If I were
an astronomer,
a follower of Papa
Galileo through
th'expanding years,
I should be
less confounded by
that vortex
in the sky
first spotted
when a learned bro
peeked through
his viewing lens.
"Our home"
he said, "is bigger
than we thought!"
and thus he kicked
the boot of Italy
into a cosmic ocean
where galactic islands drift,
defying that old wader
of its terra,
no longer firm-a
("oh, let's asee my fren;
we play da words,
I mean, da Medi-terra-neans")
Yes, I know signore, those
who think longingly
about their home upon
the ground beneath.
But there it is,
a starry nebulum
that just will not behave
as science thought it should.
And so she floats
albeit saucilly
with starry hands
on cosmic hips,
"Just where"
she wants to know,
"is a galaxy
to go?"