![]() Chapter Six - ConversationA Chapter by SynHawk
Chapter Six
The fire popped loudly and Hawk jumped, his mind returning. He had been staring into the wavering flames for the last hour while the girls finished off their chores for the day. It had been a month since Avia and his duel; things had gone quite smoothly, no more trouble had been brewing as far as he could tell. Or at least nothing had been after them. The two of them patrolled each night until the moon had already started to descend unto day. Usually they spent the time talking and learning more about each other
Hawk climbed up one of the larger trees and peered into a valley that dipped down away from the town, trying to make out any shapes. Avia was leaning against the tree below, looking up at him
“No, although I don't exactly have night owl vision. But it seems safe”
“Guess it was nothing then. Come on down”
The two of them had heard something like a scream, but it was probably an animal. The birds had a habit of making disturbing noises around Alowen. Once they checked it out they looked at the moon, deciding it was time to head back for the night. Half way back to the inn, Avia's voice broke the peaceful night
“Hey Hawk...”
“Where exactly did you learn to fight?”
It was one of their first few nights patrolling, and Avia had yet to learn just where he had gotten to where he was, other than coming from Cimcaler “I know you were raised in Cimcaler but, how exactly did you come to learn all of your magic and swordplay? It’s not really a basic education...”
“You have a point... mostly. Where and what I grew up with taught me my swordplay, it was the only way I could survive” He paused and Avia looked out into the night as she listened, working out just what a childhood he must have had “But when I discovered magic it was quite a different story, I ran into a woman called Faye. She was a teacher of sorts and I stuck with her for as long as I could. I learned all my basic knowledge from her; the rest is from inherent talent and what I've discovered along the way”
“Not that your bragging” She smiled warmly at him in the dark
The rest was idle chatter as they strode back to the inn, long days ahead
“Hawk” Erika had apparently finished and was sitting on the table behind him; he jumped, again, as he heard her voice
“Don't do that!” he grinned jokingly and motioned for her to sit next to him
“Sorry Hawk” she said toothily, lying down next to him by the warm fire. Thanos had lit it before he went out to gather a few things for tomorrow. The two of them looked into the fire as the light washed over them. Erika took her eyes from the fire and looked over at Hawk
“So how has your tunic been holding out over the last few days?”
SynHawk twisted away from Avia’s blade, ducking under her leg as she spun by. He looked up from the ground and dived to the side, getting some distance. As he did this he slipped and got his arm caught on a branch, ripping his tattered shirt and worn clothes. Avia grinned and lowered her rapier
“Hrm” She looked at his back, as he got up and winced
“I guess they finally gave way”
“You could put it like that, I think it’s time to fit you out with something a little newer” she walked over to him and helped him to his feet with a helping hand. She noticed a small gash on his back “oh wait” she moved her hand to his back and touched it tentatively “we should see to that first”
“Eh it’s alright, although I won’t want to stain my new clothes so soon”
“All the more reason, come on” her hand lingered for a second, but she then shook it off and marched him off to the inn once again
An hour later they had picked up Erika along the way and they were in the tailors shop. Then Avia and Erika got Hawk to sit down on a stool while they poked around the shelves looking for something practical
“Don’t I get a say?”
“Not when you’re staying in the same inn as a couple of girls. We’ll have to put up with what you wear” a voice, probably Avia’s, called out from the back of the shop
“Well that’s that I suppose” Hawk sat there and lent against the wood of the wall, wincing as he pressed awkwardly against the wall, his cut stinging slightly. He sat there quietly as Erika rushed past and out the door; he watched her leave and then called out to Avia
“Where is she heading?”
“Another errand”
Hawk jumped as the words came from over his shoulder; she had snuck up on him
“An errand for you, or are we finding something else for me?”
“Footwear” she handed a pile of clothing to him “This should do, into it you go”
“Yes ma’am” he took the bundle and made his way to the back of the shop.
Avia passed the boots to him when Erika came back. Then he was done, they had found him a cheap set of black leather breeches, boots and a black cotton shirt. Over the top was a black tunic with a gold belt
“It’ll do, have to keep our inn’s staff clothed after all” Avia grinned
“Thanks you two, how can I p-”
“You help enough already, it’s on us”
“It’s good, should last a fair while” he grinned and lay back, looking at the ceiling. Or at least until he had a cloak thrown over his face
“Here, I dug this out of one of my drawers. I was looking for it for the last couple of days” Avia plopped herself down on the other side of Erika
“You’re sure?” Hawk held it up; it was black wool with a gold clasp “It looks new”
“Unworn I believe, not new. I’m not one for cloaks; they just get in the way most of the time”
“Thanks, keep out the cold on those long walking nights” He placed it over his legs and lay back again. Closing his eyes and letting the sound of a crackling fire fill his head. The three sat together in the warmth before he heard Avia stir
“Where is everyone? We haven’t seen anyone for the last week…” her voice trailed off
“Maybe the rumors of people disappearing have turned into gossip? It always spreads like wildfire around Cimcaler. I’m sure it is just people being cautious”
As he said this, there was a loud bang and Erika yelped. Hawk bent up and his head whipped around to face the door. It was only Valis; the wind had caught the door
“Sorry Erika! The wind got the better of me”
Letting out a loud sigh, Erika’s hand pulled back her hair and Hawk turned back to the fire. Avia however had her eye’s stuck on Valis’ face
“What?” she made her way over and sat on one of the chairs, facing the fire
“Are you alright? You seem, edgy”
Hawk looked up at Valis and admitted to himself that she was right, Valis looked like she was about to fall of her chair. She kept looking over her shoulder and wringing her hands, something seemed to be eating at her mind
“I’m alright, I think. It’s stupid” she looked at Avia and smiled slightly. Hawk closed his eyes and lay back down slowly, listening quietly to himself as they started to talk.
