Though mine among the millions, still I do not own this child. The core of stone or mist released this night to stand along the ramparts long ago upraised to serve one cause alone, demarking truth from void.
For art is higher than the noblest vision. It is our sustenance, our nostrum for decay, indeed, but more! It is the centrifuge of breathing dust that found a universe beyond itself, and then another just inside its own, in equal whirling splendor... in tune with sirens singing in the soul! ~~
For art is higher than the noblest vision.
It is our sustenance,
our nostrum for decay, indeed,
but more!
It is the centrifuge of breathing dust
that found a universe beyond itself,
Oh my goodness that is beautiful and deep writing.
but what does it say?--utter confusion, I guess. Thanks.
"Stage play?" I think not.
11 Years Ago
To me it speaks of the deeper things - the twist in the DNA or flash in the dendrites that drives ar.. read moreTo me it speaks of the deeper things - the twist in the DNA or flash in the dendrites that drives artists to create beyond themselves. To paint, to write - to leave a legacy. I will leave a lot of scribbled on paper but legacy? Nope. I'm a wannabe. I just can't stop. Writing is my addiction. That and nachos. I only wish I were brilliant like this poem.
11 Years Ago
Thank you, but do not sell yourself short. I have no corner on brilliance
For art is higher than the noblest vision. -- such an apt statement. I think this is a hopeful piece, but there is a sense of something deeper here. I see the shreds of the "sustenance" that you write of written in beautiful, Dean. You always have such a great way of connecting scenes together.
If I'm not mistaken you are questioning yourself ( this child within ) in relationship to your Creator and all the void or chasm between both and how to bridge the great divide between man and The Lord of all...You want your soul to sing in joy of its faith and the hope of the future. My take on it and I commend you for this awesome write sir ...:)
There are certainly worlds outside and inside infinity...
But I don't think art can be higher than vision, because without vision there is no art.
The words are beautifully laid, but i need to read this more than twice to slide between the layers. Are 'we' talking of creating another and new word from thought, from imagination, then displaying it on life's stage or perhaps a stage. I'm speaking aloud, more hypothesis than .. The work's like your child, it has to fly, be seen. Won't rate for now, but, i will, be sure of that.
You are perfectly right to question If a piece does not stand well on its own, what good is it?read moreYou are perfectly right to question If a piece does not stand well on its own, what good is it?
(I like you hiding there--between the sheets)
11 Years Ago
It's not the piece that fails to stand well, Dean - far from it.. it's my brain and only that. Wil.. read moreIt's not the piece that fails to stand well, Dean - far from it.. it's my brain and only that. Will keep returning until the light stays on.
11 Years Ago
You are being charitable, but you need to realize the value of what you say. I prize it, and indeed.. read moreYou are being charitable, but you need to realize the value of what you say. I prize it, and indeed it is what I look for in readers--else how would I improve.