Practice engine failure, go!
It wasn't in these final words
that i experienced the deep sense of unease.
Nor was it in the way my stomach remained
in the hover at four hundred feet
while the rest of me dropped out of the sky like an anvil
in a nose down bid to find the right speed for lift
It wasn't in seeing the hard ground race up to meet my face
while rushing wind blasted through open cockpit doors
like a Vietnam horror with out the bullets.
Neither was it in imagining not pulling up at the last second
but puncturing deep into solid tarmac
buried in a compacted coffin of twisted burning metal.
It wasn't in the finite moment to flare
in which we either put down gently
or got put on stretchers and taken away.
My unease was found in the adoration of two young women
who told me how they marvelled in awe
at my daredevil display.