The hours of the insistent thought,
of waiting war, of turmoil in dilemma
gather up their own black shadows
at the waning of the night.
There are no tolling bells for them,
for brighter moments make us men.
Then it is we may discover that
we are alive, autonomous, aware.
It shakes us, hurts us just a bit
...and it is good.
It is then that "never mind"
grows its inspiration, as the shadows
grow with every waxing of the sun.
And here we take that one
profound and unseen gift that we
may never understand, and then
begin the life path to explore
the precious detritus
that has sifted through.
The consciousness that of
its genuine nature seizes the gaze,
arrests desire, pervades reality, dismissing self,
and then becomes its queen.
She has no need for throne or light;
Her silent presence rules the day.