Epiphanies in a Wedding Hall are Always the Best Kind

Epiphanies in a Wedding Hall are Always the Best Kind

A Stage Play by I'm Not Into Labels

Lorraine was about to get married, but the groom decides to change it up by leaving her at the altar. With this spark of an event, Lorrain learns something about herself.


Lorraine- (Lorraine is sitting on the chaise, sprawled out, still in her extravagant wedding dress with a look of pitifulness on her face make it ridiculous. Carlos, the cleaning man, is vacuuming all around her listening to music and dancing. He doesn’t pay much attention to her. Lorraine continues her look for another good minute. She sniffles.) My life is over. (Sniffles) I want to cry but this mascara stings when I cry. (Starts outrageously crying then cringes) Oh! Ouch! Ugh! UGH! That burns! (Then starts crying even more)

            Carlos- (Stops his vacuuming and pulls out an earphone) did you say something, Missus?

            Lorraine- (Looks at him, one eye squinting and slightly angry) No I did not. (Then starts crying again.) And I’m not a Missus! (Sniffles) And I’m not going to be a Missus any time soon. I’m just a ‘Miss’! But I thought I was going to be 6 hours ago, but hey that didn’t happen. I mean I’m sorry I’m not blonde! Or tan! Or plastic! I mean at least my nose is real! And that tan is so fake! (Cries) I was blonde (sniffles) When I was younger… (Sniffles)…that should count for something! (Cries) What’s your name?

            Carlos- (Nervously) Um (Beat) Carlos.

            Lorraine- Are you married, Carlos?

            Carlos �" Uh…No.

            Lorraine- (Forcefully) GOOD! (Cries outrageously)

            Carlos �" (Stands there awkwardly, watching her cry, trying to think of something to say. After a good moment, he gives up.) Can I go now?

            Lorraine- (Stops crying and looks up at him.) Sure.

            Carlos- Okay. (Leaves off stage right)

            Delaney- (Offstage whilst Lorraine is crying) Honey, I told you I am looking for Lorraine! (Pause) She is heartbroken! Her man left her for her more attractive maid of honor! Oops… probably shouldn’t have said that…I hope she didn’t hear me. (Pause) Give me another ten minutes. (Coming on) she’s bound to be around… (Stops short) Lorraine! There you are! I’ve been looking for you forever!

            Lorraine- Well I guess less attractive people can’t hear as well as more attractive people.

            Delaney- I guess you heard that.

            Lorraine- (Almost fuming) Oh yea.

            Delaney- I have to learn to talk quieter; I’m always getting in trouble for things I say.

            Lorraine- (Starts crying and cringing)

            Delaney- Honey! (Goes to her and sits down beside her awkwardly with her belly) Just because your husband left you for a (Lorraine gives her a look) your friend…doesn’t mean you should be all upset. Plus that mascara stings when you cry. (Lorraine sniffles then cries a bit) Well honey…this just means you just have horrible choice in friends. Maybe another person was more qualified for maid of honor.

            Lorraine- (Pulls away) you’re just mad I didn’t chose you!

            Delaney- Well obviously I would have been a better choice. I wouldn’t have run off with your fiancé! He was ugly anyways.

            Lorraine- Well I’m sorry that I had a poor choice of attractive maid honors and ugly men! I had no idea that they wanted to be together. But it doesn’t matter now because I’m not getting married! I’m single! (Cries into her dress)

            Delaney- I’m just saying that I am your sister and that I probably should have been your maid of honor! Alright!

            Lorraine- Why? You would have been the worst maid of honor ever! You’re mean and hormonal! And you would have looked fat in that dress!

            Delaney- Yea because I am pregnant! And that’s why I’m hormonal!

            Lorraine- Yea! For the fourth time! I even haven’t had a pregnancy scare!

            Delaney- Why does that matter!? You hate children!

            Lorraine- That’s not the point!

            Delaney- Whatever, all I am saying that I should have been your maid honor!

            Lorraine- Can we just drop it?! I don’t care and it doesn’t matter cause I’m not getting married. I’m going to be an old Jewish Cat-lady.

            Delaney- You need to calm down.

            Lorraine- Leave me alone then.

            (Carlos comes in vacuuming)

            Delaney- NO I can’t leave you in distress and in a mess. (To Carlos) Watch my sister for me while I get her some champagne?

