![]() The WoodsA Chapter by Stitch499Chapter 3: The Woods My head
started spinning, I sat down, “I’m confused, why did Scarlet run off with me?”
I demanded. “Little One, we called you
Sunny when you were born, and at the time, Scarlet was the future-gazer, and
she saw that you would one day be powerful.” Bijan grabbed my hand. “When word
was spread, someone came back to tell us evil was planning on killing you, so
we gave you to Scarlet. She ran off to a far away city, and got married to
someone outside royalty hide. Eventually the evil found you but luckily your
aunt saved you.” He explained. Then the
dream hit me, “That’s why….that’s why I keep having those dreams..” I said,
Bijan nodded, “They are memories. Except for the first one, that is what would
have happened if you had been able to stay here and grow up. I’m sorry we never
told you.” He began to tear up. “I thought I lost you forever when I heard. The
ancestors must have something special for you because, I got to see you grow up
and be with you. Now you must trust me, I am your father. Your mother is Andrea.”
With this I stood up, “Bjarne can join Rusty and I.” I was furious because had
I known, I would have tried to get to know my mother before she died. When we got
back into the dining I noticed the ring on Star’s hand, I wondered why she
hadn’t told me yet. She saw me staring, “I will tell you more when you come
home.” She said. I nodded, I knew Bijan
loved her for a long time, so I turned to Rusty and Bjarne, “Are you gentlemen
ready?” I asked. Bjarne nodded, “Shouldn’t you eat princess?” Rusty asked.
“I’ll take my food with me.” I huffed; I just wanted to get out of there. Star
and Bijan hugged me, and saw us off; once we were in Rainwood, I started going
to Aaron’s stall to tell him I would be gone for awhile.” “Aaron, my
friend! You look well rested!” I smiled, Aaron turned around, he always looked
so happy to see me! “Yes, I slept very well, Moline took care of my back last
night, I came to her because it was making walking hard.” He said, I grabbed his hands. “Aaron, I am going away
for a few days, don’t worry, I’ll be back soon. I have your jar of honey with
me, so I’ll have a part of you with me!” I explained. Aaron smiled, “Yes, that
you do. Hurry back, we will miss your starlight around here.” I said my
goodbyes and then headed to Windsong’s stall, “Windsong! Windsong! I’m leaving
for a few days, where are you?” I called. Windsong’s
mother came out, “I’m sorry dear, Windsong isn’t feeling well today, I’m afraid
she has a cold, it should go away by the time you are back.” She explained. I
nodded and turned to Bjarne, “Alright, where are we going?” I asked. Bjarne
grinned, “Toward Pike, then we take a trail up the mountain to the other side
where the wood elves live.” “Why are you grinning like that?” I asked. “I know it irritates you that Bijan forced
you to let me come.” He said crossing his arms. I pushed him, “You’re right it
does irritate me, don’t frustrate me!” that just made him laugh, “I’m glad I
get to come along.” He said. I stared at Rusty pleading for him to talk to me
so I wouldn’t have to indulge Bjarne’s nonsense much longer. Bjarne got
on his horse in front and led us forward, I got close to Rusty, he had brown
hair that went to the middle of his back and was completely straight. He
usually kept it down, but today it was in a low ponytail. He had a strong jaw
and bright blue eyes; he had rough skin, and looked very strong. It was odd to
me that such a strong elf would work with books. “Rusty, may I ask you
something?” he nodded, “Why do you work with books?” I asked, he smiled, “Books
are history, stories, poems, books are beautiful, and my name refers to the
knowledge of history.” He explained. His name
made him sound old, “Why do you ask?” he wondered, I blushed bright red, I was
thankful he wasn’t looking at me. “You’re just so strong looking, its odd to me
that you work with books.” I shrugged. Rusty laughed, “I get that often, Moline
says its because I want to impress someone. Its from lifting boxes and moving
things around the castle.” He explained. I never knew what Rusty did until now,
how odd it is to find out someone I had known for so long, I knew nothing
about. “Where’d you come from?” “That’s two questions, I’m from the west, where
the desert elves are. I came here upon Bijan’s request. He saved my family from
ruin by having me here, I’m able to send my parents the things they need to
raise my sister and brother.” He said. “You two
aren’t being all mushy are you?” Bjarne teased, I scowled, he is so obnoxious.
