Enchanting Cosmic Colors part One.

Enchanting Cosmic Colors part One.

A Story by Ivana~

First time I ever came across Cosmic paper and lights.

December 16 , 2010
Today was a rather awful day. For I was told, in bed I must  lay.
Of course I refused to stay, and hence I danced and did ballet. 
But mother was very aware indeed. She noticed my want to be free
When she told me to check the dryer in attic. I told her no, because it will give me so much static. 
How mother laughed when I told her so, She ventured above into the unknown. 
I wasn't allowed to be in the attic by myself, So when the time came i needed some help. 
This was because I was to short you see? Even had trouble climbing a Japanese maple tree. 
But this is not where the story starts, In fact look deep below and you'll find the heart...
December 16, 2010 
After my mother scolded me for not staying in bed, she sat me down and forced me to eat her famous chicken soup. I was sick with a tiny cold. Nothing much really, just a stuffy nose and I felt a bit "loopy". She then sat next to me pondering a though, but not to long after she told me, "Ya know, you are a lot like me when I was young. I hated sitting in bed, and doing nothing" She said to me reminiscing the times of her youth. After this talk, she had to leave to the grocery store, but kept me home. After she left, I was all alone. Other days, I wouldn't like being home alone, but today was different. Mothers childhood things were in the attic and I was determined to find them.  I looked up to the ceiling. "I have to pull that string to pull the stairs down.." I said in my head. So I jumped. I failed the first 2 times, but then I remembered how much I wanted to see my mothers things, and I jumped once more. This time once I jumped again, I put everything I had into it. Just like that, I got the string. It was a mini victory, because it meant that I was only one step closer to my mothers things.....

© 2013 Ivana~

Author's Note

Simply, Part one. Part two, shall be up later. Enjoy~

My Review

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Very relatable, as I remember doing similar things when I was younger! An enjoyable piece of writing, it was a mixture of a story, a diary and a poem - which was very interesting! Can't wait to see what you write next. Fantastic work!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Aw thank you so much! It is most appreciated to see a great writer as yourself, leave such wonderful.. read more
I liked this, reminds me of being a kid and wanting to get into my parents things. Keep writing

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Thank you very much, I'm glad it reminded you of that. That was the goal :)

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2 Reviews
Added on July 23, 2013
Last Updated on July 23, 2013
Tags: cosmic



~Welcome to my account. ~The flower who married my brother the traitor. The Princess of Fantasy. Simply Seventeen. ~~~~~~~~~~~Enjoy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enter the world of Dreams. more..

Goodbye. Goodbye.

A Poem by Ivana~