            Carlos- (A little hesitantly) Okay.

            Delaney- (Gets up) Okay then.

            Lorraine- Delaney?

            Delaney- (stops) yes Lorraine?

            Lorraine- (Sniffles) just bring me the whole bottle.

            (Delaney chuckles and waddles off)

            (Carlos stands there awkwardly watching Lorraine cry.)

            Carlos- Are you alright? Missus?

            Lorraine- (outraged) I’m not a missus! (Sniffles) And no Carlos. I am not okay.

            Carlos- I hear what happen.

            Lorraine- How?

            Carlos- Um…the whole church hear it.

            Lorraine- Oh. (Cries again)

            (Porter walks in after a couple of moments of crying. He stares at her awkwardly)

            Porter- (To Carlos) is she alright?

            Carlos- (Looks at him, then at her and she cries more outrageously, then at him.) I don’t think so.

            Porter- (Sighs) I figured.

            Carlos- (Beat) Can I go now?

            Porter- (Beat) Sure.

            Carlos- Okay. (Exits off Stage Right)

            (Porter stands there staring at Lorraine crying awkwardly and looks like he’s contemplating as to what to say.)

            Porter- (finally gives up) Hello, Lorraine.

            Lorraine- (Looks up at him) Oh, hello Porter. What are you doing here? I thought you left an hour ago.

            Porter- Well I didn’t (Beat) obviously. I mean watching you say goodbye to the guests was hilarious. (Lorraine gives him a nasty look) but I felt bad still. And I wanted to make sure you were okay. (Lorraine gives him a nastier look) to the point where I can leave and not be thinking that you are going to kill yourself.

            Lorraine- (Tries to chuckle but fails into crying) I’m not going to kill myself. I’m just angry. (Beat) Never mind, angry doesn’t even cover it; infuriated maybe, but livid even more.

            Porter- (Goes to her) Sadly enough. (Beat) I saw this coming. (Sits down)

            Lorraine- (stops crying, almost angry at this point) how? Honestly!? Explain!

            Porter- How could you not tell?

            Lorraine- Well obviously I couldn’t. Elaborate please?

            Porter- (sighs) well, they acted more in love than you and he did. He spent more time with her than he did you claiming they were doing wedding business but really they were doing some business of their own. He was always coming home late and we both know his work ends at 5 and he’d get home at 10. He’d blame it on the traffic and the traffic was clearly her legs. Even when you were walking down that aisle trying not to trip he was looking at her. Not at you.

            Lorraine- (Completely disgusted) Um….this isn’t making me feel any better Porter.

            Porter- Well what do you want me to say?

            Lorraine- I don’t know! Right now I just really want to indulge in that champagne that my sister was supposed to bring me. She claims it’s because she’s pregnant and that she has to waddle everywhere. But that is a lie! She even runs faster than me when she’s pregnant!

            Porter- Now you’re just complaining.

            Lorraine- I believe I have the right to complain! My man left me at the altar! 6 hours ago!

            Porter- So?

            Lorraine- (Beat) Of course I am going to be angry and sad and complaining!

            Porter- But he didn’t love you.

            Lorraine- (Sadly) this trying to make me feel okay isn’t really working.

            Porter- I’m just stating a simple fact; that you were marrying the wrong man.

            Lorraine- Did I ask you state it?

            Porter- No.

            Lorraine- Then you shouldn’t have stated it! (Cries, then cringes) Ugh! Darn this mascara. It burns!

            Porter- Why are you wearing it?

            Lorraine- My mother insisted. It brings out my schnoze.

            Porter- (Takes out a tissue) Here Rainie. (Hands it to her)

            (She takes it and wipes it off and sniffles, then looks at him with gratitude)

            Porter- There you are. I’ve always thought you looked so beautiful without make up.

            Lorraine- (Blushes and hands him the tissue) Awh…thanks Porter.

            Porter- You can have it. You might cry more.

            Lorraine- Well at least it won’t sting and burn and hurt like Thomas did to me! (She cries)

            Porter- I never liked him.

            Lorraine- You never like any of my boyfriends. Neither did my mother because none of them were Jewish.

            Porter- Thomas was Jewish.

            Lorraine- That’s why my mother let me marry him; but hey that didn’t happen.

            Porter- I’m Jewish.

