A Chapter by Emily

start of something new.



            Emily woke up in the morning in her bed. How did she get here? The last thing she remembered was that she was in Richard’s car and they were going to her house.
            Did she fall asleep in the car? But she didn’t remember waking up, could Kevin actually carry her? She looked at her alarm clock, it was only 1 o’clock P.M. Wait, what!? Did she sleep though the whole day? What about school? She jumped out of her bed, ran downstairs and noticed her mom in the kitchen. Did she skip work? 
            “Hi, mom. How come you didn’t wake me up for school? And how come you didn’t go to work?”
            “Good afternoon, sweetie. First of all, it’s a Saturday, and second of all, you had a rough night last night. I already know what happened. Don’t worry. That boy is very sweet of him, to bring you home, after all that studying you guys did. Wow. Too bad you forgot your backpack at his house. He said he would bring it over when you wake up.”
            “What?” Studying? She didn’t study. Wait, he didn’t tell her mom what really happened. “Oh yeah, he is very sweet. He’s a good tutor.” Oh! That sounded wrong! Hopefully, she doesn’t notice.
            “Well you want me to call him and tell him you awake or do you want to?”
            “I will. He’ll want to know if I remember all the stuff he taught me.” Emily walked off, into her room and looked for her phone. Then, she noticed. She didn’t have her pajama’s on. She was still in the clothes she wore yesterday. She checked for her phone in her pockets, but it wasn’t in there either. Maybe it fell out onto the bed. She pulled the cover’s off her bed, but not there either. 
            She turned around and noticed a piece of paper on her desk. She picked it up and noticed a phone she didn’t recognize. She read the paper.
             Hey, you left your phone and your backpack at my house. Here is my phone. Use it when you wake up and call me. Well actually call your phone, and I’ll answer it. Alright, I’ll talk to you later.     –Kevin
P.S. I didn’t tell your mom about yesterday. I didn’t want to worry her. And hope your okay.
            She picked up his phone and pushed her number into his phone. But decided to look at his phone instead. She went to his pictures and instead of looking at his pictures, she went to his camera and took a picture of herself and saved it on his phone.
            She got bored of his phone and called her phone, and on the first ring. The magical voice answered. 
            “Emily? You’re awake. Thank God!” Kevin said.
            “No, I’m not awake. I’m just calling you in my sleep.” Emily joked. Kevin laughed. “Hey, thanks for not telling my mom, what really happened. When she told me that we studied, I was all, what? I don’t study.”
            “Well yea, I had to figure out something, and a reason why you fell asleep in the car. She probably would’ve though I drugged you, or something; because you were PASSED OUT!” Kevin laughed. Emily felt embarrassed, but what could she do about that.
            “Wow. Oh and speaking of me asleep. How did I get to my bed?” Emily asked.
            “Well, how else silly? I carried you.” Kevin said laughing.
            “You-” Emily gulped. “-carried me?”
            “Yea, is that a problem?” Kevin asked, surprised.
            “No, not really. It’s just—well was I heavy?”
            Kevin laughed, “You went into a park alone, with kidnappers, and rapist and you’re worried if you were heavy? Wow, Emily you are different.”
            Emily laughed. Why is she so worried about how much she weighs, especially knowing that the man of her dreams carried her. Too bad, she wasn’t awake to noticed. “Yea, I’m different. And you’re just figuring this out now?” Emily laughed.
            “No, I knew for a while.” They both laughed for a while. Until silence went on the line. “So, are you okay? Why did you run off like that? Well, actually you don’t have to answer that last question if you don’t what to.” Kevin said, in serious tone.
            “Yes, I fine. No worries. What I really want to know is how you found me, like I saw these two guys coming out of a car, while I was on the swings and they saw me so I started walking away from them. Every time I looked back a guy kept following me and—”
            Kevin interrupted her, “Emily that was me following you. I’m sorry I scared you.”
            “Opps, but how did you find me still? I turned around and you weren’t there so I kept walking, then I didn’t know where I was anymore. So I fell to my knees and cried.”
            “Actually, when I lost you, I fell to my knees and started praying that I would find you. And then I looked up and saw you on your knees.”
