![]() Along the River's BreathA Poem by SuSpence
boat oars and chains are clanging
He floats along the river's breath A river so foul to drink of it Upon you falls instant death Bubbling and churning with fire Charon utters, not a word The fare lay beneath your tongue If you lived your days, preferred For those empty palated souls Damned to reap what they sow And to seek the Paupers entrance Which was lost, long long ago Sleeping Beauty rests peacefully With just a hint of a smile Her hands lay fold, cross her breast I stand above her awhile The Preacher reciting passages Her face looks of porcelain glass Steadily and rapidly, his words fall to the floor Even on this day, her beauty remains, unsurpassed Before I left, I stowaway beneath her tongue A coin for the rivers fare And a promise as I depart In my time, I will meet her there Next a child, hidden as a man He never learned of love His misdirect of intimacy Weighed heavy, upon his lung So charismatic and spiteful Too hollow to remember to forget He went off shopping doctors And huffing his regret Know now not from mention of him But he was infamous, Long ago For his disappearing act Found buried beneath the snow A good hearted man, caring and kind Never did he ask for much Modest, his secret hidden in shadows He felt so, as not to be a crutch Long ago, he helped me fly without wings Dip dodging ceiling fans Welcomed hugs from his sandpaper face Were forever in our plans But in the end, as I sit with him Playing music all the while The joker to the end in his unique way He went out just as he said, 'In style' A miserable woman, self proclaimed nurse Always had time for a friend But when the going got tough, she got to going Leaving behind her children in the end A cold, black hearted woman, Lived in self fulfilling strife Abandonment from death all but forgiven But she left her children behind in waking life In her time she contributed little She lived her days hapless, mindless, and without care But when appearing beside the flame lit rivers edge She would find herself there, without a fare Lastly, a gentle soul Who I was proud to call my friend If a problem needed fixing He was always there to lend a hand He made the trip, in his dreams And stopped to visit me along the way I was tired and wished to leave with him But he implored me to stay I awoke the next day, to hear of the news No matter to me, I already knew I still think it unfair, a man should die Because his heart too large it had grew In due time, so shall we all make that trip Across the breath of the River Styx How has your time passed the door Did your conscience make the right picks Everyone faces Charon in the end, but as you know he never speaks His stare pierces through your soul and he knows And he's run on mercy for the weak The latter of deaths law, has no top or bottom rung So live and love, happily without regret or love to spare When your time has come, look beneath your tongue And pray your fare is nestled snuggly there © 2013 SuSpenceFeatured Review
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