Love drips like rainfall
Covering everyone who stands in it
Enveloping you like thick syrup
Changing and realining your perception of the world
Like watching your first child be born
Or remembering the first time someone showed you kindness
There is no rhyme or reason
There is just this exsistence
Suspending you above the abyss of death
For however long you make it
But if you go thru life afraid and unsure of yourself
Hiding behind others to keep yourself safe
Are you really living
Or are you just pretending
Because I would rather have a drastically shorter life
Full to the brim with love and happiness
Than spend a long life hiding
Waiting for everything to become safe
When if you try to keep yourself from everything
You will experience nothing
And never fulfill the duty you were born with
To live life to the fullest
Become empassioned and fall in love
To grow and change
To experience things as if no one has ever been where you are
Because life is a journey
Different for all of us
But worth living so much that if you are willing
Someday you will bring a child into this world
And get to watch it grow
And then your life becomes their life
and their life is yours
Because if we didn't have eachother
We wouldn't survive...
So make a choice
Live or die...