“I didn’t know that. I’m glad he gave you this position as well then.” I
smiled, “I like having you and Moline around, I like to listen to the things
you say in my fa… I mean Bijan’s meetings.” I sat straight up and stopped
talking; I almost gave away the secret. “I guess… you always seem attentive
during them, do you like to learn?” Rusty asked, I shrugged, “I just like to
know things about the world, it fascinates me.” Rusty smiled, “You’re very smart, maybe after this Bijan
may let you and I go to another kingdom to talk about treaties.” My eyes
widened, “You think so?” I asked, Rusty nodded, “Sunshine, you are just
beginning in your brightness. I know why the whole kingdom loves you, Bijan and
Star have taught you well.” Rusty said. I blushed, I wasn’t used to anyone
saying these things to me, what Bijan told me earlier returned to my mind. I
can’t marry anyone outside of royalty…. Bijan is my father…. I made a mental
note to look at a picture of Andrea when we got back from our journey. I’m
pretty sure that there was a picture of her in the hall to the dining room. After the
sunset we were in Pike and we settled in Bjarne’s home, its cozy for its size.
He had a fireplace and a small red table, with a little bed on the floor, when
we came in his little cat came running begging for food. “Mushka, quiet down,
I’m home now. Lets take you to aunt Bailey, I’ll be gone for a few days.” He
coddled the kitty as he spoke to it. I giggled, and he scowled, “Sorry, it’s
just that a man of your stature and with your name, babying a kitty is
amusing.” I giggled. Bjarne rolled his eyes, “Whatever, I’ll be back, I’m
taking Mushka to my sister’s keep the door locked and the curtains shut.” He
growled and walked out. “Mushka?”
Rusty questioned, I just looked at him and laughed, “I had no idea he was so
emotional!” I giggled, Rusty grinned, “Be careful, your teasing him may entice
his interest in you. I suppose that’s why Star was okay with him coming along.”
I looked at the floor. “Can I tell you something Rusty?” I asked, he nodded, I
sighed, “I can’t marry him, in fact, Bijan told me before we left, I can’t
marry anyone outside of royalty.” Rusty’s face
became sad, “I’m sorry princess, I know you don’t want the castle to be your
life. You’re not related to the king though, was your mother royal?” I nodded,
“B…. Bijan is my father….” I looked up to Rusty, who looked as surprised as I
had when Bijan told me. I recounted the sotry to him, “Wow, that must be why
you look so much like Andrea. I wonder why they never told you.” He said. The
door started to open, “Please don’t tell anyone!” I whispered. Rusty nodded and
opened a book and pretended he had been reading, and I lay down on the long
bench Bjarne had by the window. I was
thankful for Rusty and his loyalty, my eyes were heavier than I thought and I
drifted to sleep. When I woke, I was in a bed, in a different room with a heavy
blanket on and a note on the table next to me. Rusty and Bjarne had gone to get
some warmer blankets for the journey; the cold weather was beginning to pick
up. I got up and found my pack to put on my warm clothes, I looked around the
room, a little cedar chest was at the foot of the bed and on the table was a
picture of Bjarne when he was a child and a woman who must have been his
mother. I went out to the sitting room and sat down on the bench I had fallen
asleep on. I noticed a plate of food on the table; I picked it up and ate most
of it. It was something I hadn’t ever had before; it tasted like potatoes and a
pastry at the same time. The boys
came in just as I finished, “I see you found the food my sister brought for
you.” Bjarne said, I nodded, “It was very good, could you thank her for me?” I
asked. Rusty came in behind Bjarne carrying three big, fluffy blankets, which
looked like sheep’s wool, we packed up and started off to the mountains, “Bjarne,
how did you find out your gift?” I asked. I wanted to know if what I had was
normal, “Well one day I was out, and I saw a small rabbit sitting by the water,
I thought it was strange to see one out in the open, and I asked if it was
okay, just like anyone would before they picked up an animal. Then the surprise
happened, it spoke back to me, it said ‘don’t hurt me, my babies are about to
be born but I’m in too much pain.” His expression softened as he spoke. “What about
you Rusty? Were you always a smarty pants?” Bjarne asked, I rolled my eyes;
this guy is such an instigator. “No… I was sitting one day with my family and I
picked up a small statue in our home to ask my mother why we had it, then
suddenly, I know everything about it.” Rusty said. It seems like everyone’s
gifts showed up in different ways, “What about you princess? Isn’t that why I’m
guiding you up this mountain?” Bjarne asked. I recounted the night as I had to
Bijan and both Rusty and Bjarne were completely silent while I talked, I don’t
think they blinked once while I spoke. “I’ve never
heard of that, the gift is usually more quiet when its revealed.” Rusty said.
