

A Poem by Sweet

A throbbing noise stuck in my head.

Please make it stop.

I open my eyes and wonder, why do they hurt?

Looking around searching for beauty, but all I see is a wasteland.

The remnant of what once was.

What happened here, I can’t recall.

The more I try to understand, the more my head screams to stop.

Then my heart joins it, making me realize the stabbing pain within it.

An open wound that I thought closed is now bleeding.

I watch it get bigger and can’t make it stop.

The more I try, the more it hurts.

Please make it stop.

A burning smell reaches my nose.

A thought comes creeping in… no… a flashback!

A fire…

It’s all clear now and so it’s the grief that accompanies that realization.

I watched it all burn; I saw my dreams burn, and you along with them!

I couldn’t fight it, I couldn’t stop it.

The more I tried, the more it grew hot and strong.

An infernal spiral that consumed us both.

Please tell me it will stop.

Tell me that I will wake up.

That soon enough I will realize that it was just a bad dream!

Gasping for air, my lungs feel so empty.

These ashes are suffocating me. They are burying me.

Reminding me that things will never be the same, everything has to be rebuilt.


Please… Help me…


To rise……..

From the…………


© 2016 Sweet

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I love this (: It kind of reminds me of my poem sometimes the ashes fall.

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Hi, sorry for the late response, I have been quite busy. Thanks for reviewing my poem, I'm happy you.. read more

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1 Review
Added on December 20, 2016
Last Updated on December 20, 2016
Tags: Ashes, fire, burnt, pain, fear, love, lost



Candyland would be a sweet place to be <3

I'm just an average human, pretty random sometimes. I like to write about feelings and deep thoughts. Although my writings are mostly sad, I love to laugh and joke around. So I hope you can enjo.. more..

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