A Chapter by Emily

       Emily didn’t understand what was going on in her head. She felt like crying every night she didn’t get together with Kevin. She was seeing him way more than usual, and it felt like he was doing it on purpose. It was getting on her nerves. For some reason, she was trying to ignore him, and she didn’t even know why. He was hanging out with Melissa one day, and Emily wanted to tell Melissa something but just tried to walk right past them and not notice them. But Melissa saw her and called her over. Emily grumbled something to herself so no one else heard her. And when she finally got there, which felt like a lifetime.

Melissa said, “Hey Emily I haven’t seen you, for days.”
“I saw you yesterday.”
“Oh. Yeah. For some reason it feels like forever.”
“Okay…” Emily had a confused look on her face. “So…uh….what’s up?” Emily didn’t even look at Kevin.
“Nothing really. How about you?”
“Just learning at school.  The usual.” Emily laughed
“Emily, you’re not supposed to learn in school. School is for Friends.” Melissa laughed. And Melissa looked at Kevin. And Melissa had big eyes and nodded her head toward Emily. Almost like giving him a sign. 
Before Kevin had a chance, Emily said, “Well got to go, my class is all the way across the campus. Talk to you later.” She walked half way toward her class. And something grabbed her arm to slow her down. She looked to see who it was, and then she started to walk a little faster.
“What do you want Kevin?”
“Can’t I just walk with you to class?” Kevin knew she didn’t want him walking with her but he didn’t care.
“Oh yeah, that’s right. You’re in my class. I guess you can walk with me. But don’t expect me to talk to you.”
“Well I wasn’t expecting it, but you’re talking to me now.” He noticed that she didn’t want to talk. So he tried to make her talk because he missed the sound of her voice, especially talking to him. “What would you say if I told you I had a girlfriend?”
Emily stopped walking and starred at the floor. She shook her head and started walking again.
“So I guess you wouldn’t care if I had a girlfriend? Alright.” They got to their class and noticed that someone was sitting in Kevin’s seat. And there was an extra desk next to Emily. 
Emily noticed and thought to herself ‘aw man. That really sucks.’ Kevin sat in the empty desk, Emily went to the teacher and asked if she could sit somewhere else, but he said no. So Emily walked slowly to her desk and noticed that there was a note on her desk. And then noticed Kevin wasn’t in the desk next to her desk.
She opened the note and it said:
Alright Emily I get it. You don’t like me anymore. I want to stop liking you, but ever since you said you liked me made me realize, that you’re not like other girls. That’s the reason why I’m crazy about you. So you can ignore me all you want, but I’m still going to, at least try, be your friend.
She wanted to look at him but she felt too bad. She kept putting her head down on the desk but then the teacher kept calling her name, so she had to put her head back up.
            Finally, she decided it didn’t matter what her feeling were telling her. She looked at him, thinking she would see sadness in his face, but instead of sadness, she saw happiness like he knew she was looking at her.
            She was staring at him, but he never looked at her. She saw him look at her at the corner of his eyes.
            Suddenly, the bell rang but she still sat there, and she didn’t understand why. He was out of his seat before she blinked. So maybe he didn’t want to be friends by the way he saw her look at him. Maybe, he thought it would be too hard to be friends, to keep his love on the inside. But she thought it was possible, it’s almost like she was being his friend for a long while.
            It felt like she was sitting there forever, but then heard a voice. She was confused until the magical voice started talking. “Do you need a ride home?  Or are you just going to sit there and stare at my empty desk?”
            She turned her head slowly, as if she moved it too fast, her neck would break. There she saw the most beautiful face, she’s ever seen. “Don’t you walk to your house?”
            “Yes, but my mom doesn’t have work today and said she could pick me up, if I wanted a ride.”
            She knew her mom would be outside waiting for her, but maybe she could say she’s meeting with a friend, which would be the truth. “If you don’t mind me riding with you, it would be great.”
            Kevin smiled his famous smile, the smile that made her start to like him. “Emily, I wouldn’t mind, but I still have to call my mom to ask if she could take you home.”
