![]() "Forever in reply to.."A Poem by Jethro del Cielo![]() wip,![]() RE: In reply to; the return of a jedi outcast. Or something. Anything. Words. It just keeps on mulling over and again, my headspace never really clearing up the drugs are there for so many reasons beyond my own ones, so to speak, for keeping at them, and it, time isn't always wasted on that wasting away of time Kill time by means of .. replying to waves for a year, hearing conversations played out back and forth no longer really a rhythm but a "'lo, you 'wake? Wake up. Time to .. something. Anything. Words. In reply to. That. Is probably it. .. (>|/AWAITING REPLY/|>) C:/ .. D://localstorage//APIkey//firstkeytome//secondtoyou//thirdtowu *waves*
© 2022 Jethro del CieloAuthor's Note
Author![]() Jethro del CieloNässjö, Scandinavia, SwedenAboutJethro del Cielo is the artist name for Mattias Eriksson. 34 years old, resident of Sweden, he begun to release music in late '22. So far, one EP, "Blue Note, 4792", a few single-track releases and tw.. more..Writing