Fading bonds

Fading bonds

A Poem by Surabhi

Here’s the thing no one tells you
That phase when you're starting fresh and new
In a city where no one knows your face
Yes family’s near but it is not the same place

Friends you once had close at hand
Now feel distant like another land
Weekly meetups fade to “someday soon”
Your rants to silence beneath the moon

Messages linger left unseen
Replies arrive in a day or maybe between
You learn to wait to understand
They're going through life’s shifting sand

And so you sit with solitude’s song
Wondering where you might belong
In this phase this space of in-between
Where memories and reality convene

No one speaks of that silent shift
When you're alone your world adrift
In a new city unknown and wide
Where family’s love can’t quite reside

Friends you held so close before
Now seem like shadows on a distant shore
Plans once made now lose their light
Turning “soon” into an endless night

Your words fall into the empty air
Replies come late if they even care
You tell yourself they’re caught in storms
Just like you in their own forms

So you learn to walk this road alone
Finding comfort in the unknown
In the echoes of what used to be
And the whispers of what’s yet to see

© 2024 Surabhi

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I can understand your point of view. You've beautifully crafted your pain in these words that I really impressed with. I belive almost everyone will relate to this 👏

Posted 4 Days Ago


3 Days Ago

Thankyou so much !! It's comforting to know that you can understand and yeah maybe others will also .. read more

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1 Review
Added on October 12, 2024
Last Updated on October 12, 2024
Tags: #friendship #bonds #silent #echo



Delhi, India

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A Poem by Surabhi