![]() Nightmares and DilemmasA Chapter by SweetRainDrops![]() Vio reflects on his nightmare. Shadow and Vio have issues.![]()
^^^^ I jolt up, screaming, tears streaming down my face. Not wanting to see if I awoke Shadow, I get out of bed and crawl over to my deep violet bean bag and curl up tight into it. Sobbing my eyes out, I clung to the purple material. Violent sobs raked my body. 'They've never been this bad before!' I thought as I remember all the other nightmares. The others were either less detailed, less vivid, just plain lees, or not at all that long. After a few mintues of just crying and feeling alone, I feel a strong yet slim arm wrap around my waist, pulling me towards him. I allow myself to be man-handled, just wanting some comfort. In Shadow's embrace I find some. My head buried in his chest, I felt his fingers running along my spine, trying to soothe me. I eventually came down enough to be able to speak. But of course I now have a bad case of hiccups. "What happened? Why did you scream?" Shadow's voice asks. His voice sound velvety like in the nightmare. Refusing to cry anymore, I reply "I was hav-hic-ing a night-hic-mare. It was a-hic-bout you." Shadow continues to soothe me by rubbing my back and just breathing in my ear. Of course he doesn't know he's breathing in my ear. I hiccup a few times before saying, "The nightma-hic-re was about wh-hic-en I fi-hic-irst joined with you in the for-hic-set. Then it chan-hic-ged to where I be-hic-trayed you-" I break over, holding back my tears. Then I take a deep breath and continue "Th-hic-en it changed to whe-hic-ere you smashed the mi-hic-rror. And where y-hic-you died." I managed to hold myself together throughout the whole time I was talking. But the I decided to look up into Shadow's face. Big mistake. I look up into Shadow's beautiful red eyes and lost it all over again. As I sob again, I murmur over and over and over again "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry! I-I-I didn't mean it! I didn't want to hurt you! I'm sorry!" "Sh.Sh.Sh. Be quiet. There is nothing to be sorry about." Shadow states. I shake my head vigorously, no, into his chest. "Yes. Yes there is!" I state hysterically. My deep depression and guilt finally being let out after all these years. "I shouldn't have hurt you! I shouldn't have betrayed you! I shouldnt have let you die..." I state, my voice starting out bold and firm but ending up sounding weak and pathetic in the end. Now, I just sound broken. "Vio, you couldn't have stopped me from dying. I decide to destroy the mirror. I wanted to be free. And don't you remember , I wasn't dead. I was by your side at all times when the sun was out or if there was light. Remember? I'm your shadow." Shadow said in my ear. The last sentence came out in a whisper which caused a shiver to rush down my spine. "But..." I try to argue one last time. Of course I'm cut of. "No buts, Vio. I chose to do that on my own. Plus if you didn't betray me, we may still be evil partners of Vaati or Lord Ganon, but the world may have been in total chaos." Shadow ruffled my blond trendals. "Now, forget it. Forget the dream. Forget the past. Forget the pain. Forget the guilt you have, and only remember that I am just fine and that I am your best friend." Shadow tells me, holding my head firmly so that I am looking into his red eyes. I nod, and Shadow pushes me out of his lap onto the beanbag and stands up. Then without warning, he leans down and picks me up, bridal style. To surprised to speak, I wrap my thin arms around his neck. I rest my head in the crook of his neck. His purpleish-black hair brushes against my up-turned cheek. I close my eyes in absolute bliss. Shadow lays me down on the inside side of the bed. Then he gets in and lays next to me. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me up against him. I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes, slowly drifting off. "Goodnight, my Vio." "Goodnight, my shadow." I whisper softly (for tomorrow is a school day). $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Green (1) ^^^^^^^^^ At school, I see Shadow and Vio walk in, seeming rather... friendly. I mean, look at the way they're walking so close together. I walk over to them and ask "Have you seen Deity? I'm suppose to show him around school today." Vio glances at Shafow before saying "No. I haven't seen him. He's kind of creepy to me to be honest." Shadow smiles then says, "I haven't seen him either." "Hmmm.... I wonder where he could be..." I say to myself. Then I notice him walking in through the school doors. "Catch ya later!" I tell Vio and Shadow as I walk over to him. "Are you Deity? I'm Green, the student body presidant." I say with a friendly welcoming smile. He turns and looks at me. His eyes stare at me, pupil-less and iris-less. 