![]() Lil B's Poem or A Way of Showing My GratitudeA Poem by SubteranneanIf not every flower eavesdropped upon on my bloom, then as playground mythopoesis. A game of tag-you're it, no takesies backsies, just good ol’ biophage. Market conditions ripe for global contusion, cellulite dimples made statistical ideal. Sophia Loren's wrinkled user base, and alas, my revolutionary praxis will probably have to wait. Until then, pluck at the gum smudged underneath your desk. What’s the old saying; out of sight, out of national deficit? Another no call, no show, despite my studied library, my body past due- beholden to delicate rinse cycles of ancient launderers, to dialectical materialist, their ever slobbered knobs. An infants fist balled into myopic triumph. Or better- the Taco Bell electorate's drive-thru schemata, Coltrane’s A Crunch Wrap Supreme, all these crumbs scattered resolute. At best, reactionaries lined around the corner to lick Cheeto dust from my fingers. © 2016 Subterannean |
1 Review Added on May 6, 2015 Last Updated on February 1, 2016 Author