![]() The Seventh DayA Chapter by ❀Subaru_Nyaa!❀
If you could have a wish that grants you anything you desire.... would you have lived till the seventh day?
"I... I ... I don't know" If you know that you will die tomorrow, what would you do? "I haven't think about it..." Everyone has a demon inside them, do you believe in something like that? "I don't know... they might be real" It is going very well, now open your eyes and stand up. I could smell the fragrance of when it rain on a really hot summer day. It was really comforting, it was really nostalgic. I just want to lay down and take a nap. I immediately realized that I wasn't inside my house but in a bus. I could feel the slightly warm leather texture of the bus seat below me. I could hear the mixture of people's conversation echoing around the bus along with the subtle sounds of the bus' engine. It is relaxing in it's own way. When I spread open my eyes, I saw a four row seat with people on it. I was seating at the very back of the bus, sitting in the middle of the long seat. The very first row on my right, there was two high school boys celebrating. One boy was carrying a trophy with a figure of a soccer player covered with gold. It seems like they won their game. On my left, there sat a couple on their 20's leaning on each other. Just looking at them warms my heart, their adorable. In front of the soccer kids, there sat an old couple looking out through the window. Beside their seat, a dad was seating in the middle with his two sons seating on his lap. At the very front of the rows of seat, a high school girl wearing earphones while reading a book. Her expression was really sad, as if like she was bored with her life. After looking at the people in front of me, I finally noticed that they were people beside me. On my right there was a girl with absurdly long black hair. Her bangs were so long that her eyes were completely obscured by it. She was also wearing an absurdly large headphone, it seems like everything she wears are absurdly large since her parka was extremely baggy and so is her pants. The aura around her looks extremely gloomy. On the other hand, on my left there was a girl with a bob cut hairstyle. Her golden hair reflected slightly of the sunlight, she looked god like. Just like the girl on my right, she was wearing an absurdly large headphones but her eyes were closed and she was humming quietly. She was wearing a red jacket with a semi-long sleeves. Under her red jacket, she was wearing a light green T-shirt. Compared to the girl on my right, the girl on my left clothes is a bit more revealing and the aura around her was really bright. Now, stand up Detective Tio and prove yourself to me. A bright was emitted from the front of the bus. As a reflex, I closed my eyes and covered my face with my forearm. The light was so bright that even with my eyes covered with my forearm, I could still see the light passing through my eyelids. When the light disappeared, I slowly opened my eyes. I wasn't inside the bus anymore. "Welcome, Detective" I saw a lady sitting on a wheelchair with a blanket over her legs. Her long light brown hair was braided and rested on her left shoulder. She stared at me with her ominous blood red eyes. Everything that makes her like that reminds me of something familiar, especially her pink cardigan. I can't remember... why? I feel like I should never have forgot about it. "Who are you?" I asked her but she ignored me and went behind the counter. I looked around me and the place I am currently in is a familiar hospital lobby. The dark green paint on the wall had already started to chip and the wooden book shelves have rotten away. The potted plants were destroyed and some of the tiles of the tiled floor were gone. "It doesn't matter who I am in the moment. Now, please pick up your gear Detective" She pointed at the top of the counter where a gun and a leather vertical shoulder holster that can contain two guns on each side lies. Following her instructions. I took off my black blazer and wore the vertical shoulder holster. I picked up the M1911 Handgun and placed it inside my left holster. "Do not forget your ammo" She gave me a belt with three magazines stuck to it. Right after I replaced my belt with the belt she gave me, I immediately checked how much ammo the gun she gave me has. The magazine contained seven bullets maximum. "In order to get out of this place, you need to move forward...." She paused and took a deep breath. "I apologize. Correction, you can only move forward. Now now, walk through that door detective" The double door on my right opened by itself. "I apologize again, here is a torch Detective. It will be helpful" She handed me a black flashlight. After accepting the flashlight, I bowed down to her and head toward the double door. The moment I went through the double door, it closed and disappeared. I was stuck in a dark hallway and I could hear something growling. "Don't tell me...." I slowly walked to the through the hallway. When I peaked through the first open door, I saw a person acting weird. I immediately knew that it wasn't a person anymore. His brain was exposed with a 5 inch nail stuck in it. He was missing an arm and his jaw was barely hanging. The thing that stands out the most was the flesh that was exposed were glowing red. "(I don't know he will do but I need to be cautious. If I shoot him, he might die but that will get noticed by possible people like him. What is that?)" A few feet away from the guy, an hatchet was stuck in wall. When I noticed the hatchet, I the guy moved away from the hatchet. I slowly and cautiously walked toward the hatchet. "Okay... deep breaths" I quietly crept behind the guy and prepared the hatchet. Before he could turn around, I swung the hatchet toward his head. Blood splattered everywhere but never reached my way. "Have a good dream buddy" To be continued?
© 2015 ❀Subaru_Nyaa!❀ |
1 Review Added on November 4, 2015 Last Updated on November 4, 2015 Author