            “Oh, yea okay. You can do that, because I need to go to the restroom. I know that’s too much information for you. But that way you won’t feel uncomfortable talking to your mom, I know I sometimes get uncomfortable around my friends talking to my mom.” Emily smiled.
            “Well, thank you, but for your information, I don’t get embarrassed talking to my mom. Alright, well you go the restroom and I’ll go call my mom.”
            They went their separate ways, and when Emily knew she was far enough away, she pulled her phone out of her pocket. Emily dialed her mom’s number and her mom answered on the first ring.
            “Hello? Emily where are you? I’m outside the school right now, and I’ve been waiting for ten minutes.”
            “I know mom, but one of my friends wants me to hang out with him…” Hopefully she didn’t catch the ‘him’ part “…at his house. Is that cool?”
            “Well, ok I just wish you would’ve told me this sooner, so I can go read my book I was reading.” There was a silent on the phone and Emily was about to thank her mom but got interrupted. “Wait did you say ‘him’?”
            “Okay you caught me” Emily laughed. “Yes, I did say him. But you don’t have to worry mom. His mom is going to be there. I promise.”
            “Well okay, I trust you. Have fun. Okay?”
            “Okay mom.” Emily looked around. “I love you mom. I’ll see you later.”
            “I love you, too sweetie.” And they both hung up after that.
            Emily went to find Kevin. Which, by her surprise, he was still on the phone with his mother. Kevin saw her and put up his index finger, so she went to find a bench in the hall and sat down. She took her phone out and started playing a game on her phone. She didn’t even get to start the game, because she heard his voice say her name.
            “Emily? Are you ready to go? My mom will be waiting for us in about five minutes.”
            Emily looked up and shut her phone and pushed into her pocket. She jumped up and started walking with him toward the front of the school. They walked in a very slow pace and Emily was glad for that. They walked in silence for a while until Emily broke the silence with, “I’m sorry about everything.  I shouldn’t of ignored you like a did and I’m sorry I was going to switch seats. And then I read the note, but you have to know that I do still like you. And I know it’s confusing, it’s confusing for me too. I think it’s a girl thing, but I just haven’t figured out why girls go through so much weird things.”
            Kevin chuckled, “Emily, not just girls go through that sort of things. I promise you that guys go through the same things as much as you do, except the whole femine things.” 
            Emily laugh and it echoed through the hallway. Emily quickly covered her mouth with her hand. Which made her laugh even harder. She tried to stop laughing so she can talk but that even made her laugh even more. By the time she lowered her laugh Kevin started chuckling. Emily still laughing said, “What’s so funny?”
            “Nothing really, it’s just you try to hide that beautiful laugh and then the laugh echoes and it feels all around me. It feels great.”
            Emily blushing now, “But why is that funny? You got to be slow with me.” Emily pointed to her blonde hair.
            Kevin laughing even more, “Oh yeah, I’m sorry. I forgot about your disability.” They both were laughing half the time in the hallway.
            When they finally stop laughing all the way, it fell silent. Emily asked the question, which she knew she shouldn’t have but she did. “So, can I just go to your house, instead of going to my house? Well I’ll be home alone, and I really don’t like being home alone, since there’s nothing to do except homework.” Emily knew she shouldn’t have lied to him, but she knew that his mom wouldn’t agree to it.
            “Uh…you know I have to ask my mom and well…” Kevin said awkwardly, “I never would have thought you would ask me that kind of thing.”
            “Kevin…we are friends aren’t we? You wouldn’t mind, right?”
            “Yes, of course, we’re friends, and, I guess I don’t mind. I don’t think my mom would mind either.”
            “Okay, well you don’t have to have me over. I’ll be fine by myself, I mean—”
            Kevin interrupted her, “Emily you can come over. I just got to ask my mom when we get to the car.” They walked in silence, and Emily felt bad enough that she lied to him. But he would understand, right?
            They got to his mom’s car. And right away he asked his mom if Emily could hang out at their house. And right away her mom said yes. Emily felt relieved, just so she couldn’t feel bad anymore.
 Her mind was not in reality when they got to his house. She looked up and noticed that his house was way bigger than she expected. And it was bigger than her house!
