and more with every second she watched him.
She tried to reach out, to take his hand, to lay a palm against his cheek, but
her hands passed right through him. This was a memory, and she no longer had a
place in it. "I'm sorry," was all she could finally whisper, bowing
her head slightly. Then suddenly it was there, a sort of
haziness behind Matt, like an afterimage that couldn't be blinked away. It
didn't hold a firm shape, but the faint outlines gave the impression of a body,
a face. Of another Matthew, sitting behind the first. For a second she wasn't
sure if she was just imagining it, but then she heard his voice. It had an
echoing quality to it, like it was being spoken from far away. Her eyes shifted
quickly to the Matthew of the memory, but his lips weren't moving as he
continued his silent weeping. The words could only be coming from the other
one. "It was the worst moment of my life," were the words she heard,
but they were spoken in a sort of thoughtful, unfocused voice. It sounded
almost detached, not like Matt consciously commenting on the moment. Perhaps
his subconscious? Or some part of him that simply reflected on his memories? "I tried to call you, the next
day," Kat said hesitantly, not sure if he would hear or even understand
her. "I tried to call you a number of times, after that. I tried texting.
I tried e-mailing you. I wanted us to still be friends, to talk. I told you
that. You never replied. Eventually I even thought about barging back into your
apartment, I still had the key after all, but it... Felt like you didn't want
me there. Why didn't you ever answer me?" "Because all your texts, all your
e-mails, everything, were as a friend. You said how much you loved me in some
of them, but none of them said 'I made a mistake, I want us to be together
again'. Before we were together, I could've been your friend forever and never
asked for anything more. But once I fell for you, I couldn't do it. And I knew
I couldn't. I couldn't see you without wanting to kiss you. I couldn't be
around you without wanting to hold you. I couldn't speak to you without saying
how much I needed you back. I couldn't just be your friend anymore. And trying
would only have made it hurt worse. I was in so much pain. I knew if I picked
up the phone just once and heard your voice, I'd break down," Matt's voice
echoed to her, still detached from the emotion of the words being spoken. "There was a part of me that expected
you to chase after me. To try to convince me to change my mind, and ask me to
come back. At the time... I wouldn't have changed my decision but... It still
kind of hurt that you didn't try. I've seen how important I am to you, so why?
Why didn't you?" Kat asked. "Because as much as it hurt me, I
respected your decision, and your right to make it. I didn't want you to have
to be with me if you didn't want to be. You should've learned that about me,
after all these years. You saw how I was with other girls, back when we were
just friends. I was willing to go up and ask a girl out, after all I'm the guy
so I'm expected to make that move. After that, I've declared my interest, and
it's in the girl's court. If she's interested, it's her responsibility to say
so, and if she doesn't, I don't pursue it. I'm not one of those guys who'll
keep after a girl and bug her and pester her to go out with me. I hate those
guys, the type who refuses to take no for an answer. I'm not going to pressure
someone to be with me who doesn't want to be. Because if they don't want to be
there, then I'm just going to feel lousy for making them. It isn't my job to
convince someone to like me. If you like me, great. If not, then I'd rather be
with someone who does. And if a girl liked me but said no when I asked her out
just to play coy or hard to get, I hated that even worse. I've always despised
mind games, and if a girl can't be honest and upfront about her interest, she's
not going to get a second chance, because I won't ask again. "I actually want to feel wanted. That
was one of the greatest things about you. When you decided you wanted me, you
showed it. No games, no messing around. You made it clear how you felt and were
willing to put yourself out there hoping I'd feel the same. It's part of what
always made you so amazing. You aren't the type to play games, so when you
left, I knew you weren't doing it just to get me to chase you. You weren't
doing it just to be pursued. Yours was an honest decision. I might not have
agreed with it, but you had the right to make it for yourself. Whatever your
reason, you didn't want to be with me, and I wasn't going to try and force you
to. No matter how much your decision hurt me, if I couldn't respect it then I
wouldn't have been worth being with anyways," some part of Matt said, the
outlines alternately sharpening and hazing even further at different points
while he spoke. It was true, while they'd never actually
talked about it, he had exhibited that behavior before. Once in high school
she'd seen him ask a girl out who, after saying no, then turned around and
pursued him a few weeks later. It had been his turn to turn the girl down, and
while Kat had always wondered why he had, she'd always been kind of glad that
he had. "Why didn't you wait for me?" she
finally pressed, her voice barely above a whisper. "Three months, Kat. Were you any
closer to being ready than you were when you left?" the voice echoed
accusingly. Kat just slowly bowed her head, closing her
eyes. "No." "Not one of your texts or e-mails
indicated you were, either. You leaving
felt more and more like it carried a weight of... Finality. And I realized I
was satisfied with the life I'd already lived. I'd done most of what I wanted
to. I didn't have any really big dreams. No visions of far away lands and
cities I wanted to visit. I had no illusions of becoming Hollywood famous, or
some big sports star. As smart as I was, I knew I wasn't going to make it big
and get really rich, and even if I did the money wouldn't have had any real
meaning for me. And my music... I played for myself anyways, so I didn't have
some dream of making it big there either. The one really important thing that I
wanted, I'd already gotten. I fell in love with you, I got to experience what
real love is like. I got to be happy for awhile. To share that happiness with
someone who really mattered to me. And that was enough, for me. I know people
would say 'oh you're so young, you have your entire life ahead of you', but
what would that life be like? There was nothing left in it I really wanted,
except you, and I didn't have you anymore. I was so tired of fighting the pain,
of having to struggle with it day after day, of being weighed down by it. Even
if a medication or treatment were to somehow get me past it again, none of them
would last forever. There is no fix for what's wrong with me. I would have to
live in fear of a relapse, and if and when one happened I would have to go
through this all over again. I just... Didn't want to spend another day feeling
that way. I felt I'd suffered enough. That I deserved a rest, and the right to
choose that for myself. Most people don't think about it, but they all have
something to live for, some reason to go on. I didn't anymore. I just wanted it
all to be over," that part of Matt explained. "I told you we'd be together again. I
just needed time. If you'd just held on a bit longer..." Kat trailed off,
upset and frustrated at the same time. There was a sigh that seemed to come from
everywhere at once, and the lines of the hazy figure shifted, as if it was
turning to look at her. "I just had no hope, anymore. I no longer
believed." © 2012 SyntheticDivine |
Added on December 6, 2012 Last Updated on December 6, 2012 Author