            “Wait, you pray? Praying sure works.” Emily said shocked.
            “Definitely. So when do you want your stuff back? I bet I’m using all your minutes.”
            “Oh whenever you want to come over.”
            “Actually, if I did come over, I couldn’t stay. I have a band gig today, and I have to be there around three.” Kevin said, sadly.
            Emily thought, ‘well, he can come right now, it’s only—oh wow—two.’ “Oh well, you just drop it off, and then you can go to your band gig.”
            “Alright, sounds good to me. See you then.” Kevin said. As they both hung up the phone. Emily fell on her bed and happily sighed.
            Kevin’s mom pulled up in Emily’s driveway with her backpack on his back. He walked up on her porch and before he could knock, Emily opened the door with a wide smile.
            “Hey. Sorry I can’t stay; I wish I could, but the band.” Kevin said sadly.
            “Oh, it’s okay. I understand completely. You got to do, what you got to do.” Emily said, still smiling.
            Kevin looked at his watch. “Oh, I got to go. Here’s your stuff, and your phone.”
            “Thanks, and here’s your phone. And thank you for everything and all that studying.” Emily winked, and almost laughed.
            Kevin smiled and turned around and went into the car in the driveway and stared at Emily. Kevin’s mom drove straight to the concert. Kevin looked at his phone and looked though his pictures the way he usually did, when he was bored. Then he noticed a new picture, he viewed it and it was Emily. He chuckled. Of course Emily would take of picture of herself with his phone. He should’ve known. 
            They pulled up into the parking lot. Kevin noticed a girl trying to hang up a banner. He told his mom thanks. He grabbed his instrument and headed out toward the girl.   “Hey you need some help?” Kevin asked politely, putting his instrument on the floor.
            “Oh, yes please. It sucks being short.” The girl said.
            Kevin laughed and hung up the banner for the girl. “There you go.” Kevin said looking down at the girl and noticed she was in the band, too. “Hey, you’re in the band, right?”
            “Yes. I’m Sally.” Sally was a short girl, much like Emily, with short black hair with some different color strips in her hair, a black shirt, Levi jeans and converse on.
            “Hi Sally. I’m Kevin.” They shook hands, and started having a conversation with each other. Kevin looked at his watch and noticed it was time to go practice for the concert. “Hey, it’s time to go in.”
            “Oh, okay. Let’s go.” They walked together into the auditorium. “So what instrument do you play?”
            “I play the saxophone. What about you?”
            “I play the trombone.” Sally said.
            They both took their spot to practice, the teacher, Mr. Walker tapped the podium and all the students stopped what they were doing and got ready. Mr. Walker held up his arms and the students put their instruments to their mouth. Mr. Walker moved his arms up and about. All the students played the song.
            In between each song, Sally and Kevin would both look at each other and smile. Kevin knew there was something different about this girl. But he couldn’t both his finger on it. Every time he looked at her it like she was different every time. 
After practice they started talking about school and what grades they were in and all the classes. Kevin found out that she was a in a grade younger, which that meant that she was a freshman. She was an average student, just trying to make is out of high school with a diploma. However, she wasn’t like anyone he’s ever met.
He totally forgot about Emily, all he was thinking about was Sally, until Emily text him. I’m bored. Kevin rolled his eyes, and shook his head.
Sally saw him shake his head, “What’s wrong?”
“Oh nothing, my friend, she’s bored and she wants me to text her.”
“Oh is that your girlfriend? She must be one lucky lady.” Sally said, sadly but trying to hide it.
Kevin was shocked. “No, she’s not my girlfriend. No worries about that. Why did you say she was lucky if she was my girlfriend?” Kevin said, unaware that she was flirting with him.
“Oh no reason, really. It’s just I would die to become your girlfriend. You’re so handsome and funny, and who wouldn’t want to become your girlfriend?”
Time froze still for Kevin. This can’t be happening. Now he had two girls who liked him. Now, he really had to make a decision. Who would he like to become his girlfriend. He did tell Emily that he wasn’t right for him, and they were friends, and Emily didn’t care when he told his about his fake girlfriend. Sally is very kind, funny, and very outrageous. Emily is very nice, blonde and very shy.
