![]() Chapter 2A Chapter by SyntheticDivine It was with another jolt that Kat found
herself standing on a cold stone floor in a dimly lit hallway. The only light
seemed to be coming from torches arranged in rows along the walls, spaced
several feet apart. The walls were made of the same dark stone as the floor, in
fact the more Kat looked around the more it seemed like she was standing inside
some ancient castle, the kind built during the middle ages. Was this another
part of Matthew's mind, like the cave had been? "Matthew?" she called out,
hearing her voice echo down the hall. There were multiple doorways along the
hallway, but she had no idea where any of them led, or where she would need to
go to find him. "Excuse me, Miss," a soft voice
said right behind her, nearly causing Kaitlyn to jump a foot in the air in
surprise and shock. The hallway had been completely empty just a second before,
she was certain of it. Yet turning on her heels, she found herself face to face
with the speaker. How they'd gotten there, she didn't know, but as her eyes
scanned up and down along them, the more important question seemed to be...
What were they? The face was androgynous in bone structure, the hair medium
length and brushed straight, offering no hints of gender through it's styling.
The person was slightly shorter than Kat's 5'5", yet the voice had been
just a touch masculine. The skin was pale, too pale, the kind of stark white
that made you think the flesh had never once been touched by sunlight. The
teeth were just a touch too pointed, too sharp. Not like those of a shark, but
just enough that looking at them made you instinctively think of predators. The
fingernails were long, clawlike, and the eyes... The eyes were not only dark,
but the pupils were too wide, like someone on drugs. Seeing that they had her
attention, the speaker went on. "Are you here to see the prince?" 'It's not real,' Kat had to remind herself,
rendered speechless for a moment. 'It's just part of Matt's mind, like a bad
dream.' "Miss?" the speaker prompted when
she didn't reply for several seconds, moving a step closer. "The prince?" Kat finally asked,
getting a hold of herself. "Is the prince Matthew?" "Prince Frost reigns here, Miss. I'm
afraid I've never heard of a Matthew," the androgynous creature answered,
tilting it's head slightly to the side as it studied her. That was enough to give Kat another
moment's hesitation. But if this really was like a dream, then names really
didn't mean anything. Matt could be called anything, in this place. She didn't
quite know what would happen if she went to meet this prince, but she did know
that standing around in the hallway by herself wasn't going to get her
anywhere. Either the prince would be Matt, or maybe he could tell her how to
find him. "Prince Frost, right. Yes, I'm here to
see the prince," Kat replied. "Could you take me to him?" "Of course Miss," the creature
said, stepping past her and beginning to walk down the hall, obviously
expecting her to follow. She did, although she allowed a few feet of space
between them, just in case. "Is the prince expecting you?" "I don't think so," Kat replied,
trying to catch glimpses through the empty doorways into the rooms beyond, but
finding most of them dark and unlit. "Does he get a lot of visitors?" "Not really, Miss. They call me Sharp,
by the way, Miss. I'm one of the caretakers of the prince's castle," the
creature stated. She could hear its toenails clicking against the stone floor
as they walked. For a second Kat wondered at the
strangeness of the creature and their surroundings. Had the tables been turned
and Matt been inside her head, would he have been somewhere equally weird?
She'd certainly had her share of strange dreams and ideas in the past. How did
one know what the inner workings of one's own mind looked like? For all she
knew, there were dozens of creatures just like Sharp running around inside her
head. The thought gave her a little shiver. "So, uhm... Sharp. What does a castle
caretaker do exactly?" she asked after a moment of walking in silence. "Why, we keep the order around here,
Miss. We make sure people get where they're going. We deal with the prince's
enemies should they be foolish enough to show themselves. We make certain
everything is neat and tidy. And if the furniture gets hungry, we feed
it," Sharp informed her. "If the furniture..." Kat
sputtered, unable to wrap her mind around that one. "That last bit was a joke, Miss.
Furniture doesn't eat things you know. At least, most furniture doesn't. This
way, please," Sharp said before hanging a left into another hallway. "Oh, uh, ha... Ha ha... Very funny,
Sharp," Kat did her best to humor the creature. "I thought so, Miss. If I may say so,
try not to appear so nervous. It makes you a bit of an easy target," Sharp
informed her. "Thanks for the advice," Kat
muttered. This Sharp was certainly an odd one, beyond their appearance. She
still hadn't quite figured them out yet. "So, does the prince have many
enemies around here?" "Not anymore, Miss," Sharp said,
flexing their hands in such a way that it really showed off the clawlike
fingernails. "Not anymore." Swallowing hard, Kat let that one slide,
not knowing how to properly respond and not sure she'd want to if she knew.
