This is a story I brainstormed, once, while on a trip with my family up to Raquette Lake, NY. I wasn't really feeling the best, at first, but it got better, after we left. xD I've felt the need to show others that a lot of things that people do, that most see as sexual, don't really have to be. I know, you're saying "well, yeah, but it's a mature book in the erotica genre!" Well, I put it there because I don't know where else to put it. If you know of a better place, feel free to suggest it. That, and comments, too, if you like. I just want to prove a point.
** EDIT: I'm going to try moving this to a different genre, since "erotica", to me, has too many sexual connotations, and that's the exact opposite of what I was looking for. After a quick snoop through Wikipedia, I'm tempted to say this might be a bit of philosophy, instead, since it challenges a belief a lot of people hold, but not too many try to question. And if this is actually the wrong category, then I'm sorry in advance, I hope I didn't offend anyone, and please (gently) let me know, so I can change it (and suggesting a different one wouldn't hurt, either).