“Come on, you can tell us of all people” Avia motioned to her and her sister
“You’re, you’re right… but it just feels so stupid. For the last month or so…” Valis hesitated and then shook her head “I’ve felt like someone is watching me, it’s like that prickling feeling when you know someone is there but you can’t see them” “Your right; that would be strange” Erika got up and walked over to Valis, giving her a hug. Valis smiled appreciatively
“Thanks Erika”
“So… any idea what’s bothering you?” Avia spoke again
“Nothing new… not since…” she looked at the floor and then looked away “Since Vachilli was taken”
Erika and Avia gave sad smiles and Valis just tightened her grip on her dress
“Did it start the night I arrived?” Hawk had his own turn now, his voice logical and dry
“Um, yes… yes it did”
“A reason why you were interested in me?” he pulled the cloak off his legs and got up, looking into the fire as he stood there facing away from them “It was, one reason yes… seemed like a coincidence at the time. How did you know?”
Hawk lowered his head and then closed his eyes; I do believe I have no choice now
“Hawk what are you getti-” Avia spoke but was cut short by his own words “I know Valis is being watched by the same reason that I know… that… Vachilli wore her hair in a ponytail down to her back; it didn’t hang loose like yours”
a deep silence washed over the group, but was soon broken by Avia’s cautious voice
“Hawk… how, did you know that? You haven’t been in Alowen before, apparently”
“No, I haven’t”
With a deep sigh, he turned around and faced the group, looking mostly at Avia
“Didn’t you wonder how I got three deep gashes in my face?”
“You said you got them in one of your few fights” Avia’s eyes narrowed as a few things dawned on her “Why would you have fought with Vachilli?”
Valis stood up and glared at Hawk
“You took her!” there was a deep grief clouded in anger
“No, no I didn’t” he turned from them again and looked into the embers and flames “I killed her”
Valis made a sound as if she had been stabbed in the gut and she fell back into her chair
“Or at least… I put her out of her misery” SynHawk looked at Valis and bowed his head “I’m sorry”
“Hawk, I think you had better explain…now. Remember our deal of your protection” Avia was standing now, her face set and her eyes narrowed at him. Nodding, he looked behind him at the fire
“It was on my way to Alowen, here. About three hours before I fell upon you I ran into Vachilli on the road” “And you killed her” Valis’ voice was hollow and to no-one in particular
“Yes… but a few things came first, namely she attacked me and came quite close to killing me”
“What? Vachilli? She was no fighter” Avia sounded a little confused now, not just betrayed
“It wasn’t the girl you knew, she had been long dead. Vachilli wasn’t human anymore”
A slow silence descended on the group “Vachilli had been sired”
“What’s that? Sis?” Erika’s voice popped into the conversation, Avia looked away… but her eyes drifted to Hawk’s own
“It’s the word… that people use once they have been…” Avia’s voice faltered and Hawk took over
“Changed into a Vampire” his voice echoed in and room and Valis gave a sob
Half an hour passed while the four of them sat in the light of the fire. Erika by SynHawk’s feet and Valis a little away from them with Avia’s hand on hers
“Could you… tell me what happened? Was it… painful for her?” Valis was looking into the floor, her voice still hollow, but as she looked up to Hawk’s face he smiled weakly and then shook his head
“No, no it was very quick for her, the final blow”
“Then… what happened? Please…”
Valis looked into the fire and Hawk let his view pan over Avia. Her hand was on Valis’ back, but the other was wrapped around her friend’s hand. A look of deep concern etched into her features, protector of those around her. The fire washing a hidden warmth and strength into her face, along with the caring touch. Even if her resolve was as hard as iron
“Alright” he tore his glance from Avia and looked back to the flickering flames.
Over the next hour, Hawk told the story of his encounter with Vachilli. As one would think, Erika gasped and squeaked at all the right places. But Valis listened with an un-nerving passiveness. Even Avia bit her lip when she was caught up once or twice. But soon, the story was over…
“That’s when I fell in to your inn, the next thing I knew… was waking up and falling out of bed” A nervous laugh came from Erika and Avia smiled at Hawk… reassuring him that it was alright, for now. Valis looked towards the fire and nodded, quietly. It seemed to be slowly sinking into her. Closing her eyes once and then standing, she did not look at anyone but made her way towards the inn’s door
“Valis” Avia had got up and taken a step towards her
“Avia no I need, to think” she turned and slipped out the door, closing it suddenly and leaving the trio in a disturbing silence
“Yes sis?”