            Lorraine- I know that’s why my mother wanted me to marry you. (She chuckles but keeps crying.) I mean if I have to hear my mother tell me one more time, “Why can’t you be more like your sister. She’s married to a Jewish good man and already has kids!?” Well sorry Ma! My good Jewish man wanted a Catholic!

            Porter- Calm down!

            Lorraine- No! I don’t want to calm down! I want to cry and have my champagne! (Beat) Where is my sister!?

            Porter- I’ll go get her! But first I want you to calm down. You could end up hurting yourself in that dress.

            Lorraine- I already did. I’ve got three bruise and I’ve tripped twice. And do you know how many layers are in this dress?! (Beat)  I don’t!

            Porter- Well you looked beautiful in it, until you punched and tried to decapitate Tracie. Then you just looked like Bridezilla and all kinds of crazy.

            Lorraine �" Well she had it coming. And that nose is fake so it’s fine. And Thomas will probably have a limp tomorrow. I did kick him with these. (Shows heels)

            Porter- Those are insane…

            Lorraine- They’re my mother’, by the way, where is my mother? (Sadly) She’s probably ashamed that her daughter got left at the altar by a good Jewish man who was planning to be a banker.

            Porter- That must be embarrassing?

            Lorraine- Oh yea, she’ll be the laughing stock of the country club, and all because of me, Thomas, and that little flusie Tracie. Ah, I wish I could punch her again.

            Porter- Violence is not the answer.

            Lorraine- You didn’t seem to think that when you punched Thomas.

            Porter- (Chuckles) well he had it coming. (They both laugh, and Lorraine’s laughing turns to crying. Porter tries to comfort her.) Come on Raine! It’s not that bad! I mean at least you found out now and not 30 years into your marriage and he’s living a double life with 3 kids with you and a Lamborghini and a house in the Hampton’s.

            Lorraine- (Stops crying) Why does she get the Lamborghini and the house in the Hampton’s and I get the 3 kids? Whose side are you on?

            Porter- Even though you hate kids…you said you wanted at least 3.

            Lorraine- Well I wouldn’t mind having a Lamborghini, a house in the Hampton’s and 3 kids even though I don’t want them...

            Porter- Well, do you get my point?

            Lorraine- (Sadly) Yes. (Beat) I just don’t want to believe it.

            Delaney- (Offstage) Honey Will you calm down?! I am trying to comfort my sister here! (Pause) Don’t get smart with me! I’m hormonal! (A very long pause) Love you too honey. Now give me ten more minutes. (Comes in) Oh Porter!

            Porter- Hey Delaney how’s the bun in the oven?

            Delaney- On the fritz. All this almost wedding madness.

            Lorraine- (Cries hysterically)

            Delany- I’m guessing she’s not doing any better?

            Porter- She had her moments.

            Delaney- (With champagne in hand) well hopefully this works. (Waddles over to her) It’s warm and there weren’t any cold ones left. I think Uncle Louie took them. I thought he was with his parole officer and he couldn’t do those kinds of things.

            Lorraine- That wasn’t his parole officer; that was his wife.

            Delaney- Well then. That would explain a lot of things.

            Porter- (Gets up for Delaney to sit down.)

            Delaney- Thank you Porter my legs are killing me. Hey would you be a dear and go entertain my husband for me? He’s so antsy, if it weren’t for this belly, people would think he was the pregnant one.

            (Porter chuckles and walks out)         

            Delaney- So how are you since the last 10 minutes I saw you?

            Lorraine- That was so not ten minutes!

            Delaney- No need to get all offensive, I simply asked you a question.

            Lorraine- I know.

            Delaney �" Then answer it.

            Lorraine- The same as “Ten Minutes” ago.

            Delaney- I figured. (Opens the bottle; Lorrain hungrily and angrily takes it and behinds chugging it.) Well that’s one way to do it. (Lorraine keeps drinking and Delaney takes it from her) You are going to make yourself sick! Now stop it!

            Lorraine- I don’t want too! (Beat) And that is horrible!

            Delaney- Or course it is! It’s champagne!

            Lorraine- Then why am I drinking it!?

            Delaney- It’s the only form of alcohol we have at the moment.

            Lorraine- Then go get me some!

            Delaney- Alcohol is not the answer to your problems

            Lorraine- Well it is to mine!

            Delaney- Calm down!

            Lorraine- NO! (Tries to get up and falls to the ground) UGH!

