that reflects the most frustration and sadness can ever be felt. in this poem you mention that life is a bad place where pain falls like rain from everywhere. and because the pain is the most severe when it comes from closest to us, so when pain comes from angels, it is the worst because it comes from the most unexpected. i have really loved it and enjoyed every line in it. thank you for sharing
Wow, this poem really puts a new perspective on things. I pike this one a lot because of the topic you bring up and the great way you presented it! We all have gone through the feeling of being forced down by the kindeness, the good, everything we love. We all know the feeling if letting the darkened win, just becaus it seems almost easier when the time comes. Because when they hurt us, it's expected. But when we get hurt by something we love, it's almost like there is nothing left to turn to. Great job:)
The starting and ending are the life's most rewinding views. It makes me thinking in different angle of human life. The shadows and dark are manytimes close associates with the human mind. Very nice writing. with regards.
First thought was that I dare not read the other reviews or dwell in anther's house...when it is only in THIS moment and in in THIS box that we connect through your poetry.
Well, I could definitely fill a page with the remarks that are even now pouring over me, but it would not be as focused or probably appreciated. NOW I have always preferred free flow BUT, that being said, I think you have done this form tremendous justice and by that I mean to say that you have taken the wings and restraints and you have lifted your emotions with curious depth from the flat dimensions of the simple page we have all all come to battle (The angel in MY soul/heart/conscience/slash that is killing me) . I still would really love to read some free flow from your gift of sleeves and perhaps there are some in here but my philosophy has always been one at a time sooo for now ...VERY well done~
To be frank, the title attracted me so much that I thought I should know what it's all about.... I love this title, very unique indeed... The theme seems different and kind of reflection of some sad feelings.....
Yes its true..... and it is been said by the greats also.
A brilliant mind is full of doubts and a foolish is full of confidence.
Just like a mother , who knows that her child is grown up enough to go anywhere in the world, yet that love and care of her made her wait for even that extra second he/she comes late. Its really true that those who are angelic by thoughts or pure by nature , who loves and care about others feels more weak and hurts more that those who doesn't care about others.....
Trying to reconnect with you guys and myself through poetry, after a long time.
Excited to read the amazing stuff around here.
If you happen to go through my writing, I hope it's worth your.. more..