'How his eyes really are just the whites." I thought. I actually find it quite appealing. "Yes. I am Deity Link (2). You must be here to show me around." he says. The navy and red face paint he has on makes his eyes look even whiter, and they seem to glow like poes. "What's your first class?" I ask him. He looks at a sheet of paper I didn't realize he was holding and says "Physical Education." I smile and say "Same here. Oh and it's called P.E." "P...E..." Deity says to himself like he was testing it out. I chuckle and say "Come on! This way to the gym." He looks at me, then follows. Soon, we reach the gym, and I am filled with so many questions that I have to ask him. ==============================================================================Blue ^^^^^ I shoot a hoop as Green walks in with that new kid. I'd never admit or tell anyone that personally I think he's creepy. Plus I sence something about him that puts me on edge. In other terms you could say I get a "bad vibe" from him. "Hey, Green! New kid." I say, having forgotten his name. Green frowns, and the new kid nods. Then he says "Deity Oni Link." 'He gave me his full name.' I thought, uncomfortably. "Blue-Kun Link." I say, not including my middle name. I bounce the ball as we stand there. Deity gives me a curious creepy look. "Coach says as long as I'm in the gym, I have to be practicing." He nods. Then the five mintue warning bell rang. "Alright. Let's go introduce you to Coach Impa." Green says. With that, they walked away, leaving me to my practice. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Vio ^^^^ After school, Shadow and I ride his motorcycle to Hyrule fields (3). My heart still racing I get off the bike and look at Shadow. He's smiling smugly. "Don't like motorcycles, huh?" he teased me. I smile at him. He gets his lucky (so he claims) football out of his backpack and leaves the rest on his bike. I take my backpack, feeling glad that it is a shoulder backpack, also known as a satchel. Shadow laughs. I find this humorous. "What's so funny?" I ask with a playful smile. "You. You and you satchel." Shadow replies, still laughing. "Oh yeah?" I say, raising an eyebrow teasingly. "Yeah." he says, a playful tone in his velvety voice. I smile at him and push him. He pushes back. I push back, harder this time. He pushes me even harder nearly knocking me over. I push back with all my might, giving me enough time to... RUN!!! I dash away as he regains his balance. Soon he's chasing me. 'Uh-oh.' I thought as I just remember. Shadow's the fastest runner on the track team. Well he use to be... before he quit it. Then I hear a thud come from behind me. I skid to a halt and turn around. Shadow lays on the green grass, stomach up. 'He must have tripped.' I thought as I run over to aid him, only... I trip as well. I land in a weird position. I landed on top of Shadow. I landed where I'm straddling his waist. My arms are the only things holding me up which are on either side of his head. My mind knew that if someone saw us they'd get the wrong picture, but my heart wants me to wait it out. My eyes are locked onto the blood red ones underneath me. I am terrified out of my wits. I'm terrified that if I move I'll break the mood, and he'll make to get up. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Shadow ^^^^^^^^ Vio tripped and landed on top of me. I dare not breathe, wanting him to stay just right where he is. I don't move and neither does he. I'm actually quite surprised that he doesn't get off of me. The usual Vio would have been embarrassed and gotten off as fast as he could. I don't move for a little bit till I'm pretty sure he won't move. Slowly, I raise myself up till I'm on my elbows. Our faces are even closer now. Our eyes locked still, I notice that his eyes are half-lid which turns me on. I slowly, very slowly, raise up, closing my eyes, till our lips meet. 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777Vio ^^^^ Our lips meet, and my blue eyes shoot open in surprise. Then, I close them, enjoying it, and I kiss him back. It is gentle at first but gets rougher, more hungry. Of course, I'm the one who makes it more hungry which surprises Shadow. Shadow rolls me on to my back, putting his full weight on me, without breaking the kiss. I enjoy all of it. Every touch he gives. Every pleasure I'm feeling. All of it. Shadow moans loudly into the kiss which drives me wild. It makes me moan just hearing him. I feel Shadow smirk against my lips. 