Life has been smiling at me and in return, I smile back.
I understand life better now.
See how the tree sways as the wind whispers through its branches,
How the bee hums a tune when the flowers let them closer,
How butterflies dance when blooms return with summer.
How I smile when a little child walks past me,
when I feed little dogs and they wag their tails with joy,
when I get stuck in between yet muster the courage to try again and again.
The old me would have never been this brave,
she would have never noticed the beauty within herself,
never had the strength to solve problems,
or the patience to wait for peace after the storm.
But life, with a gentle smile, taught me patience, courage,
and the nerve to stand tall-bold and daring.
The new me sees beauty in life, in its struggles, and in the strength I find within myself.
Now, I walk a path where I am there for myself,
where I may fall yet not feel the pain,
worry a lot yet not let it consume me,
lose myself only to find me again and again.
The Journey of Fate, The Journey with Life.