"So how long have you been serving the prince?" "Why, I've always served the prince,
Miss," Sharp answered, sounding mildly shocked, as if there could be no
other answer and she was a bit foolish even to ask such a question. "Here
we are, Miss, nearly there." Following the frightening yet surprisingly
polite creature, Kat made one last turn into a short hallway leading to a large
set of double doors. As they approached, the doors swung open of their own
accord. No knocking, not a single bell rung, rather it was like there'd been a
motion detector which had sensed their presence. Kat's steps faltered a little
as Sharp walked through to the room beyond, but after the split second's
hesitation she pressed on. What
she found herself in was perhaps the strangest throne room she'd ever seen, not
that she'd seen that many. At one end was a throne made of deep red stone. It
almost seemed like it was carved out of some giant ruby, as if you could ever
find a gemstone of sufficient size to carve into something like that. Just to
the sides of the throne were two rows of smaller seats, which she could've
sworn were made of alternately sapphire and obsidian. A short distance in front
of the throne were two large stone slabs, big enough for a person to lay on. In
fact, on each slab were four sets of manacles, positioned approximately where
someone's arms and legs would go. There were faint traces of red liquid having
dried out in the cracks of the stone. From what, Kat didn't even want to think.
Beyond the slabs were a number of different tools and devices, and it only took
one glance to tell what they were for. Torture. Set to the sides of those were
even more seats, as if to create a gallery for whatever went on there. To be honest the place would've terrified
her if not for the fact that there, seated on the throne, surrounded by a
number of strange creatures, was Matthew. "MATT!" she shouted his
name, unable to help herself as she began sprinting across the room towards
him. To see him conscious again, aware and looking around, stirred inside her
feelings and hopes that had almost been too much to bear seated by his bedside
that past month, longing for him to open his eyes and look at her just once. At the sound of her shout the creatures
seated around the throne turned their heads almost as one towards her, and
Matt's head shifted, his eyes fixing on her. She almost expected him to leap
off the throne and rush towards her, the way she was running towards him now,
but he didn't, he just sat there and stared with a sudden look of amusement on
his face. It was then, as she began to near him, that she noticed more and more
details she'd missed in the exhilaration of her first sight of him. The normal
warmth in his gray eyes was absent, in fact his eyes were a couple shades paler
than normal, and the look in them was icy cold. The way he was holding himself
showed a sort of regal and contemptuous confidence that was completely unlike
Matt, whose body language usually seemed just a touch self-conscious. Matt's
hair was almost always neatly combed or mussed into a careless tangle, but the
hair of the boy on the throne was slightly spiked in places, creating sharper
angles to his appearance. His skin was a touch paler than Matt's, his lips a
slightly darker red. A dozen little differences that caused her run to suddenly
grind to a halt just past the stone slabs as she realized that as much as he
might look like him, this boy was NOT her Matthew. "Prince Frost," Sharp's voice
spoke up behind her. "I bring you a visitor, sire. I found her in the
halls, looking a little lost." "So I see," the boy on the throne
said. Even his voice was colder and just a tad deeper than Matt's. "She
seems to have mistaken me for someone. Come closer, pretty one. Tell us who it
is you thought I was, just now." "I... I thought you were my boyfriend,
Matthew," Kat replied, hesitantly shuffling a few steps closer, a cold
knot forming in the pit of her stomach. "There's no Matthew here, I'm
afraid," the boy told her, smiling coldly as he beckoned for her to
approach further. "Whatever made you think I was him?" "You... Look a lot alike,"
Kaitlyn answered. Suddenly worried what might happen should she refuse, she took
several more steps forward, enough to place her directly before the throne and
in line with some of the seats surrounding it. "Did you hear that, Sharp?" the
boy called towards the back of the room. "Apparently there's a commoner
with my likeness running about." "If any of the caretakers come across
him, he shall be brought before you, sire," the creature called back. "Very good. Now as for you," the
boy said, turning his attention back to Kat. "How did you gain entrance to
my castle?" Kat was frozen, speechless, unsure how to
answer that. If she told him she'd simply appeared there because it was all
part of some fantasy in Matt's head, she wasn't quite sure she'd get the
reaction she hoped for. Then she remembered, something the person who'd given
her the way into Matt's mind had told her. It no longer came to her as a
whisper, but nevertheless seemed to have a sharpness of clarity far stronger
than any normal memory. It had been a warning. She couldn't wake Matt from the
not-quite-dreams he was trapped in, but she could jar his awareness. To do so
though would be very, very dangerous. "Play along with the worlds his
subconscious has created", the person had told her. "If there comes a
time to try to jar him from them, you'll know it. Until then, go undercover.
