

A Chapter by SweetRainDrops

Oh no! Vio, the straight a goody two shoes student, gets detention!

Vio ^^^^ A week later, Shadow and I still aren't talking. We still haven't done our health class project that Mrs.Audry assigned us. And it's really starting to bug me. I mean, I'm a straight A student. I never get less than an A. I can't not turn this assignment in because of tension. It's due in two weeks on September first. I sigh and decide to confront him today, and talk to him about it. I have to know why there is tension between us. I'll do it during free period. <#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<#<# Red ^^^^ Schools almost over, and Shadow and Vio still haven't talked yet. I sigh, and then a brilliant idea hits me. 'If Vio gets detention since Shadow already has it...' I thought with a wicked grin. Once the bell rings letting me out of class, I run to my locker, put my stuff up in it, and look for Vio. I see him in line for the water fountain. I smile wickedly again, and I quietly sneak over there without him seeing me. Then when it's his turn to drink from it. I slip the strap of his purple backpack that he doesn't wear onto the fire alarm. Then I run down the hall some till I'm at a distance where he can't see me, but I can see him. He stands up and starts to walk. "BBRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIINNNNNNNNNNGGGGGG!!!!" the alarm went. The sprinklers turned, on and I got soaking wet. I laughed in delight as a teacher walks over to Vio and starts to yell at him. I see Vio flinch every time the teacher points her finger at him. I continue to smile as I make my way out of the building, thinking 'My work here is done.' [}{]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[}{] Vio ^^^^ I got off with a warning and a day of detention. Thankfully though it won't go on my permeant record. So, after school I have detention. I sigh as I head back to class, only to arrive when then bell rings. School is over. Detention starts now. Once I arrive at the detention room, Room 109, I enter it. It's empty. Except one person. And can you guess who it is? Shadow. My heart beat quickens as I take a seat a chair away from Shadow. Then the teacher walks in. He sighs and says "You know why your here. Now just stay here." With that said, Mr.Rillion left the room. "Uh-" I try to protest, but the door already slammed shut. I glance at Shadow and notice he is giving me a curious look as if silently asking me what I'm in for. I glance away and say quietly "Apparently, I pulled the fire alarm." I hear a chuckle from next to me. I turn and look at Shadow. I give him my best angry glare, but of course I can't help but have a small, very small, microscopic, smile form on my lips. I shake it off. "So you think it's funny, Uh?" I ask him, slight humor in my voice. "Yeah. I mean, someone like you doing that?" he laughed. My cheeks heated up. I could literally feel them turning redder by the second. But the funny thing is I am glad that he's laughing at me. At least I get to hear his mysterious naughty laugh. "Oh yeah? Well, what did you do exactly?" I ask. Then immediately I regret asking. I realize I probably don't want to know. "Well, I graffitied the girl's locker room with dark magic." he said, a cocky smile playing his lips. Shadow just laughs when I gasp. "What did you graffiti?" I ask him, my voice sounding eager to know. I cover my mouth with both of my pale small hands, some say I have girl hands. 'Why did I just sound so eager?' I thought as Shadow laughs even harder. "Well, since your so eager to know why don't you go see for yourself?" he felts. I shake my head hastily, no. He chuckles. I look at the clock, 3:45pm. 'Ah, justan hour to go." I thought solemnly. Comfortable silence passed between us for fifteen mintues. Then I decided I couldn't take it anymore. I stand up. "What's up with you?!" I say, something in me snapping. He looks up at me, his arms crossed over his chest and his feet resting on the top of the desk. "I mean, you've been avoiding me and ignoring me for the past week!" I exclaim. He stays silent, just watching me carefully. I groan. "Please, Shadow, just tell me. Tell me what is wrong! I won't know till you tell me." I almost yell as I watch him stand up. "Did I say something wrong? Did I do anything that upset you? Did I hear something I wasn't suppose to hear? Is it because you don't like me? Do you not want to be my friend anymore?" I ask, my eyes full of tears, my emotion barrier cracking and already filled with huge cracks and small holes. λλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλλ Shadow ^^^^^^^^ I see the tears in his eyes as he quickly looks away from me, asking "Do you not want to be my friend anymore?" I could tell in the dim light that his eyes were full of tears by the way they glistened. My heart breaks as I watch him, trying to figure out how to go about this. If I say something his emotion Barrie might break, but if I don't it WILL break. And I don't want that. I open my mouth then close it. Then I open my mouth again, this time having tha right words, "Vio, of course, I still want to be your friend. Never in this whole life time could I ever even think about not being your friend. It's unfathomable. It's unrealistic. I