Chapter Two - Awakening

Chapter Two - Awakening

A Chapter by SynHawk


Chapter Two


A loud thump woke SynHawk Tsavo with a start; His eyes opened and took notice of where he was. It was a room, he guessed of the inn he collapsed in last night. The floor was a deep rich red wood. Walls built with stone, quite bare aside from the rafters. The room was lined with a few objects, his bed, a table and a chest of draws. As he let his eyes drowsily wander the sides of the room he saw the source of the noise that awoke him. A girl was moving a few things around, cleaning he guessed. SynHawk sat upright, trying to get up. But to no real benefit. Because of the blood he had lost last night he became dizzy. Falling to the side of the bed he slipped and got tangled up in his sheets. Falling to the floor with a solid thud… SynHawk let out a small wheeze and looked up from the floor, seeing the young girl dash from the room with a squeak. Her short red hair whipping behind her.


Trapped in his sheets stupidly, SynHawk began to try and worm his way out of them. As he was about half way he heard the door creak open slowly. Bending to see who it was he saw an older version of the girl. Her hair was a deep red, flowing like silk down to her waist. As he looked at her, his eyes were drawn to hers. The piercing green brightening his own deep gold eyes. The girl walked over to him and knelt down


        “Quite comfortable down there?” a small smile crept onto her face


        “Well, I’ve slept worse. Could you give me a hand…uh?”


        “Avia, and of course. Erika said you were awake. Didn’t think I would find you quite like this though”


SynHawk grinned sheepishly as Avia pulled the sheets from him; he stood up slowly and steadied himself on the bed post


        “Thanks” he looked around him, and at the sunlight streaming through the window. There was the faint sound of children playing “So how long was I out?”


        “Somewhere close to fourteen hours, it’s past lunch. Now sit down, your head didn’t look too good” Avia motioned to the bed and SynHawk sat down carefully. Sitting next to him she started to unravel a bandage around the top of his head. He hadn’t noticed it while falling out of bed. As it came off Avia raised her eyebrow


        “Well aren’t you a quick healer. It’s mostly closed up; she ran her soft fingers over the outside of the cuts. Looks like it’s still very red and irritated though”


        “I’m guessing this isn’t the first head wound you’ve seen”


        “Out here? Hardly, there are bandits and pillagers hunting all over the place in the mountains. A whole lot of travelers come through here as they go to the coast”


        “Fair point” SynHawk smiled warmly as Avia inspected his cut “Do you treat all of your visitors like this?”


Avia gave a cheeky smile


        “Only the ones that pass out from losing too much blood on our floor. Okay, you’re good. Let that breathe for a while” Avia got up and moved to the chest of drawers “So what are you doing here? You’re obviously not going to the coast if you don’t know about the wealth of bandits around here”


        “Actually, I’m looking for the town of Alowen. Someone in the city told me it was out in this direction and something odd was happening” SynHawk got up and straightened his clothes


        “What kind of something?”


        “Apparently there have been a few un-explained disappearances. Kidnapping of sorts I guess”


Avia sighed and turned, looking at him


        “And how do you think you could help?”


        “I can hold my own. I wanted to see if I could lend a hand”

        “Well maybe you can help us. You’re in Alowen.”


SynHawk raised his eyebrow in confusion


But, last night when I came to the inn I didn’t see any other buildings”


Most people don’t, this inn is on the outskirts of the town. Alowen is built to the side of the road, ‘hidden’ from view by the trees”


Well that explains that then”


Avia smiled and turned back to the chest of drawers, sliding out one of the larger draws and pulling out SynHawk’s bag


        “Here you go SynHawk, I put this away last night when father was tending to you” She walked to him, handing the bag over


        “How did you…” SynHawk noticed he hadn’t introduced himself yet


        “When you collapsed last night, your bag spilled out onto the ground. I noticed the inscription on that broken hilt you have. Also I un-clipped your daggers, they’re in the bag too”


        “Right, ok. Thankyou” SynHawk took the bag and looked inside. His stomach grumbled and Avia laughed playfully


        “Alright I get the picture. Come downstairs. If anything you have a few more introductions to go through” With this She slipped past SynHawk and moved out the door. She left him in the sound of the village. With the children’s voices flowing through the window.


