IF ~If things would have ended the way you wanted it to be~A Story by ❀Subaru_Nyaa!❀![]() The memory fragment of Lemaire and Kuroha![]() IF ~If things would have ended the way you wanted it to be~ Kuroha stood in front of a blood covered girl.The girl has a long silky gold hair and sky colored eyes.At that time, the girl was covered in blood so half of her hair is dark red.Her right arm started to be devoured by a purple crystal like substance,the crystal kept on spreading through her body while she lean on a giant boulder, "Hey.....Kuroha......kill....me...I don't want to succumb to this curse" The girl opened her mouth and talked to Kuroha with her voice starting to get weaker, "I will....Then?What are your last words?" Kuroha coldly said his sentence, "hehe.....I love you...now,point your gun towards me and pull the trigger" The girl closed her eyes, "Thank you for being here for me....." The girl added, "I was not there for you....Farewell....Lemaire" Kuroha pulled the trigger of the gun and the bullet pierced Lemaire's heart.Lemaire died with a smile on her face. Suddenly,a heavy rain fell down washing away the blood on Lemaire's body.Kuroha looked up at the sky with his stoic and emotionless stare, "Why are you laughing at me?" Kuroha murmured and left Lemaire's corpse. Kuroha opened his eyes,he was sleeping while leaning on his right arm, "A dream?.....Lemaire.......Are you still angry at me?......I don't care" Kuroha leaned again on his right arm and took another nap. "hey,Hey! Kuroha! wake up" A voice woke up Kuroha.When Kuroha opened his eyes,he immediately saw a girl with a beautiful long golden hair and sky colored eyes staring at him, "Sleeping in the middle of our date?You really do have guts!" Lemaire smiled at Kuroha, "Lemaire.....It's you...." Kuroha slowly and calmly greeted Lemaire in a way that it sounds like he didn't want to see Lemaire. "What's with that reaction!?" Lemaire sounded a bit annoyed, "Where is this place?" Kuroha calmly assked Lemaire, "Why do you ask? It's Valhalla,the 7th floating Island,to be specific, we're in the shopping center" Lemaire answered Kuroha. "...........(What happened?...I was sure that I killed her and all the possibilities that she can be in)" Kuroha stood up and sighed for a bit "Date...Let's our date,Lemaire" Kuroha grabbed Lemaire's hand, ".....My name is Ciel Lemaire! not Lemaire,Ciel!.Call me Ciel!" Lemaire exclaimed, "*Cough*Cough* I'am very sorry,Ciel" Kuroha changed his character to a happy type character and smiled at Lemaire. "Good Boy~" Lemaire pat Kuroha on the head. The two of them spent their date going to various shops,cake buffe,accessory shop,shoe shop,coffee shop,etc.etc.The two of them rested at a park bench when they finally got tired after all the food they ate.They eventually fell asleep leaning on each other.When they woke up,the sun had already started to set. "Sunset....hey,Ciel wake up" Kuroha woke up Lemaire, "What?......Kuroha?" Lemaire woke up, "There is one last place I wanted to go to for our "Date" Kuroha grabbed Lemaire's hand, "Where?" Lemaire asked Kuroha, "You'll know it when we get there!" Kuroha carried Lemaire princess style ...................................................... "The sunset looks really beautiful,it calms me down" Lemaire leaned on Kuroha's shoulders and hugged it, ".................." Kuroha didn't replied to Lemaire,he just stared at the sun with his really scary amber colored eyes. "You still haven't changed,Kuroha " Lemaire let out a small and short laugh, "Really?" Kuroha finally replied to Lemaire. "Yes,you're still the Kuroha that I once loved" Lemaire hugged Kuroha, "Do you love me?" Lemaire asked Kuroha, "Beats me? I don't care about you" Kuroha honestly answered Lemaire, "Please tell me you love me,even if it's a lie!" Lemaire exclaimed, "........Yes,I love you" Kuroha said to Lemaire, "Thank you,please have this pocket watch" Lemaire gave Kuroha a golden pocket watch,when Kuroha touched the pocket watch,the scenery changed into the same day where Kuroha cold bloodedly killed Lemaire, "I love you,Kuroha" Lemaire said her last words, "Farewell,Lemaire" Kuroha pulled the trigger........................... Kuroha woke up in a cafeteria of Trinity, he was leaning on his right hand while holding a golden pocket watch,he noticed it, "??? Oh~" Kuroha pulled out his phone and called Haru and Mashiro, "Haru,Mashiro......Do you want to start a new adventure? Are you two up for it?" Kuroha opened his usual traveling gate, "To The Unknown New World......." Kuroha went in the Gate............. The end ~IF~
© 2014 ❀Subaru_Nyaa!❀Author's Note