An Interview with Linjamen StormA Chapter by Wulfstan CrumbleSpace Time, interplanetary form of the ever popular Time magazine interviews Expedition leader, Linjamen Storm prior to his departure.Here follows a brief interview with Expedition Leader Linjamen Storm.
Linjamen Storm gulps down his beer in huge gulps as we sit at the Gold Diggaz bar on 15.053 E Street. The seven foot tall, clean shaven, marine leaves to investigate the promising Earth-like planet, 745c, in twelves hours. Will he miss beer on the year-long flight from the mother ship?
"We’ll try to store some but sure; its gonna be tough."
Obviously it’s not going to be the toughest part of his mission. What makes 745c any different from the other planets we’ve visited in the last 298 years?
"745c seems to have an earth-like atmosphere as well as water."
A lot of planets have water; Mars for instance.
"The water on this planet, like Earth, is liquid. There could be life down there." What kind of life are you expecting?
"I dunno; Dinosaurs would be nice. If you want to know more ask the appointed Biologist or Paleontologist."
At the time of going to press no Biologist or Paleontologist has been appointed. Deputy-Defence Guy, Ronald Portfield, has threatened to pluck names at random if the two unions cannot decide soon. Linjamen Storm seems unconcerned by it all. Is his squad ready for a potentially dangerous assignment?
"The Marines are always ready."
But, you have just come out of over one-hundred years in stasis; surely his muslces have atrophed a little.
"Not at all. The Bio-Engineers did a good job."
Could he tell us more about the stasis experience?
"No, you should talk to Chief Bio-Engineer, Frank Ravanelli."
The Lieutenant is clearly a man of few words. What will be the make-up of his Legion; as it were?
"The main force will be the US Marine Corps, we will have a team of NASA pilots and an Airforce Landing Crew plus engineers. The government, under a joint CIA-FBI Command, will send a team of scientists and experts. The Allies will themselves send units or observers including the Glorious Gloucesters of Britain."
Has he ever thought of himself as a Space Marine?
"Sounds cool."
Storm is a busy man so we finish with the ultimate question. Does he think he will find human or humanlike species on the planet?
"That is unlikely."
Linjamen Storm, proud Marine, stands tall and salutes before marching off to the barracks on level 34.67. He gave very little away in his interview. Time is counting down till the, as yet undesignated, shuttle blasts off for 745c carrying the hopes of a whole planet on his shoulders. Patriots be assured; his shoulders are strong and broad. The Nation is in good hands. Jeremiah Novotny, Space Time, October 34, 2538. © 2008 Wulfstan CrumbleAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on March 25, 2008 AuthorWulfstan CrumbleCirencester, England, and Kishiwada, Osaka, United KingdomAboutWulfstan Crumble is a 27 year old Englishman. He is currently working on a plethora of pieces for various anthologies and magazines (hoping not all will get rejected). He really hopes that some o.. more..Writing