            Delaney- See? This is what happens when you get yourself all worked up. On the floor buried in your wedding dress; its just down right depressing.

            Lorraine- Help me up.

            Delaney- (sighs in annoyance getting up awkwardly and tries to behind down to help her up. She tries several times in a variety of ways and fails.) Okay this isn’t working. Where is that charming Mexican cleaning boy with that vacuum?

            Lorraine- Carlos?

            Delaney- (Calls off right) Carlos!? Mr. Carlos?!

            (Carlos emerges with a broom and dust pan and stands there awkwardly)

            Carlos- (Beat) Yes Missus?

            Delaney- Would you be so kind as to help my sister up?

            Carlos- (Looks down at Lorrain who smiles and holds out her hand. Then at the impatient Delaney) Do I have to? (Whispers) She’s scares me.

            Lorraine- You do realize I am right here. (Beat) In full eavesdropping range of your conversation…

            Delaney- (Ignoring her) she’s not scary. Just really…really….really…really…

            Carlos- Depressed?

            Delaney- Dumped…

            Lorraine- Again, I am right here listening to every word you are saying.

            Delaney- I know. Clearly you haven’t gone anywhere.

            Lorraine- Will someone just help me up?

            Delaney- Carlos?

            Carlos �" (Drops broom and dust pan unenthusiastically and behinds down to try and help her. They try numerous times and fail) you heavy!

            Lorraine- It’s the dress!

            Carlos- Why you wear it?

            Lorraine- Ask my mother! (Carlos finally gives up)

            Carlos- (Looks to Lorraine) Can I go now?

            Lorraine- Sure.

            Carlos- Okay. (Leaves off right)

            (Porter walks in right and stares at Lorraine on the floor in a jumble and Delaney all impatient.)

            Porter- Did I miss something?

            Lorraine- I think I got another bruise and it’s more painful than the other three.

            Porter- That dress is a fluffy death trap. (Then he turns to Delaney) Your husband wants to leave. (Beat) Now.

            Delaney- Well tell him to wait ten more minutes.

            Porter- I did.

            Delaney- And?

            Porter- Well he said something that sounded cranky and mean. (Beat) And then some not very nice words and then I ran before he could punch me in the face.

            Delaney- Why would he punch you in the face?

            Porter- Because he said he would punch me in the face if I didn’t get you to go home with him…now and not in ten minutes.

            Delaney- (About to go off) Ugh Fine! I’ll go talk to him! (To Lorraine) Don’t go anywhere.

            Lorraine- I wasn’t gunna.

            Delaney- Hey! Don’t get smart with me! I’m hormonal! (To Porter) Make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid.

            Lorraine- Hey! I thought you were supposed to be making me feel better.

            Delaney- Nope that’s Porter’s job. (Then waddles off right)

            Lorraine- ARG! (Cries into her dress)

            Porter- (Goes to her) don’t cry Raine. It’s not that bad.

            Lorraine- I hate her! SO MUCH!

            Porter- No you don’t.

            Lorraine- Yes I do! She’s mean and a horrible sister. She didn’t even care about this stupid wedding. All she wanted to be was the maid honor! Well the maid of honor is supposed to be the bride’s best friend. Delaney isn’t my best friend. She isn’t even my friend. We treat each other more like coworkers that work for the same family. Nothing like sisters. She was labeled the “perfect” child. Always had the perfect boyfriend, prefect grades and perfect teeth! So what if I had a little gap? It was cute! (Beat) And she made it worse by flaunting it. She may dance like a horse but she was till perfect in everyone’s eyes. I am not perfect. Not perfect enough for my mother. According to her, since I am the oldest, I should have gotten married first and had children first and do everything first but hey, we both know that didn’t happen. (Beat) I covered up all of her mistakes! And trust me! There were a lot. But still (cries) she’s still the perfect child! How does that even happen?! Her nose is crooked too! (Starts crying again)

            Porter- (Beat) Well I think you’re perfect, if the counts for anything.

            Lorraine- Well right now I’m not.

            Porter- Well (Beat) In general, you’re perfect.

            Lorraine- (Sniffles) Porter, you’re so nice to me and I’m so mean to you.

            Porter- Only sometimes, but its okay; I’m willing to be a punching bag that you can vent to and hit...really hard.

            Lorraine- I’d like to use Thomas a punching bag.