will always be your friend." "Then why were you avoiding me? Why?" he demand, "Why? Why would you avoid me if you do want to be my friend or why would you hurt me so if it were not true?" I've never seen Vio like this. His emotion barrier is breaking. I stare into his icy cold blue eyes which are now filled with frustrated anger. I feel my own emotions start to bubble and boil inside of me. My anger takes over, and I exclaim "Why? You want to know why?" He nods his head, his jaw set. "Why do you think, Vio? Why because you left me. You left me alone the whole summer with my parents! My cursed parents! You left me here for some family ship ride around all of Hyrule! How do you think that makes me feel?! Unloved? Unwanted? Alone in life? Yes, all of the above. I know what your thinking. 'Well, you had the others.' Yeah, sure. I have the others. But they don't turst me like you do. Blue and Green still don't like me. They just deal with me for you. Red could care less about me. Blue still thinks I'm evil and plotting against you. He still hasn't forgiven me about working with Vaati. That's why. That's why I was avoiding you. I was just angry you left me." I tell him. "But, Shadow, what does that have to do with your parents?" I don't answer. He steps towards me. I take a step backwards, away from him. This continues till I am dangerously close to the wall. 'oh no. I can't let him corner me. If I run into the wall he'll see my pained face.' I thought as scuttle around a desk towards the back of the room. I continue to back up till I feel a sharp pain in the middle of my back. My face twists in horrible pain. My knees give way, and the pain increases as I fall to the floor. Then, my vision goes fuzzy. Then my vision goes black. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Vio ^^^^ Shadow's face twists in pain. Then he falls to the ground limp. "Shadow!!!" I yell, worried. I rush over to him. I scan him over and realize there is a puddle of dark liquid coming from under him. My eyes fill with panic. I flip him over onto his stomach to look at his back. The black shirt he's wearing gleams with dark red blood that its soaked in. I can't get the shirt off with put hurting him. Unless, of course, I had something to cut it with. Then I remember that Shadow has a pocket knife in his pocket at all times. I reach my hand under him and into his front pocket. My fingers inclose around the Swiss army knife. I pull it out and flip it open. I cut very carefully a thin line down the back of the shirt. Then two more lines down the sleeves. I then slowly and carefully peel off the fabric and reveal his back. It is coated in blood. I hurry and cut some dry clean fabric from what use to be Shadow's shirt, and I clean his back of blood. The wound is a huge gash down his back that is already healing. I look his back over and see multiple bruises and scars and scabs. 'Hmmm... I wonder what they eare from. They look recent.' I thought as I looked around for something to bind him up in. I stand up and walk over to my backpack. I get out my extra shirt and walk back over to Shadow. I use his pocketknife and cut the shirt up into strips of cloth to bind him up in. I use the shirt and bind him up, but it's not enough. So I take of my purple sweater vest and cut that up. Once he's finished being binded up, I readjust his position so that his head lays in my lap and his back lays on the pillow I brought to bring back to Red since he left it at my house. Ten mintues pass, but it seems like ten decades. Finally, Shadow opens his eyes. My eyes meet crimson red ones. Shadow looks around, then at hus hand, and I blush. I realize I am holding firmly to his hand. He looks up at me curiously. "Uh..." I sputter out. A squeeze of my left hand caused me to be quiet. I look at our hands, then at Shadow. He squeezes it again, with a soft smile, and says softly "Thank you." I smile and lean down, pressing my forehead against his. "Your welcome." I say. The we hear the bell ring. Detentions over. I help Shadow to stand, and I get his leather jacket out of his black backpack. He looks down at his bindings and asks "What am I wearing? Is this your favorite sweater vest? And your favorite tee-shirt? It was the only tee-shirt you wore!" "They were the only things I could find. I mean I didn't want to cut up your spare clothing or cut up any of my clothing that I have on." I reply, shrugging it off like it's no big deal. Even though it kind of is. He knows it is. I wore that sweater vest everywhere. And that shirt was the softest one I owned which automatically made it my favorite. "Come on. Let's go to my house. You can stay there tonight." I tell him. His face stays emotionless, but his eyes fill with a joyous gleam. I smile and help him to walk. We leave the detention room and go to the parking lot.

© 2011 SweetRainDrops

Author's Note

Enjoy! Forgive bad spelling and/or grammar.

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Added on August 16, 2011
Last Updated on August 17, 2011
Tags: Vio, Shadow, detention, Yaoi
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Wylie, TX

My favorite quotes: "The best things in life aren't even things at all" "Love makes everything grow" more..

Prolodge Prolodge

A Chapter by SweetRainDrops