Find the things plaguing him, and help him fight." Alright, she could do that. She just had to
play along until she could figure out what in the hell this place was supposed
to represent and how to help him deal with it, right? Taking a deep breath,
Kaitlyn scrambled for an excuse that would fit in with everything she'd seen so
far, something that might satisfy the boy before her. "I... I came through a secret
entrance, sire. I'd heard it said how much like my Matthew his highness
appeared, and I came to see for myself if it was true," Kat threw out. It
was all she could think of to say. "Oh, is that so, pretty one?" the
boy murmured, studying her so intensely she could almost imagine that the cold
of his eyes was boring holes into her. "And now you're satisfied as to the
truth of these rumors?" "I... Yes, sire," Kaitlyn
replied, unsure what else to say. "Well then, we'll just have to keep
you as a guest for awhile, won't we? See if this Matthew comes to collect you
himself. I'd very much like to meet this man who shares my face," the
prince said in an icy tone. "As you say, sire," Kat told him,
inclining her head a little in acceptance. Well, she'd found her in, but where
did she go from here? It was clear Matthew wasn't inside the castle itself. Was
it possible that Prince Frost was some strange incarnation of him? That a piece
of Matthew lived on inside him, representing some dark aspect of his
personality, with the body changed to match? "You never did tell us your
name," the prince suddenly prompted, still watching her. "Kat, sire," she quickly replied. For an instant, at the sound of her name,
his face twitched, and Kat thought she could see the faintest signs of
recognition in his features. But just as quickly, it was gone, as completely as
if it had never been there at all. "Well, Kat, this is my court, or at
least what of it is here at the moment," the prince said, gesturing to the
seats to his sides and to the creatures who dwelled within them, all as
frighteningly strange as Sharp had been. "And of course, you've already
met one of my caretakers. I'm sure you'll meet the others later. Tell me, do
the peoples outside the castle still love their liege? It's been so long since
I last left the castle and saw them. In fact, I can't even remember when the
last time was." "Of course, sire," Kat broke in
when she saw the confusion spreading over the boy's features. The fact was that
in this world there probably was no place outside the castle, and it wouldn't
do for the prince to remember that. She needed to change the subject if she
could. "Tell me, your highness, what are those for?" she asked,
gesturing back to the slabs and the torture devices behind her. Matt was
neither a sadist nor a masochist, and he wasn't that heavily into bondage, so
she had no idea what purpose they had within his mind. The prince's eyes focused once more, and a
cold smile spread slowly over his face. "Why, those are for the prisoners,
of course." "Prisoners, sire?" she pressed. "The last of my enemies, captured and
held in the depths of this castle. Occasionally they try to flee, but not one
has escaped us yet. The Weak Ones, we amuse ourselves with the suffering they
so richly deserve. You'll see it for yourself, later. One would almost think
the disgusting things breed down there, for all that we've killed and yet still
so many remain," the prince stated with a look of contempt. "You... You torture prisoners to
death... Here, in this room?" Kat asked with a sense of revulsion as she
turned to look behind her. The red liquid dried into the cracks of the stone
slab. She'd known it was probably blood, but she'd been able to push it out of
her mind, keep from focusing on it. Now she knew for sure. How many people had
died on those slabs? And the torture devices that lay beyond? She couldn't help
but tremble at the very thought. 'It's just a dream,' she quickly told herself,
struggling to get a grip on herself. 'Just a fantasy. It's not real.' The prince clearly noticed her discomfort.
"It is nothing less than they deserve," he stated firmly, still
smiling that cold smile. "For what? For defying you?" Kat
demanded as she rounded back on the boy. "Of course not. For being weak. The
lot of them couldn't stand against me if they tried. Defiance from them would
be meaningless. But their weakness... Their weakness sickens me," the
prince said, his eyes narrowing, filling with a look of twisted hatred. Slowly,
he rose from the throne to a standing position, and the creatures around him
rose as one to follow him. "They are pathetic. Unworthy of the breath they
draw. My air, from my kingdom. And so we carve their weakness from them piece
by piece. We search for the strength inside them, but there's never any there,
not in any of them. So we take them apart, until there's nothing left." Kat shrank back a step, a terror growing
deep inside her. She started to turn, but before she could move any further she
found Sharp there, standing behind her, it's clawed hands raised in warning, as
if to make clear precisely what would happen if she tried to run. "The
prince hasn't given you leave to go anywhere, Miss," the creature told
her, icy undertones in the politeness of its voice. "You don't approve?" the prince
mocked, taking several steps towards her, until he stood barely a foot away.