            Porter- (A bit annoyed) why do you keep harping on this? He’s gone with Tracie and doesn’t love you. And he’s making you this train wreck. Suck it up and move on!

            Lorraine- Well, I thought he did! (Cries) I really did. I loved him at least. (Quietly) I think.

            Porter- You think?

            Lorraine- (Tries to get up with haste, regretting what she said.) Stop confusing me! Just help me up and I’m going to go home and cry some more.

            Porter- No, what am I confusing about?

            Lorraine- It’s nothing. I shouldn’t have said anything at all. I’m going home.

            Porter- No! You tell me what’s so confusing.

            Lorraine- It doesn’t matter. (Fails to get up.)

            Porter- Oh but it does.

            Lorraine- I don’t wanna to talk about it. (Starts crawling away.)

            Porter- Oh no, you’re not going to get away that easy. (Follows her) Tell me!

            Lorraine- (Crawls behind the couch) NO!

            (Keep repeating the same lines over and over again crawling all over the stage. You may Ad lib. Carlos then comes in with a vacuum and they keep running into each other *keep going as long as it takes.)

            Lorraine- (Gives up and plops down where she started.) This dress is so heavy.

            Carlos- (Out of breath) I told you.

            Lorraine- Was I talking to you? Carlos?

            Carlos- No.

            Porter- Lorraine, tell me what’s wrong.

            Lorraine- Then you shouldn’t have answered and no Porter! I’ve had enough embarrassment for a day.

            Carlos- I think you are done for the week.

            Lorraine- (Glare) don’t you have places to vacuum Carlos?

            Porter- Lorraine, I just chased you around a lobby, you better tell me.

            Lorraine- Didn’t I tell you no?

            Porter- yes, but you’re still going to tell me anyways.

            Lorraine- I am not.

            Carlos- Can I go now?

            Lorraine and Porter- Sure.

            Carlos- Okay. (Exits off right)

            (An awkward moment of heated anger between Lorraine and Porter)

            Delaney- (offstage) Honey I told you! Ten more minutes! You better not leave, Doris tell your father if he leaves I will be very angry! (Pause) Well he can watch it when he gets home. (Pause) I don’t care if it is the best game of the year. I am the best game he’s gonna get all year. (Pause) Love you to Sweetie. (Comes on to awkward moment) Porter, Lorraine, am I interrupting something that should have happened 10 years ago?

            Lorraine and Porter- What?

            Delaney- Never mind then...Am I interrupting something?

            Porter- No. (Beat) I was just leaving.

            Lorraine- (Bitterly) Good.

            Porter- (Bitterly) Bye.

            Lorraine- (Bitterly) Bye.

            (Porter nods to Delaney and exits off right)

            Delaney- What happened?

            Lorraine- Nothing.

            Delaney- Well it was obviously something happened.

            Lorraine- It was really nothing.

            Delaney- Oh touchy. Calm down and stop lying to me. What’s wrong?

            Lorraine- (Bitter) I’d rather not talk about it.

            Delaney- Fine (Sits down beside her) we’ll just sit in silence.

            (They are incredibly quiet for a moment and then Carlos comes in with his vacuum that is ridiculously loud. He vacuums all around their silence, his music blaring in his earphones. *Hips don’t Lie. Dancing outrageously. Tries to vacuum underneath them and Lorraine gets testy.)

            Lorraine- Do you seriously have to vacuum in this exact spot right now?

            Carlos- (Pulls out an earphone) You say something Missus?

            Lorraine- How many times do I have to tell you that I am not a Missus!?

            Delaney- (Haughtily) I’m a Missus.

            Lorraine- You shut up.

            Delaney- Don’t tell me to shut up. I’m hormonal. You shut up!

            Lorraine- I will not shut up! I refuse!

            Delaney- Fine!

            Lorraine- Fine!

            Carlos- (After a moment) Women. (Goes off right)

            (A heated silence between them)

            Delaney- I would just like you to know that I hate you.

            Lorraine- Oh, it’s okay because the feeling is mutual. (Beat) VERY MUCH SO!

            Delaney- Good.

            (Another silence)

            Lorraine- Oh and I’m so telling Ma that it was really you who broke her bed with Arthur Finklemen sophomore year, and not me.

            Delaney- That was 10 years ago!