“I think it is time for bed” Avia’s voice had an assertive tone to it, so Erika moved from her chair and the warm fire to the stairs leading into the upper reaches of the inn
“Um… sis?... Don’t be too long, I don’t think I want to be very alone tonight”
Avia’s face broke and she smiled comfortingly
“I’ll be up soon Erika, don’t worry it’s alright”
Erika nodded and continued up to her room.
Avia turned and looked at Hawk through the haze of darkness and the warm glow of the fire. She walked over to him; he hadn’t budged from his seat, but was watching her
“Hawk…” Avia sat opposite him and looked him in the eye “it’s time for you to become less mysterious. You know something of what is going on, you have to tell me”
Intertwining his fingers he looked over her shoulder into a shadow
“As far as I can tell it is a circle of vampires”
“A circle?”
“Yes, it’s a group of very powerful vampires that usually pull the strings of large events. Do you remember the city of Grimlow?”
“Grimlow, yes it does ring a bell but…”
Hawk didn’t wait and kept talking, waving her away
“It’s an obscure story, not many know the whole tale. But the short of it is that the uprising and the battle was not a civil battle as the Cimcaler library makes it out to be but, a war of undead. With a circle of vampires leading the reigns”
“But the whole city was destroyed in a night!” Avia’s voice seemed strangled
“It was, but not by the vampires or undead. A circle is not necessarily lead by a vampire; more often than not it is just lead by a very powerful individual… who has enough power to control them”
“Like the… like a Necromancer”
“So you’re saying this circle might be lead by a Necromancer?” Avia got up and walked to the fire, bowing her head “How exactly do we fight against something that can call an entire army to its command?” she placed a hand on her head and closed her eyes “Hawk what…” her voice trailed off and she went silent. Pausing for a second, Hawk walked to behind her and reached out with his hand. She felt it touch her shoulder and she turned slightly, hand moving from her eyes
“We can’t be sure at all what we are facing, it might be a mage who thinks he can do a lot more than he claims” he tried to smile through the darkness. It didn’t work
“Maybe, but I get the feeling more is to come in a second, you’ve hardly got one hidden secret” Avia looked at him and then paused, looking into his deep golden eyes “Tell me what is coming Hawk, please. At least one of this family needs to know, we can’t all be safe in ignorance”
“Malcorey” Hawk frowned “I think”
“Who?” a tired and confused look seeped into Avia’s features
“Just… just a name. I’m not sure and I don’t want to cause any more trouble than I already have. I’ll look into it soon” he paused and sighed “I’m sorry I’ve said too much to make you falter in your stead already. I’m not hiding things for a dark purpose” he looked at her with a deep concern and brushed her cheek with the back of his hand. Avia looked back at him and then nuzzled his head without thinking, before shaking herself and moving from him. Shaken by her actions and her mind she ran a hand through her hair
“That’s enough now. Tell us the rest later. My father needs to know this, Erika in time too. But for another day, it’s been a hard night so far Hawk”
“I guess it is sleep from here on out”
“You look like you could use some at this point, hero” Avia looked back at him over her shoulder and gave a thankful smile, a little of her doubt gone. A slice of her playful tone in her strong voice again.
Under the moon and over the trees a shadow dips and circles Alowen. But as the moon peaks for midnight, it swoops down and shudders. Changing quickly and forming a solid shape of a man. It lands on the edge of a windowsill, its shape peering in and drinking the items within. SynHawk Tsavo’s body was laying under the sheets, his hair on the pillow and the breeze rolling over his sheets. His breath making them rise and fall every few seconds, but in this moment a cold voice sunk into the world
“So SynHawk, you have decided to stay and enjoy my little game. I thought you might” with this the figure fell backwards out of the window and landed on the grass, leading off into the dark wood with a start. As he did he stopped next to a tree and leant down, picking up a poor dead bird. His hands pulsed black and red for a second and he gave a sly smile when the bird’s wing twitched slightly. He cooed to the animal
“There little one, nothing to fear now…” he threw the bird into the wind and laughed. His hand jerking suddenly like a whip and the bird was struck down with a tendril of what seemed to be shadow
“But death.” His cold, lifeless voice washed over the corpse of the bird, its body and now soul broken beyond repair. The man looked back towards the inn “Welcome to my world Sin, I hope you enjoy what I have in-store. I hope you enjoy the final end.” © 2009 SynHawk |
Added on May 19, 2009 Author![]() SynHawkPerth, Western Australia, AustraliaAboutAh, Bios. I was never really much good at these - but hey why not? What can I say about me? I write. ... So maybe I can do a bit better than that. I've been a writer for about seven years but - and.. more..Writing