The holiday people camp in softdrink shade; The white sun dances in the brown tea In the hot cup, in the hot day Where the attenuated birdsong shrills Into untenable heights soprano And the sun splits as the liquid jars As a door slams " Open. Let time suspend the execution of the hour For this one moment here in sunshaft, Here cool wind, beyond our Kafka country, beyond Our torn-wallpaper lives, beyond the city Where the world outruns its cliches, Green verdant and blue ultramarine " I attempt a free translation of birdsong.
a cut well above the average poem published here. i liked the flow of images, some great word choices and delicate touches. I think I read it three or four times in the end, gaining more each time. highly inspirational writing. fantastic.
The imagery is really good, I love the whole structure but the very last line is the one I love the most,
"I attempt a free translation of birdsong". :)
Again, a really great write. The first opening lines really set the tone of the poem. I do think however, you had that annoying cafe' glitch happen to you when you transposed from Word to cafe' -- and you meant hyphens where there are " marks.
Just a simple woman who loves poetry. A single Mom, a widow, with four children. My kids are all in
their late teens-early twenties, with only two still at home! empty nest is not far off! Hooray. :-.. more..