            Lorraine- Oh I know. But because of you I was grounded for a year and I had to rub her feet and there is a reason why she never wears sandals.

            Delaney- Fine. Then I’m going to tell her that you were planning on getting a nose job.

            Lorraine- (She gasps and clutches nose) that’s because you got one first.

            Delaney- (Gasps, clutching her nose) it was crooked!

            Lorraine- So is mine! AND IT”S WORSE THAN YOURS!?

            Delaney- That’s because I punched you in the nose in the first grade for calling me fat.

            Lorraine- You were fat!  

            Delaney- So were you!

            Lorraine- That’s not the point!

            Delaney- Then what is the point?

            Lorraine- You were and still are fat!

            Delaney- I’m pregnant!

            Lorraine- Excuses!

            Delaney- Well you know what?! You look fat in that dress!

            Lorraine- Right back at cha sista!

            (Lorraine punches Delaney, she screams and punches her back, they both scream and have at each other. Carlos comes in and shakes his head, and begins to sweep listening to the conversation. They finally stop and stare at each other heatedly and there is silence.)

            Delaney- (Sincerely) Lorraine! What are we doing?

            Lorraine- Fighting…the thing we’ve been doing since birth...

            Delaney- Yea…why?

            Lorraine- Because we are sisters and we hate each other; it’s just how things work.

            Delaney- We don’t hate each other…you’re just jealous.

            Lorraine- Of what? I have nothing to be jealous about. I have no idea what you are talking about.

            Delaney- You just are mad that I got married first and had children first.

            Lorraine- Am not.

            Delaney- I overheard you and Porter talking.

            Lorraine- You know, eavesdropping is very rude.

            Delaney- Shut up. You do it all the time.

            Lorraine- Not intentionally. It just happens.

            Delaney- But Lorraine, please don’t be jealous of me.

            Lorraine �" I’m not jealous.

            Delaney- I know that Ma has high expectations and I just so happened to meet them first and she wanted you to meet them first because you are the oldest.

            Lorraine- What are you talking about? I am fine.

            Delaney- Look I know you were only marrying Thomas to prove to Ma that you were better than me. Because you’re older and stuff…

            Lorraine- That is definitely not the case.

            Delaney- Deny it all you like.

            Lorraine- Oh I’m denying it.

            Delaney- But if you want to know the truth. I’m jealous of you.         

            Lorraine- Excuse me?

            Delaney- That’s right.

            Lorraine- Elaborate.

            Delaney- You have the perfect best friend who loves you and always will no matter what you throw at him and Moses knows that it’s you two that need to get married, the perfect job, and you know, I understand why you don’t like children. They are horrible. They are hard work and are you sure you want three?

            Lorraine- That’s what Ma wanted.

            Delaney- Lorraine, I know we may not like each other at times but we are sisters and we shouldn’t be fighting like this and trying to prove to Ma who’s better.

            Lorraine- (Beat) It does get a little boring after 13 years of it.

            Delaney- Friends?

            Lorraine- Sisters. (They hug *heart warming moment)

            Carlos- FINALLY! (Both look at him and he looks down) Sorry… (Leaves off right)

            (Porter walks in)

            Porter- Oh sorry. (Keeps walking)

            Delaney- Porter, did my husband leave?

            Porter- He’s about too.

            Delaney- I told him ten more minutes.

            Porter- Yea; like 6 hours ago.

            Delaney- I’m going to go talk to him. Lorraine, stay here; Porter, watch her.

            Porter- But… (Delaney just leaves)

            (There is an awkward moment between them.)

            Porter- I assume you guys are friends again?

            Lorraine- Yea. How’d you know?

            Porter- Well first of all you two were hugging and that hasn’t happened in 10 years and I was eavesdropping at the door.

            Lorraine- Why does everyone keep eavesdropping?

            Porter- Because it’s that easy.

            Lorraine- Oh.


            Porter- Yea. So I’m going to go.

            Lorraine- Didn’t you say that ten minutes ago?

            Porter- Yea.

            Lorraine- Then why did you come back?

            (Porter is a little speechless; he doesn’t want to tell her)

            Lorraine- Fine don’t tell me. You don’t care about me anyway.

            Porter- That’s not true Lorraine!

            Lorraine- Well you are supposed to make me feel better but no you just keep thrashing Thomas.

            Porter- You were thrashing him too!

