Did you even note;
an imposter is in our midst!
And our beloved Tube is the originator.
Faithless beast, merely nipping
at our consciousness for many years
and now the unsuspecting weather man
is the infected carrier, flipping forth
without a care--unconsciously,
the old ageworn and frazzled fellow
practiced through the decades, now
hallowed by the dapper dans as
respected common fare. I give you
the uncelebrated, very frequent and
Unconscious Obstinate Cliche.
No, this not a sexist accusation, boys.
The fetching weather bunnies
will not face indictment by my pen.
Though often glorified as chief
among the holders of degree
in meteorology, it is the men most prone
to say, "As we make our way into...."
the weekend, or such travels
that we helpless viewers take.
But politics, not weather news,
may have the honor of origination.
Sixty years ago I first became aware
when a network commentator told us
of a president, no less,
"making his way" down the aisle
to deliver his thoughts on
the state of the union.
"And us", you say?
Well, I for one may make my way
into oblivion
with just the right amount of
claim to fame. That I (ahem)
duly noted, dedicated, scribed and launched
a new cliche upon a very
celebrated list for all of humankind.