I looked at the stranger and he looked back at me and Zell. "My name is Zelfroth and i would like for you to join me in my free company" he said. I tilted my head "free company?" He nodded "yes, it's kind of like a guild in most mmos, if you want to meet some of the members they are in Central Thanalan" I was confused "Central Thanalan?" Zell looked at me "it's the different areas, infact there are alot of areas, in Thanalan there is the Western, Eastern, Northern, and Southern Thanalan. There is also two others main cities with there own areas such as Gridania and Limsa Lominsa. Gridiana has the Shroud which consist of the North, South, Central, and Eastern where as Limsa Lominsa has Northern. Eastern, Western, Outer, and Upper La Noscea." I chuckled "I had no idea there were so many areas."Zell nodded "yeah this game is huge." Zelfroth smiled "If you want to learn more about Gladiators let me know." He took off and I wondered how Zell and I would get through this game until I had no other option but to join Zelfroth in his free company. I sent Zelfroth a private message saying I would join the guild. It didn't take long for him to respond and not soon after he sent me a free company request and a friend request. I accepted both and I bid farewell to Zell then I went on my way to learn how to be a better tank. My only concern was that I didn't know what Zell would do to better himself.