'Thats my REAL Shadow.' I thought, smiling. Shadow licks along my bottom lip, asking for entry. I glad oblige and grant him it. The moment I feel his tongue on the roof of my mouth, I moan so loudly. Timidly I decide to try something. I meet his tongue with mine from which I receive a moan from both of us. Then I feel his cold hand on under my shirt. I gasp as unbelieveable pleasure courses through me. He smiles against my lips. A shiver runs down me as I feel his hand trail up my stomach (4). I moan as his fingers start to play with my n*****s. I can't believe the pleasure I'm feeling! Then, all of a sudden, he pulls back, breaking the kiss, pulling completely away from me. He gets off of me and stands up, dusting himself of. At first I think I did something wrong, but then I look at his eyes (except he won't meet mine). His red eyes tell me it all. They show me his regret at kissing me, even though it was the best thing in my life. He wishes it never happened. I feel hurt. The most painful kind of hurt, emotional. Of course I keep my eyes and face blank, showing nothing of what I'm truly feeling. I'm showing only what others want to see. The only person who can see through my game face is Red. And boy, do I need to talk to him. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Red ^^^^ I'm out shopping when Vio calls me. His ringtone plays. It's a classical song on piano. "Hey, Vio. What's up?" I say into the phone. "Hey, Red. I was just wondering when you'd be home." Vio's voice replys flatly, but I can tell that something is amiss. There was a tiny hint of hurt in his voice. "Vio, what's wrong?" I ask, firmly and alarmed, trying to keep my voice calm. "Nothing is wrong. I wa just wondering." Vio replies quietly. "Okay. I'll be home shortly." I say, deciding that I need to be home like now to talk to him and comfort him. "Okay. Thanks. See ya then." "Ya see ya." I say, hanging up. I set down everything I was going to buy, deciding I'll come back out to buy groceries later. I dash out of there to where my horse, Crimson, is. I quickly Hop onto her and kick her into a gallop. She gallops at top speed as if reading my mind all the way home. I climb off her, give her some sugar cubes, and rush inside and to Vio's room. I enter to see Vio sitting on his bed, his head in his hands. "Vio!" I cry as I run over to his side, after closing the door. "What's wrong?!" I exclaim, alarmed. "Nothing. Nothing is wrong. But I think I'm in love." he replys. I smile, sitting down next to him. "With who, Vio? Is it Green, Blue... Shadow...?" I ask, stretching out the last word, looking selectively at Vio. His cheeks light up like the fireworks at the Princess's Festival (5). "Uh... Yeah. Shadow." he admits with the tiniest of smiles. "Then why do you look hurt?" I ask, pure worry in my voice. My blue eyes search his blue eyes, trying to figure out why. He drops his cover, and his blue hues immediately fill with hurt. "I'm hurt because Shadow kissed me in Hyrule field today." "Why are you hurt because of that? I thought you wanted him to kiss you?" ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ Vio ^^^^ "Yes. Oh how I want to kiss him! But... He pulled away almost immediately as if I were poison. At first I had though I had down something wrong, but then I saw the answer in his red hues. He looked like he regretted it. Like he wanted to go back in time and reverse it so that it never happen. He looked consumed with guilt. His eyes were full of regret and grieve and guilt like when I betrayed him. That's exactly how I looked and felt." My lower lip started to tremble. I bit down on it hard, trying to regain control. I could feel the tears burning my eyes. I sigh and continue "What if he doesn't want to be friends anymore? What if he decide to leave because I fell on him and he kissed me?" I ask, panicing. "What if he hates me?" I ask my voice suddenly quiet. That sentence hung in the air for what felt like forever. Then Red said "Shadow doesn't hate you. He could never hate you." his voice was gentle and soothing. "I'll have Blue take to him, okay?" "Okay." I say, quietly. Then Red gets up and leaves me alone with my thoughts. 