            Lorraine- That is not the point! And I’m allowed to thrash him! He hurt me not you!

            Porter- Then what is the point?

            Lorraine- That you are a bad best friend!

            Porter- A bad best friend? Lorraine….I… (He can’t say it.)

            Lorraine- You what? What is it!?

            Porter- Forget it. You won’t listen to me anyways.

            Lorraine- Well if you would tell me then may I will.

            Porter- Well you know what? I’m just a bad best friend to you. I don’t have tell you any thing.

            Lorraine- Oh yes you do.

            Porter- No I don’t. And why didn’t you tell me that you were marrying Thomas just so that you could get acceptance from your mother?

            Lorraine- Because I felt like you didn’t need to know that.

            Porter- I do. If I’m your best friend I do.        

            Lorraine- Well you’re a bad best friend so I didn’t want to tell you.

            Porter- Lorraine come on we tell each other everything.

            Lorraine- Then tell me what you wanted to say.

            (Porter looks at her and sighs *He is unable to say it, leaving off right, passing Carlos as he comes in)

            Carlos- (Unsure if he should really say anything but feels he must step it due to the situation) Uhhhh…Miss Lorraine?

            Lorraine- (Defeated at this point) What, Carlos?

            Carlos- (A little hesitant) What are you doing?! You are letting him go!

            Lorraine- Excuse me? What are you talking about?

            Carlos- That boy….your friend…boy with that terrible fashion sense!

            Lorraine- Porter? Yea he’s my friend…what about him?

            Carlos- (Cuts her off) Can’t you see he’s in love with you?!

            Lorraine- Come again?

            Carlos- How can you not see that, Miss Lorraine? Don’t you women thrive on this aspect of love? They make movies about it just so that you can thrive! That is why it is called a chick flick. Not an everyone flick, it is for the chick of the population only. Because no one else is willing to sit through it.

            Lorraine- Carlos…Porter doesn’t love me. Don’t be silly.

            Carlos- Honey you must be blind and all kinds of stupid….because let me tell you…

            Lorraine- Now, hold on just a second! MR! Carlos!

            Carlos- Honey… (Sits down beside her) Porter is the boy for you. This Thomas man with the greasy hair isn’t worth it so stopping crying and moping around about him because Porter is worth it…because he loves you. (Beat) How can you not see it? It’s like in your face…it can’t get anymore obvious.

            Lorraine- Well apparently I’m not all that good at pointing out the obvious…

            Carlos- Oh honey please, if you couldn’t tell that your almost husband was clearly doing the horizontal cha-cha with your maid of honor then you are stupider than I thought…

            Lorraine- (Beat) I’m not even mad at you for saying that because it’s true…

            Carlos- What? That you’re stupid?

            Lorraine- Yea.

            Carlos- Well…then let’s fix that…because I don’t think you even realize that you are in love with Porter too.

            Lorraine- No I’m not. I definitely am not.

            Carlos- Uhhh…honey…who has been there for you no matter what the cost and even when you are throwing a fit and all kinds of crazy? And he never once let you down…

            Lorraine- He never did (Beat) did he?

            Carlos- Hell he’s probably even gonna out and got you tampons…

            Lorraine- (Beat) Yea…

            Carlos- Oh honey that’s love and whipped right there...

            Lorraine- And even at prom…(Remembering) My senior year and my sister’s junior year…just because I asked him too he took my sister to prom and made sure that she was the happiest little girl in the world. However an hour into the dance, my sister met her husband now and decided to have some baby-making fun that resulted in Doris in the back of his father’s convertible. And then my date, Thomas started dancing with Tracie and I was left alone. And honestly I dance like a horse…it’s just bad. And that’s probably why Thomas didn’t want to dance with me. But Porter danced with me for the rest of the night. And he held me close and even though I did dance terribly. He let me stand on his feet at the end because I was tired, and also so that I could minimize the fact I looked like an idiot. So he simply swayed me to some 80’s song that I can’t remember for the life of me now. He danced with me like I was the only girl in the room and I was like hey…this moment would probably be in some cheesy chick flick movie that I would talked through because it was stupid. But the moment wasn’t stupid…it was just…perfect… and I didn’t want him to ever let me go and OH MY GOD I’M IN LOVE WITH PORTER.

            Carlos- (Getting up and starting off) my work is done here.