            She opened the car door and saw how wide the house was too. She stood outside the car, in amazement of how big the house really was. Well she didn’t notice but somehow she was in the house, like almost someone carried her, or she was a cloud, because she didn’t feel like she even moved an inch.
            The inside of the house was more beautiful than the outside. It looked like 2 or 3 floors and with a beautiful living room and dining room in plain sight. She looked at Kevin’s mom and said, “Your house is beautiful.” Kevin’s mother thanked her and went upstairs probably to her room.
            Kevin was looking at Emily, and said, “Are you ready to go?”
            “Where are we going? Is this not your house?” Emily joked.
            Kevin chuckled, “Yes, this is my house, but do you want to stand here or go to my room to hang out?”
            It felt awkward while they walked up the stairs, Kevin leading the way to his room. Emily wondered what they would do. Would they actually hang out and talk like he said. Would they talk about becoming more than friends? She couldn’t figure out why she even decided to come to his house in the first place.
            So when they got to his room, Emily looked around. And to a surprise the room was really neat and tidy. He went to shut the room door, and Emily became frantic because maybe this would mean, they might become what she dreams of.
            Emily stood there in the middle of the room. Kevin pushed her gently to the bed so she can sit, and Kevin sat in his computer chair. Kevin felt awkward because he didn’t know what to do. “Uh, I don’t really know what to do. So do you mind if we do our homework and we can talk while we do our homework?”
            “Oh yeah, sure.” Emily said pulling out her homework.
            Kevin and Emily began their homework. They both brought their books home from their lockers and was ready to go. They did their homework in silence.
            Emily stopped doing her homework and just looked around the room. Kevin noticed and turned around in this chair. “Are you okay?”
            “What? Oh yeah. I’m fine. Just taking a break. I do that a lot.”
            “Oh, do you want something to snack on?” Kevin asked as he got up from his chair.
            “Yea that’d be great. Thanks.” Emily smiled.
            Kevin walked down the stairs into the kitchen and his older brother was in there. 
            “So I heard a girl is in your room? Don’t do anything stupid!” His brother, Richard, said, pointing at Kevin.
            “No worries and besides we’re just friends. We’re only doing homework. Well actually she’s doing homework, I finish, so I’m just doodling so she won’t think she’s slow.”
            “Oh my goodness! You like her!” Richard said excitingly still pointing at Kevin.
            “How’d you know? I’ve never told anyone that.” Kevin said shocked. He really hasn’t told anybody. Not even his friends know about that. Maybe Richie has physic powers or something weird. Richie was always weird so it shouldn’t be a surprise.
            “Hello! I’m a guy too. I know what it feels like to like a girl.”
            “Okay you caught me, but the weird thing is, is that she’s likes me too. I don’t even think we would be getting together any time soon.   I don’t know why.” Kevin said, looking down.
            “Kev, girls are confusing sometimes. You know she probably wanted to be with you right now. That’s why she is here and not at her house.”
            “Well she said she didn’t want to be home alone.” Kevin said. Richard gave him a dude she was lying look. “Wait, she wouldn’t lie to me. We’re friends.”
            “Yeah, but do you know how she gets home every day? Her mom picks her up; her mom didn’t have work today. I know this because I work with her mom.”
             Kevin just stood there, because he didn’t know what else to do. Emily lied to him? Why would she do that? What if she wants to become more than friends? She’s in his room right now!
            “Kev, you should go upstairs, she’s waiting for you.” Kevin looked up and went to the cabinet to get snacks and went upstairs to his room. 
            For some reason Kevin heard music coming from his room. He opened the door slightly and saw Emily dancing to a CD of his. She was swinging her hair everywhere, doing some weird dance. He walked into his room. Emily’s back was toward Kevin and she didn’t know he was back. She kept dancing and singing until she turned around and saw him, did she stop. Her face became bright red. She ran to the CD player and lowered the volume.
            Kevin put the snacks down on the table and just clapped his hands. “Bravo! Bravo! Enchor, Enchor!” Kevin chuckled.
