struggling to write again

struggling to write again

A Poem by Melanie Genevieve

Just ooze words
Come to my page
Come out of my head
Come poetry
Are you only made for the dead?
Not girls waiting for riddles to be answered by the ink
Uroll my brain folds
Make me mind-full
Make me a verse so I can wrap myself in understanding
Give me the solace that was bountiful when I knew how to feel
The weight of my consonants and vowels
Burning like everything around me
Make me feel anything else but
Numb with a smile and a pen

© 2015 Melanie Genevieve

My Review

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I enjoyed this, Melanie. I got a sense of your frustration. I've just come back to writing poetry after a six year break. It was tough to get started. If you can't say how you feel, tell us why fish love the sea; or why trees reach for the sun. Thanks for sharing.

Posted 9 Years Ago

"the solace that was bountiful when i knew how to feel"

i felt long ago...but didn't write much then...i think it saved itself up all these that i could unfold the brain folds now, in later life.

a wickedly good write...about not being able to write.


Posted 9 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 18, 2015
Last Updated on May 18, 2015


Melanie Genevieve
Melanie Genevieve

Freeport, NY

I used to keep my poetry private until my good friend Shabad encouraged me to read a poem (Curiosity) out loud at Sip This Cafe in Valley Stream. Since then I decided to make my writing public and ge.. more..