            (Carlos leaves and Porter comes on and sighs)

            Porter- (A little hesitant but wants to say his piece and get it over with) Lorraine, I’m in love with you Lorraine and I can’t do anything about it. And you don’t care because you are all caught up in your own life and you don’t care about anyone but yourself. All you care about is beating your sister out in everything. You are an overly organized stubborn, psychopathic, fat, hypocritical mean tease who needs to get a life!

            Lorraine-(Beat) Fat!?

            Porter- I just told you that I am in love with you and all you heard was that I called you fat? I’m getting out of here. 

            Lorraine- I don’t care you called me fat.

            Porter- I’m out of here.

            Lorraine- God I hate you Porter. You are such a stupid, self centered pig who is also hypocritical and psychopathic and is very wimpy and ugly and fashion senseless who is also mean man who also needs to get a life!

            Porter- Well I hate you too.

            Lorraine- Good!

            Porter- Good!

            (They kiss outrageously. Make it as ridiculous as possible, draw it out to all kinds of satisfaction. J)

            Delaney- (Coming in) Hey Lorraine I... (Notices kissing) Oh oh! I am sorry! I mean this moment should have happened 10 years ago; but hey, better late than never. Ah this is so exciting! I’m telling Ma! Mazel Tov to ya! (Aside to the audience) Maybe there will be a wedding after all. (Puts letter on the table and rushes/waddles off) MA! YOU WON’T BELIEVE IT! IT HAPPENED!

            (They release and stare at each other panting in passion.)

            Porter- Wow.

            Lorraine- Yea.

            Porter- That moment really should have happened ten years ago.

            Lorraine- Hell, I would have been fine with ten minutes ago. But hey, it happened and it was…

            Porter- Wow.

            Lorraine- Yea.

            Porter- Lorraine. (Beat) I am sorry I called you an overly organized stubborn, psychopathic, fat, hypocritical mean tease that needs to get a life. You aren’t psychopathic or hypocritical. You are a tease and very stubborn and mean, but that’s okay. And you are definitely not fat. And you have a life and I hope to share it with you.

            Lorraine- (Blushing) And you aren’t a stupid, self centered pig who is also hypocritical and psychopathic and is very wimpy and ugly and fashion senseless who is also mean man who also needs to get a life. (Beat) You aren’t stupid, self centered or a pig. You may eat like one, but you aren’t one when it comes to personality. You aren’t at all hypocritical or psychopathic but you are a little wimpy. (Laughs with him) But that’s okay because you aren’t ugly and fashion senseless. And yes, you are mean, but I’m mean so that’s okay. And yes, I would like to share my life with my best friend.

            (Press foreheads together and smile)

            Porter- (Accidentally kicks the table trying to get up and finds the paper, looks at the letter.) Lorraine. (Beat) It’s a letter from Thomas.

            Lorraine- Is it a restraining order?

            Porter- No it’s an actual letter. (Sits down and reads it to her.) Dear my Lorraine, I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so…

            Lorraine- How many so’s are there?

            Porter- They take up half the paper.

            Lorraine- Talk about desperate...he always was.

            Porter- Read on?

            Lorraine- Why not.

            Porter- (Clears throat) Sorry…for leaving you are the altar. I shouldn’t have done it. I made the biggest mistake of my life. I should have married you because I truly love you to death. Tracie was a big mistake; she was just a little fling. I thought it was something big, but I was blinded by lust. I love you Lorraine, more than I’ve loved anyone in my life. Now I know you are angry, my knee still throbs. But I know you love me, don’t you deny it. Please marry me, for real this time. Love always, Thomas.

            Lorraine- He wants me back? After 6 hours? Really?

            Porter- I guess.

            (Lorraine looks at the letter, and then she takes and rips it up.)

            Lorraine- Thomas, I don’t love you. I have all I need right here and then some and I always have...

            Porter- Kiss me?

            Lorraine- Only if kiss me back…

(They kiss sweetly) *Not as wildly as before though.

            (Carlos comes in clapping dramatically- starts off with slow clap and lets it build)

            (Curtain call)







© 2010 I'm Not Into Labels

Author's Note

I'm Not Into Labels
I am planning to have this as my Senior One Act when the time comes, and it's like the thing that is my last bang before I graduate. So just me what you think and if you see it being performed on a stage one day...a year from now :)

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Added on September 1, 2010
Last Updated on September 1, 2010