            It almost looked like the world was falling beneath him. Oh God, what do I do? I like Emily, but I also like Sally. Help me out here. He heard no answer. But Emily did come to mind. How he would break her heart, once again, if he did go out with Sally. He barely met Sally, and he knew Emily liked him for a couple of months now. But, there was something about Sally; he had to figure it out.
What was he doing? He wouldn’t even tell Emily a time or day. Now, with a girl he barely met; was he actually going to do this?
“Well if you want to be my girlfriend so bad; how about next Saturday at six o’clock at the movies?” Kevin said.
“Alright. Here’s my number.” Sally gave him her number and Kevin did the same.
Kevin was really nervous about date he was about to have with Sally, today. He didn’t understand why he was so nervous; it wasn’t like this was first date. Okay, maybe it was. However, he shouldn’t be nervous, he liked this girl. 
He wondered if she was nervous about this date, like the way he was nervous. He looked at his hand and it was shaking. Wow, he didn’t think he was this nervous. He got ready and looked at the clock and it was 6:30. The date was at 7, and they were going to met each other at a Chinese restaurant.
He went down stairs and told his dad that he was ready to go. His dad got his keys and left. Kevin was so nervous for the date that he didn’t really noticed how fast his dad got to the restaurant.
Kevin got out of the car and promised his dad, he would call when it ends. When Kevin got to the front of the restaurant he noticed Sally was already there. So he went to the table and sat down.
Kevin got home from the date; he went to his room and started dancing around. He’s never felt this way about a girl in his life. Not even Emily.
He looked at his clock, wow; it’s only nine o’ clock. It felt like a lifetime. He and Sally ate at the Chinese restaurant and then left to see a new Comedy movie. The movie theater was down the street; so they just walked. She didn’t even mind, it wasn’t like she was wearing anything fancy. She wore casual clothing; just like Kevin. He was glad for it too. He didn’t want to be the guy who wears casual clothes while the girl where’s a dress.
Sally wasn’t the kind of girl who wore dresses and put lots of make-up on her face. But she was the kind of girl who didn’t have to look her best to have friends. Every time Kevin would hang out with her, he learned something new about her. But also, when they hung out Sally would always notice that Kevin would have a sad look on his face and she would ask him what was wrong and he would just say that he was thinking. Sally always tried to get into his head, but he wouldn’t let her. 
Finally, she knew she had to ask him. She didn’t know how to say it but, “I can’t believe you won’t tell me! You always look so sad, and I feel it’s my fault. So, please,
what is wrong with you?!?”
            Kevin looked at her, like he didn’t know what she was talking about. But Kevin knew, and he didn’t want to tell her it was about Emily. ‘Cause Kevin loved hanging out with Sally; he didn’t want to ruin his relationship with her. So he lied, “I’m worried that maybe, just maybe my friends won’t like you when I introduce them to you. My friends are really hyper and when they see that your, well, not hyper. They’ll probably think that you’re boring and won’t want to hang out with you.”
            Sally felt bad. She just yelled at him and he was just worried. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you.” She felt bad; then she realized that she’s going to meet his friends! “So when are we meeting your friends?”
            Kevin looked up surprised. Meet his friends? Is that what he just told her? Opps, this is going to become a really big lie. “I’m still working on that. I just wanted you to be ready. I’m going to tell them tomorrow. They don’t know yet.”
            “Well why don’t we surprise them? You said they were hyper, I can become hyper. You’ll be surprised. So tomorrow then?” Sally said so fast he barely heard her. Kevin shook his head yes. Kevin was worried even more now. Emily doesn’t know he has a girlfriend. She’s going to meet her. He knew one thing for sure.
            Emily’s not going to be the only one surprised.

© 2009 Emily

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I want to kick this guy!!!!!!!!! ....;-)

Posted 15 Years Ago

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Added on August 6, 2009



Riverside, CA

i love writing. i've been writing since i was in middle school. i hate writing essays, but i love to be creative in my writing. more..

Nerves Nerves

A Poem by Emily

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A Poem by Emily