Reaching inside, SynHawk pulled his two daggers from the bag. They were seven inches long, the double edge glinting slightly in the afternoon sunlight. The hilt was two talons angling back to SynHawk’ hand, the grip was a hundred tiny rings of chainmail. He smoothly moved his hand back, slipping one dagger into the horizontal strap on the back of his belt. For the other he bent down, placing it next to his ankle. Sighing, SynHawk dropped his bag onto the bed and made his way to the door. Peering out of the room, into the hallway. He heard Avia’s voice drifting up from one end; it dipped down a flight of stairs. So he made his way down. Although half way, he could make out the words to the conversation. SynHawk stopped to listen




        “Well why not father? The whole reason he’s here is to help”


        “We can’t just go asking a stranger” The other person’s voice was male, much older


        “He seems nice. I’m sure he will want to” SynHawk could hear Avia almost pleading


        “Alright… I’ll ask, Avia you will be the end of me”

SynHawk heard heavy footsteps walking closer to the door at the end of the stairs


        “Since she’s been... gone, I must admit I don’t have time to help you look out. It would make me rest easier to know you’re not out there alone”


        “See? It’s for the best” With this the man walked away from the door and SynHawk smiled, starting to descend down the stairs again. At that moment a small head poked around the corner, the young girl smiled at SynHawk. He guessed it was Erika; she had the same eyes as Avia


        “He’s coming down” she grinned and moved back into the room. SynHawk walked down the stairs and turned into the main room of the inn. It was lined with small tables. With one big table down the middle, the size you use for small feasts. There was a fireplace with a rug on one side of the room, and a bar to his left, nestled under the angle of the stairs. There was a man of about fifty, with a glass in his hand. He was quite tall and built with it, probably from working at the inn for years upon years. On his face was a full reddish bread and a deep warm smile. SynHawk recognized him as the man he fell into last night. He smiled and the man gave a warm, full grin


        “Ah there you are my boy, SynHawk Tsavo right?” the man came over and put down the glass, letting out his hand “I’m Thanos, owner of this inn. I can see you’ve met my daughter Avia” he motioned behind SynHawk. Turning, SynHawk saw Avia, sitting on the edge of a table. He did also notice however, an old bow, Lying next to her on the table. Avia waved playfully


        “And” Thanos moved to beside the smaller of the two girls. She was eating a bowl of soup at one of the tables. Thanos lay a hand on her shoulder “this, is Erika. Thanos, Avia and Erika Avon”


        “mmm Yes, I’ve met Erika. She’s the one who caught me falling out of bed”

Erika smiled cheekily


        “Haha, I was wondering what that thud was. No more injuries I hope?


        “Aside from a wounded ego? I’m fine” SynHawk looked at Avia. She was smiling warmly at him


        “Good to hear my lad, now…” As Thanos was about to continue the inn’s door swung open and SynHawk almost had a heart attack. Vachilli was standing in the door.


Walking in, Vachilli lay down a bowl of apples on the bar


        “Afternoon Thanos”


        “Ah hello, Valis. Back from picking are we?” Thanos walked over to Vachilli… or rather, Valis. Picking up an apple he bit into it and smiled “nice and sweet, perfect”


        “Thanks” Valis looked past Thanos and smiled “So who’s this?”

        “This would be SynHawk. He found the inn last night and we gave him a room” Thanos turned to SynHawk and waved at Valis “This is Valis, she’s... Well the maid of the place, the girls help out but since I cook and take care of the heavy lifting, we have an extra pair of hands to help”


Valis curtsied and laughed. Shaking his shock from his face, SynHawk smiled. Looking away, he noticed that Avia was watching him, with a curious expression on her face. But as once before, SynHawk’s stomach broke the ice.

Erika sniggered and Thanos laughed


        “Well now my lad, I can take a hint. Sit yourself down! I think a late lunch is in order”


The group smiled and Avia walked over to Erika’s table, sitting down opposite her. She motioned for SynHawk to come over. He took a space on the bench on Erika’s side. She smiled welcomingly at him


        “Unfortunately I have already eaten, so I think I shall leave you to your guest Thanos. Look’s like it’s going to be a slow day, no one’s really passing through as of late” Valis smiled worriedly and moved to the door, slipping out into the sun


        “Guess that leaves us eh?” Thanos made his way over and slipped onto the bench next to his daughter Avia “So SynHawk…”


        “Call me Hawk, everyone does really. SynHawk sounds too formal” SynHawk gave a grin and Thanos chuckled


        “Alright Hawk. So what brings you to our fair town? We don’t get many visitors as of the past month or two”


        “Well as I told Avia before. I came here from the rumors that some people had gone missing without a trace. I wanted to see what was happening, maybe I could help”


Nodding, Thanos listened


        “Aye, People have been over the past six or so months”


SynHawk noticed that Avia was growing more agitated as the conversation turned to this topic

        “In fact” Thanos continued “A couple of months ago, we had one taken from our very inn… Valis’ sister, Vachilli”


Avia got up and moved to the fireplace. She stood looking into the dead embers


        “Taken? So you know more than the rumors are letting on?”


