Did I mean anything?
Nope, nothing at all.
So close, yet so far apart.
If you have better things to do
Then may I ask...
Why do you keep doing this?
You wrote the book,
On how to be a liar
And lost all your friends,
Yet you still carry on
This pathetic fight of yours.
I'm done and over it,
Why can't you be?
Don't get all emoional now
You know you can't win,
So keep trying,
Just do it, you got nothing better to do any ways.
When your done,
At least let me know,
So then I can finally take that knife out of my back,
because you'll need it again.
Its been hurting alot
With everything you wrote and said.
Maybe I like to get witty
Never once did I say, it won't get s****y
But next time "hey! Do us all a favor"
Maybe you use the toilet,
And get some toilet paper to.
Because I respected you
So won't you do the same?
No wait, I forgot
You like playing fucked up little mind games.
See this is where I ask myself
You lost your friends,
What because of me?
No that not ture at all,
Did you ever think maybe it's because you fucked them over to?
But wait no, that wasn't even your thought.
Because I'm the biggest liar, I'm the biggest w***e
Well guess, what you're wrong.
And no more will you take control.
Because now your stuck playing my games.
Your playing by my rules.
Now I help everyone see ...
See passed your " I need help " act,
And your "I hate the world" speech
You never were a good actress, as you thought you would be.
Good luck in life
Because now I'm totally FREE!
I will accessed
And I can't wait to see you...
What you'll turn out to be.