

A Poem by Mariana Silva

Contest submission:details later


Delicate little teaspoon,

Used once to supply her tea with a bit of good.

Often, a resort for the days she was ill.

She raises the silver to her lips and takes a sip.

Is it medicine or sugary black poison this time?


The taste it carries being the difference,

Between a comfort on stormy nights,

Or of her lonely home with no one who cares.


Silver little teaspoon, what simple tasks you perform,

Yet you carry the meaning or healer,

And porter.


Delicate and intricate,

What was once an primitive shovel for your food,

Now seems to carry so much meaning for the child as she waits.

Will this be the last she sees of it?
Will it finally deliver salvation,

Or her demise in guise of a mysterious liquid?


At the end of the day,

That silver teaspoon lies on the table.

There it will remain for a long time to come,

As it finally decided the fate of the small child.

© 2008 Mariana Silva

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Added on October 5, 2008


Mariana Silva
Mariana Silva


Love to read and write, so much in fact, there isn't a place where my journal and pen have not followed me because you never know when something will spring forth to be written. Not a prodigy but some.. more..

Honest Honest

A Poem by Mariana Silva