"Don't have the stomach for what I do to cull the weak from my realm? Then
why wait until later? Let's see just how much strength you have, dear Kat.
Sharp, go fetch one of the prisoners. Bring him to me." Sharp watched her for a few seconds more
before finally turning and striding off towards a doorway on the opposite side
of the room from where they came in, disappearing through it after one last
glance back at them. For a split second Kaitlyn had the impulse to try to break
and run without the caretaker there to stop her, but one look at the prince
convinced her otherwise. His eyes followed her every movement with a cold
glare, and she was somehow sure he was much faster than she was. Not only that,
but the other creatures were edging closer, a sort of cruel glee in their
expressions. A long moment passed before the clicking of
toenails against stone in the distance signaled that Sharp was returning. At
that moment the prince gestured to one of the creatures, nearly seven feet tall
and bearing a nasty resemblance to many drawings she'd seen of a minotaur, and
then pointed to her. "Chain, hold her." "With pleasure, my liege," the
creature grumbled as it stepped forward, grabbing Kat's arms in grips like a
vice and drawing them behind her back, where it held her wrists firmly
together, almost like an officer about to cuff her. From the strength she could
feel behind the hairy hands on her flesh, she got the sense that trying to
struggle would be a very, very bad idea. It was only a couple seconds later that
Sharp came walking back through the door, the end of a leash in one hand, the
other end of the leash attached to a collar around the neck of a person that
was being tugged after him. At the sight of the prisoner, Kat's heart leapt
into her throat. It was Matthew, the real Matthew this time. Only there was a
look about him, a look she'd only seen in him once before. Haunted, defeated.
He moved as if he didn't even see the people and creatures in the room. As if
he was blindly following the pressure on the leash towards a fate which he'd
already accepted, and there was no fight left in him. As she saw him being pulled helplessly
towards one of the slabs, she felt his name tearing its way out of her throat,
and she couldn't stop it. "MATTHEW!" "Matthew?" the prince asked
sharply, his eyes turning first to the prisoner and then back to her with an
incredulous look on his face. "This is the Matthew you spoke of earlier?
The one you think looks like me?" Confusion flashed through Kat at the words.
"Can't you see it?" she demanded, using a quick jerk of her head to
gesture towards him. "He looks exactly like you." Rage consumed the prince's features, and
his hand flashed out. For a split second, Kat was sure he meant to hit her, but
the hand stopped short a scant inch from her face. Four fingers moved in to
rest gently on her cheek, the thumb moving around to her other cheek, and then
suddenly all five fingers tightened, the prince gripping Kat's face and holding
it in place as he moved his own head in until their eyes were millimeters
apart. "You dare?" the prince whispered, not just anger but raw
hatred in his voice. "It's true the Weak Ones all look alike, but they
look NOTHING like me. NOTHING. Do not speak such filth in my presence
again." The prince released Kat's face and stepped
away as Sharp pushed the prisoner down onto his back on the slab. Matthew
didn't even try to resist as one by one, the manacles were locked around his
limbs. Kat's thoughts were racing desperately. The Weak Ones all looked the
same? So they all looked like Matthew? And that's who the prisoners were that
the prince had been bringing here and torturing, and killing, for who knew how
long? In some corner of Matt's mind he'd had creatures from some bad dream, and
some twisted version of himself, slowly ripping him apart over and over again? The prince strode past the slab, stepping
over to a rack holding a number of different objects, and selected a wickedly
curved and very sharp looking blade from it, testing the weight of it in his
hand before turning back, his features now consumed by his hatred. "Sire!" Kat called out
desperately, not wanting even to imagine what the prince intended to do with
that blade. "Help me understand. I want to understand. Why do you call
them the Weak Ones, what's weak about him?" "Can't you see it?" the prince
practically snarled the words, the rage in his expression making him seem
almost as monstrous as the creatures around him. "Too ugly. Not smart
enough. Not funny enough. Stupid, weak, pathetic. Always says the wrong thing.
