Near Death

Near Death

A Story by Amanda

I've almost died more times than I can count.

Death is a very much speculated topic. I know I think about it all the time, which is what inspired me to write this. Recently I've been seeing death almost everywhere it seems, like, my brain is going all Final Destination on me.

I don't know how many people know this, but I have come close to dying several times. All in various ways too. But I haven't died yet, so sometimes it seems like Death is playing with me. Like, I've been inches away from moving cars at least four times. So close that my shirt actually brushed against one of those cars.

I've come very close to drowning. This was when I was probably seven or nine. My best friend and I were swimming in our neighbors pool. We were playing Marco Polo and while my eyes were closed, her friend Paige pushed me. I remember that everything was black and I could feel myself falling, but I couldn't move. Muriel screamed or said something loud, who was her mom by the way.  

The next time I could have died was when I crashed the dirt bike I was riding into a tree. That wasn't as serious, but it could have been. I cant even count the times a car has almost hit me. When I was four or five, I had a really high fever that scared my mom.

On a side note, I skipped school a lot before I moved to Uxbridge. I used to fake throwing up all the time, and that was my excuse. 

Anyway, so yeah, my point is, I've almost died a lot. I don't know what it is, but lately I keep picturing everyday situations turning awry and me dying. 


© 2012 Amanda

Author's Note

I couldnt recount all the accidents, so ive put a few of them in here. Keep Calm, And Carry On, But Not Without a Review :)

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I almost drowned in the ocean, but I've never gotten close to being hit by a car... which is saying a lot considering a cross a busy street almost every day :P I really like this piece, very speculative :D

Posted 11 Years Ago

I know I have had similar experiences myself. You are lucky. Its life's way of letting you know its not your time. You are meant for more

Posted 11 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on August 31, 2012
Last Updated on September 3, 2012
Tags: Death, near, almost, true




i haven't been on this website in like three years??? oh my god everything is so s****y??? body, a:hover {cursor: url(, progress !important;} more..

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