“Oh great, so I am weird. We hiked up the mountains until dark hit, there was a
small cave nearby that was empty and we set up camp there. “I’m going to find
some wood, stay close and huddled under the blankets.” Bjarne directed. Man,
way to be bossy, I grabbed two blankets and sat next to Rusty and watched the
snow start to fall. “Rusty, why does everyone want to be special? Why do they
want to do great things? It seems like its more stress than its worth.” I said.
Rusty looked
at me and smiled, “What?” I asked, “You’re so full of interesting thoughts! To
answer your questions, I’m not sure. I suppose they want something more out of
life, or they aren’t satisfied with who they are.” He explained. For hours we
talked about our childhood and the hoes we grew up in until finally Bjarne
returned with wood. He and Rusty got a fire going and I cooked dinner, after
which, Rusty fell asleep. “Here” Bjarne said, handing me a small bouquet of
wild flowers, “What are these for?” I asked. “Nothing, just thought you’d enjoy
some color, we haven’t seen many flowers since we left Rainwood.” He said, he
sat down by me and put a blanket around himself. “You’re right, I’ve been so
wrapped up in my thoughts, I haven’t stopped to see what’s in front of me.’ I
said. Bjarne
grinned, “You’re silly, but I like that about you.” I stared at him, “Like
about me?” I asked, Bjarne quickly looked to the ground. “As an elf, some can
be so serious and miss the good things in life.” He said. “Is your family
serious?” I asked, ‘No.. Well actually.. I don’t really remember, my family
passed away right after that picture of my mother and I was taken.” He
explained. “I’m sorry, where did you grow up?” I asked, “My sister raised me,
she took care of my brother and I. When my brother was old enough though, he
left to find work and never came home.” He said. “I didn’t realize you’ve had
so much happen in your life. I’m sorry it wasn’t better, I know its hard to not
have your family around.” I said. “That’s
right, Star is your only relative with you right now? How did you two end up
together?” Bjarne asked, I tried not to look him in the eye, I wasn’t sure how
to answer that question now. “Well… she found me when I was a baby and knew
that Iw as her sister’s, so she saved me. When she found her gift, Bijan
offered us a spot in his home.” I said quickly. “So, wait… you don’t know
nythign about your family? There’s a picture of a woman in the castle who sure
looks an awful lot like you.” He said. “Uh… I get
that a lot, but no, I don’t know anything about my family except for Scarlet
took care of me.” I explained. Bjarne looked down again, “For a girl raised in
a castle, you’re not half bad.” I giggled, ‘Are you trying to complement me?” I
could feel Bjarne smile. Then I could feel his emotions, I could hear his
thoughts so clearly, he thought there was something different about me, he is
curious about me, and he was starting to really like me. He wanted to be close
to me, I snapped back to reality before I could get anything else, “Sunshine,
are you okay?” he asked. “Yeah, oh, I’m sorry, when my gift takes over,
sometimes I get lost, I need to learn how to control it.” I answered. “We need to
get to sleep, tomorrow is a long journey and we aren’t stopping till we get to
Kiki’s.” Bjarne said, he stood up and went to his little made up bed, I stayed
by the fire and looked out the cave. Turning twenty seemed to be the start of
many new things; I looked back at Rusty, his handsome features showed well in
the light of the fire. He was so kind and smart, I then turned to Bjarne, his
wild hair was covering his face and he was breathing deeply. He must have been
really tired to fall asleep that quickly. I stood up and went to my bed space,
no dreams from the past or future invaded my sleep the whole night. © 2015 Stitch499 |