            Emily bowed, and started to laugh. “How about a no. Maybe another time.” She smiled.
            Kevin’s smile became serious. “So did you finish your homework?”
            “No, dad, no I didn’t.” Emily laughed but Emily realized it wasn’t a joke. “Sorry, yea, I did finish it. Why?”
            “Oh just wondering. Actually, I really wanted to know is did you lie to me?”
            “No, I finish my homework. You want to see?” Emily walked to her bag and started pulling her homework back out.
            “No, I’m not talking about your homework.” Kevin’s eyes looked angry.
            Emily searched her brain, but couldn’t figure out why he was mad at her. Then it hit her. “I’m sorry I didn’t think you would mind. I just wanted to be near you. Don’t you understand! I love you!” Emily’s eyes went wide; she couldn’t believe she just said that. So before he could answer, she ran out his room and out his house. She didn’t know where to go. She wanted to go to her house but didn’t know how to get to her house from there. So she ran nearest park, and cried.
            Kevin didn’t know what to do. No one ever told him that. Before he could say anything, she ran out of the room. He walked out of his room and around his house. ‘Where is she?’ He thought. 
Richard came around the corner and said, “Are you looking for Emily? Well you won’t find her here.”
            “Where’d she go?” Kevin said nervously.
            “She ran out of the house. Kevin what’d you do?” Richard said seriously.
            “I didn’t do anything. I just asked her why she lied to me. And she ran out.”
            “Dude, she was crying.” Richard said.
            What? Why was she crying for? “Alright, I got to find her.”
            “Alright, I’ll help you. I’m not going to let you roam the streets alone. Let’s go.”
            So they both went to car and started searching. “Let’s go by the park up here.” Kevin said.
            “Alright.” Richard said, pulling up into the parking lot of Chestnut Park. Richard parked and Kevin ran out. He scanned the park and saw a girl alone swinging on the swings. He walked a little to the swings and the girl noticed and stopped swinging and started walking away from him. “Yep, that’s Emily.” Kevin said to himself, but Richard heard.
            “You go talk to her and I’ll be here.” Richard said, sitting on the hood of his car.
            Kevin nodded toward Richard and walked toward Emily. He tried to find where Emily went but couldn’t find where she is. It felt like he walked all around the park. He started calling her name in worried tone. 
            Kevin felt like crying. She was in a neighborhood she wasn’t used too. He had to find her. He fell to his knees; put his head in his hands. He started doing something; he hasn’t done in a long time. He prayed.
            Oh lord, I’m sorry you haven’t heard from me in a while. But I am in a desperate time in need, God. I need your help, Its Emily I can’t find her anywhere. I saw her, and then I looked away now she’s gone. Help me find her, Lord.
                                   In your name, Amen.
Kevin looked up and in a far distance he saw a girl on her knees, she looked like she was crying. Thank you, Lord. Kevin stood up and smiled. He walked toward her, and started getting nervous. Oh and Lord, help me talk to her, please. He got right behind Emily, and she heard his footsteps and froze.
She turned around slowly and saw Kevin. She jumped up into his arms and started crying more. “I-I-I was so scared. I-I-I thought you were someone else. Thank God.”
Kevin just held her tightly until she was only sobbing. He pulled back and said, “Let’s get you home.”
Emily just nodded and started walking with Kevin’s arms around her toward Richard. They got into the car without a word. The only words that were said, “Let’s get
Emily home.” Richard nodded and drove to Emily’s house.
            Emily fell asleep in Kevin’s arms on the way to her house.

© 2009 Emily

My Review

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Emily!! I loved chapter 3. I only want to point one little thing out. In one part of your story it says this:
"Kevin put the snacks down on the table and just clapped his hands. "Bravo! Bravo! Anchor, Anchor!" Kevin chuckled."

But I think what you meant was "encore". Other than that, everything else was perfect. You are a fantastic author.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 13, 2009
Last Updated on February 16, 2009
Previous Versions



Riverside, CA

i love writing. i've been writing since i was in middle school. i hate writing essays, but i love to be creative in my writing. more..

Nerves Nerves

A Poem by Emily

i wonder i wonder

A Poem by Emily