'This is a total nightmare.' I thought miserably. ᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯᏯ Blue ^^^^^ "Hey, Blue?" Red says as he walks over to my from the house. I glance up and see him. I smile and say "Ya, what's up?" "I need you to talk to Shadow." Red replies, looking hopefully into my eyes. "Sure, no problem. But why?" I ask, confused. "Well, I need you to talk to him about Vio. He kissed Vio today in Hyrule fields. But Vio's hurt. He's in emotional pain because he thinks Shadow regrets doing it. So I need you to help me out by finding out what's true and what's not." Red explains to me. I nod, thinking 'Goddesses! He's so cute when he's explaining complicated things!' "Sure. Let me go talk to him then." "Okay, great!" Red exclaims. "Toodles!" Then he runs back into the house. I shake my head, smiling. 'So childish, yet so hot.' I thought with a chuckle. ##############################################################################Shadow ^^^^^^^ There's a knock on my door. "Come in." I holler as I watch my black ceiling fan spin slowly in a circle. I'm laying on my black rug in the middle of my grey, deep dark purple, and black room. The walls are black, and the accent wall is deep dark purple. My ceiling is grey. Blue comes and sits down in my black spinny chair. I get up and sit on my unmade bed. "So what's up?" I ask him. Blue looks at me with his sky blue eyes. Their so different from Vio's. Vio's are an icy cold blue with a rim around the pupil of icy tinted-blue white, while Blue's are a deep warm sky blue with a outer rim of teal. "I was told you kissed Vio. I was just wondering if that was true." he tells me. I nod, sheepishly. "Yeah. It's true." "Was it good?" Blue asks, his voice sounding saucy and flirty. Caught of guard, I sputter "Uh... yeah... It was good. Goddesses! What am I saying?! It was more than I could ever hope for. It's by far the absolute best thing I could ever feel!" I think back on the kiss and have to bite my lower lip to hold back a obnoxiously loud moan. Then way his little sounds of pleasure sounded in my ear! His tongue meeting mine! The way he kissed me back with a hunger for more. I can feel myself getting horny. "Then why did you pull back?" Blue asks. I didn't even wonder about how he knew it. All that came into my mind was how broken Vio looked when he laid there helpless in my arms after I pulled back. I had gotten to see a glimse of the real Vio. He didn't look broken as in pain, but he lpoked broken as in vulnerable, helpless, at my mercy, and fragile. Fragile. My Vio, who's always calm, who's always collect and relaxed, who's never showing his real feelings, is fragile as a piece of very thin glass. I open my mouth to answer, but then I close it. I try again. "Because... because... because I regained control over myself. I took away his first kiss, Blue! I didn't want to do that! A girl is suppose to. I mean I know I'm messed up, but he still could have kissed someone else first. Someone else with a clean past. Someone who was a girl. Someone who wasn't just a reflection. Someone who wasn't just a shadow..." I trail off, my voice was very quiet on that last sentence. "Shadow! Your so stupid!! Vio is in love with you! Can't you see that?! I mean, seriously?! Have you seen the way he looks at you?! With such love and emotion? Have you never noticed that he shows you and only you, well except a few mintues ago with Red, the true Vio?! Come on, man! I know your not the "smart one" but still!" Blue explodes on me. As surprised as I am, I think about his words. I think about all the times Vio show his real self to me. Like back when he and I were evil partners plotting to over throw Vaati and Ganon. I had taken him Shadow Skating (6). I saw his true self when I taught him how to skate. Or when I was dissolving back into a shadow. I saw the true Vio when a single tear formed and trailed down his cheek only to be wiped away by me Bedford the others could notice. I look at Blue, who has his arms crossed over his chest. He's looking at me expectantly. I open my mouth and say "I guess your right." "Then go fix the mess you made." Blue replies. "What mess? What do you mean?" "Well, Vio thinks he did something wrong and that you hate his guts." © 2011 SweetRainDropsAuthor's Note
Added on August 20, 2011 Last Updated on August 22, 2011 Tags: Guilt, terror, comfort, forgiveness, school Author![]() SweetRainDropsWylie, TXAboutMy favorite quotes: "The best things in life aren't even things at all" "Love makes everything grow" more..Writing