        “It’s always like that isn’t it? They’re only rumors after all. But yes, we do”


        “What is it?” SynHawk didn’t want to let on about Vachilli. Just in case it caused unwanted ‘attention’.


Thanos looked aside at Avia and sighed


        “Ever since this started happening, the three of us have been looking after the town, keeping an eye out. Patrolling at night, trying what we can to keep everyone safe. One night Avia was…”


        “I was coming back from patrolling around the village” Avia took over the role of story-teller. SynHawk and Erika looked at her “As I got closer to our inn I saw a, shadow pass over me. I’ve never seen anything like it. I’ve seen my fair share of magic and creatures but… this was, different. But, I saw it duck inside one of our windows. So I ran inside, only to hear a crash from upstairs. As I got up to the second story, Vachilli was walking away to the window at the end of the hall. I called out to her but…” she stopped, her voice now bitter “but I was stupid. I moved forward carelessly and something burst out of her doorway and smashed me in the head. I think the door hit me, I can’t remember. The next thing I know is its daylight and father is shaking me awake. Vachilli was gone”


        “Sis…” Erika’s voice rang out as Avia looked away, disappointed


        “I wanted to protect this village, but as soon as I meet, it. I don’t even get to put up a fight”


        “Now, now, She protects us a lot more than she gives credit for” Thanos got up and hugged his daughter, leading her back to the table


        “I help too!” Erika’s voice again


        “That you do”


SynHawk looked at Avia’s bow on the other table, then her father’s muscles. He looked down at the girl and grinned, curiosity getting the better of him


        “So how exactly do you help?”


Erika grinned and twirled her hands theatrically


        “I can do magic… although it really is more for show than really powerful”


        “Oh! Really, what can you do?” SynHawk’s eagerness was blindingly obvious; it was rare to find humans who could use magic. Erika grinned and then smiled weakly        


        “Not a lot, I only know one or two spells. I don’t have any way of getting better. It’s not like we have any magic books in Alowen” she sighed


        “Ok, well… how about a demonstration of what you can do?”


        “Come on sis, off you go” Avia prodded Erika slightly


        “Let me just…” Erika got up off her seat and moved to the top of the table. She closed her eyes and concentrated quietly, two words seeping into her mind. She raised one hand as a fist and turned it over. As she opened her fist to the ceiling she said two words strongly “Lux Lucis” with those two words, a brilliant gold and white light sphere appeared in her hand. Lighting the room with a layer of gold and white


        “I can’t tell you how useful she is in the dark” Avia smiled at SynHawk


        “Thanks” She beamed at SynHawk as his warm smile washed over her


        “I would watch what your doing Erika” Thanos was watching the ball grow brighter


        “That’s not me…”


Avia looked at SynHawk and gave a sly smile. She saw him whisper something under his breath


        “Glacialis” SynHawk’s words struck the ball of light and Avia smiled widely at him. The ball turned blue and then froze. A solid ball of ice hovering over Erika’s palm


        “Wow… it has never done that before” Erika looked at Avia and saw her giggling quietly “Si…” Avia pointed at the ball. It started to change and twist. Morphing into a single ice rose, it then evaporated into thin air. Leaving a gob-smacked Erika and a giggling Avia. Thanos however, looked at SynHawk knowingly


        “Looks like your not alone anymore Erika” Thanos leaned forward and grinned “I recognize that spell”


SynHawk shrugged and smiled


        “I can do a fair bit of magic. I learnt quite a few years ago”


        “Oh!” Erika shot back into her seat, looking at SynHawk “how did you do that? What did you do? Is it hard?”


        “It’s depends on your own power”


        “How do you mean?”


        “Now Erika” Thanos grinned and leaned over, ruffling her hair “I’m sure you will have plenty of time to question our friend later. But we still have to eat” He then looked over at Erika’s now empty bowl “Well… after we eat something anyway”

© 2009 SynHawk

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Added on May 19, 2009



Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Ah, Bios. I was never really much good at these - but hey why not? What can I say about me? I write. ... So maybe I can do a bit better than that. I've been a writer for about seven years but - and.. more..

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