Always does the wrong thing. Never gets things right," the prince was
chanting it almost like a litany at the prisoner as he walked a circle around
the slab, and the prisoner simply laid there with that defeated look and
accepted it. "Not confident enough. Not athletic
enough. Not special enough. Not good enough. Worthless. Loser. You knew it, you
always knew. You knew you'd never be enough. And still you thought you could
hold her!" the prince spat out, and the prisoner shuddered in pain, as if
the words were an actual physical blow. "You're a failure, a monster, a
freak. And you're weak. You've always been weak. You don't deserve anything
good in your life. You never have! What is there in you worth loving? Worth
wanting? What worthwhile thing could anyone see in you?" the prince
demanded, the hand holding the knife suddenly flashing out, slicing a long deep
cut into the flesh of the prisoner's upper right arm, blood immediately welling
up and beginning to flow down onto the stone slab. "IF I CUT YOU APART
WILL I FIND ANYTHING WORTH KEEPING?" the prince shouted the words, his
hand flashing out again to slice another long cut into the prisoner's upper
chest. With each slice of the blade the prisoner
shut his eyes tight and gritted his teeth, his body shuddering with the pain,
but he didn't scream or cry out. His eyes slowly opened after the second cut,
tears leaking from their corners as he answered, his voice choked with sadness.
"No." "STOP IT!" Kaitlyn shrieked,
trying to struggle forward, but finding the creature's grip on her far too
tight to escape. The sight of Matthew in pain was tearing her apart, but she
understood now, she finally understood. This was a place of insecurity, of
self-doubt. Every time he'd ever felt unsure of himself, every time he'd ever
wondered if he was good enough at something, all of it was manifested here. The look in the prince's eyes as he stared
down at the prisoner, though. It was more than that. There was genuine hatred
there. Matt... Hated himself. She'd never known, never guessed. The prince was
the manifestation of that hatred, a representation of cold anger, of
unflinching uncaring judgment that would spot every flaw, every mistake, and
forgive none of them. Kat had always known that Matt was a little
insecure, though he hid it well in public. With his music, with some poetry
he'd written, with the few relationships he'd had over the years, with his
appearance, he'd always secretly looked to her for reassurance about those
sorts of things, for encouragement. And even when he didn't seem insecure, he
still had this teasing, charming way of drawing compliments out of people, a
way that led few to guess just how important those compliments were to him. She'd always just seen it as him depending
on her as a friend. She'd found it kind of endearing even, how much her opinion
meant to him, how much he valued and trusted in the way she saw him. And it
wasn't like she hadn't had her own share of times of asking for his opinion on
this or that. And he'd always been ready with the perfect, sweetest things to
say. How amazing she looked in a given outfit. How she should believe in her
dream of becoming a doctor, and how wonderful she'd be with her patients. Or,
after a breakup when she was feeling her worst about herself, how it wasn't her
fault. How there was nothing wrong with her that would've caused her latest ex
to treat her that way. How beautiful, and kind, and incredible she was. He'd
helped her so many times when she was feeling a little down, that she'd found
it only natural to encourage him in turn. She'd known how much her occasional
compliments meant to him, even more so after they'd finally started dating and
she'd caught real glimpses of the insecurities beneath. But she'd never guessed
it was this bad. She'd known how well he covered it in public, how well he hid
those insecurities beneath that sweet charm of his, but she'd thought that when
he opened up to her about it when they were together, that she was seeing it
all. She'd never thought that he was still hiding the true depths of it, even
from her. The prince ignored her shout, instead
beginning to draw the edge of the blade very slowly across Matthew's stomach,
opening a third cut in his skin with torturous precision. The sight of more of
his blood snapped something inside her. She shrieked again, but this time it
was a wordless cry, and without thinking she threw herself forward again, only
knowing that she had to stop what was happening. The grip on her arms was firm, but still
she fought against it, straining with every ounce of strength she had in her.
Her muscles cried out in agony, and it felt like she was going to dislocate
both her shoulders, but she didn't stop. She wouldn't stop, she couldn't. A
groan of pain escaped her lips, but she didn't care. She had to help him, had
to save him, and she was going to do whatever it took. At the sound of her pain though, the prince
suddenly froze, the movement of the knife halting in mid-stroke as in the same
instant both prince and prisoner's heads turned towards her. They looked at her
almost as if they were seeing her for the first time. "Kat... No..."
the same words, spoken together by two voices talking as one. Kat couldn't say for sure what happened
next. It was as if the laws of physics were thrown into chaos. Everything
became distorted. Sight and sound shifted so rapidly that the things she saw
and heard couldn't be made sense of. It was as if the world around her was
ripping apart, falling away, and she was falling with it. © 2012 SyntheticDivine |
Added on December 5, 2012 Last Updated on December 5, 2012 Author