![]() Chapter TenA Chapter by Alice![]() A visit from her social worker brightens Jen's day![]() CHAPTER TEN It was the social worker who finally persuaded Jennifer Beauchamp to have treatment. A beautiful Jamaican lady named Gracie Callan had been handed Jennifer's case-file. It was not the first time they had met. “Do you remember me, sugar? I was social worker for your Lewis.” Gracie sat down by the bedside. She remembered Jennifer well, though it had been overt a year since last time she had seen her. 'How frail she looks, poor thing' Gracie thought. Out loud she asked “now what's all this I hear about you refusing treatment?” Jennifer told her about having chemotherapy before, for bowel cancer, how ill it had made her feel and how Lewis had supported her. Telling the tale again made Jennifer weep. Gracie produced tissues as if by magic and held Jennifer while she wept. “You have a good howl, sugar. It'll make you feel heaps better.” When Jennifer had wiped her eyes Gracie said her piece. “Now listen to me, Jennifer. We're going to find a way to make this work. Don't argue. You wouldn't let up when Lewis refused to do his physiotherapy. You pushed and encouraged, even when he called you a b***h.” “He had a chest infection, but we didn't know it at the time. He didn't usually swear.” Jennifer was quick to defend her late husband's character. “He was a real gentleman” Gracie recalled. “Now, about that treatment.” Jennifer began to protest again, but she had no energy to argue with such an effervescent person as Gracie Callan. “Your man would do the same for you, Jennifer. He'd be the first to say 'you go girl'. So this is what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go and make some calls, use up a few favours. One way or another we'll make it happen. I'll be right back.” “I'm not planning on going anywhere” Jennifer told her. Gracie Callan took herself off to the hospital chapel. She needed somewhere quiet to go over Jennifer's case file and make the necessary telephone calls. She wasn't sure if phones were allowed in the chapel itself, but there were no notices and no one was at prayer. If she was quick and quiet no one would be any the wiser. Gracie settled herself in the back pew to read the file once more, and make a few notes. Then she stood outside in the corridor to make her calls, just in case anyone came along; the signal was better out there anyway. She placed the first call to the hospital department where Jennifer would receive her treatment. Gracie spoke with one of the counsellors paid for by the local cancer charity. They did such good work. She must remember to make a donation soon. Once she understood exactly what was involved, and how the chemotherapy would proceed, Gracie came up with a plan. Gracie keyed in the personal number of her friend Karen. A shared love of gardening had brought the two together and now Gracie was a volunteer in the grounds of Owl Heights Nursing Home. Karen was the matron in charge. “I have a lady who desperately needs some respite care” Gracie told her friend all about Jennifer Beauchamp. “She's so brave, I really want to make this work for her. Can you help?” she asked. “I think we can come up with something” was the answer. One more call and all the pieces were in place. Gracie Callan treated herself to a cup of tea and a piece of carrot cake in the visitors lounge. 'You did good, girl” she gave herself a pat on the back. Now for the hard part; convincing Jennifer to go ahead with the treatment. It was visiting time when Gracie returned to Norris ward. She was absolutely brimming over with the good news as she bustled up to the bedside. Gracie was by nature a glass half full person and her happiness was somehow infectious to all she met. “I was determined to work something out” she beamed at Jennifer. “Gracie, I said to myself, you pick up your phone and work your magic for that nice lady.” she pulled up a chair and began to rummage in an over-sized carry-all, finally pulling out a strawberry-pink notebook. “How does this plan grab you?” Jennifer motioned for her to wait for a moment. She was smiling as she looked towards the doorway; a smile full of affection for the couple entering the ward. A petite blonde girl accompanied by a tall, dark and very cute young man, (her boyfriend, Gracie presumed), were headed across the room. They made a very handsome couple Gracie thought. The young man bent his head and whispered something to the girl that made her smile up at him. Definitely her boyfriend. Gracie could always tell; there was something in their body language. She was a very observant person when it came to people; that's what made Gracie Callan so good at her job. “My great niece, Emily, and my neighbour, Daniel” Jennifer introduced the newcomers as they reached her bedside. “Well, aren't you an adorable couple” Gracie gushed as she held out her hands to the young people. She babbled on not giving them a moment to answer. “I'm Gracie Callan, your aunt's social worker. I looked after your Uncle Lewis too. I was just about to tell Jennifer the arrangements I've made for her, so she can go ahead and have chemotherapy.” “I don't know if I want too” Jennifer said in a very small voice. “Hush a while, sugar. Let me explain our plan of action.” Gracie glanced at her notes. “The chemo will be a low dose, administered one day every three weeks. For a week after each treatment I have arranged for you to stay at Owl Heights Nursing Home, for a reduced fee.” “Uncle Lewis was there” the niece interrupted. “You'll like it there, Aunt Jen, and they already know you.” “That's why I chose it” Gracie continued. “Then you'll go home for two weeks with carers coming in four times a day. They'll help you get up in the mornings, get your meals, and get you ready for bed, anything you need them to do.” “What about groceries, paying bills?” Jennifer asked, ever practical. “Dolly and I will help with all that” Jennifer's niece pipe up. “And all your friends from church; I know they'll help you.” “I'll help too” her boyfriend joined in, “putting out the rubbish, running errands....” The girl smiled gratefully up at him. “That's the plan.” Gracie closed the notebook. “It will last for eighteen weeks in all.” “Sounds like a good plan to me” the young man agreed. “What do you think, Emily”. Jennifer was still unsure. “We'll find a way to make it work, Aunt Jen.” Emily tried to sound positive, but a tremor in her voice gave her away. Her boyfriend stroked her hand and they exchanged a caring look. 'These two are meant to be together' Gracie thought. “I'll leave you to think it over” she said out loud. As she got up to leave Gracie handed the niece her business card. “Give me a call when you've decided.” At the doorway she turned to wave farewell. Jennifer and her niece were talking, but the young man had eyes only for his girl. He still held her hand. 'I think everything is going to turn out just fine, girl' Gracie congratulated herself on a job well done. 'Great job!' © 2017 Alice |
Added on February 20, 2016 Last Updated on April 28, 2017 Author![]() AliceBarry, Wales, United KingdomAboutI have always enjoyed writing and used to write stories for my daughter when she was little. Now she is writing a fantasy novel. I can't enter a novel competition though. It would not be fair if I.. more..Writing