So here's my story
I'm just a girl
Born back in September, 1985
I grew up in a small town
Not too many people around
But very few didn't know
Who this girl is...
Made many friends
Had hopes and dreams
Made through the years
Boy have they changed
Not anything like I once believed
I went through school K-onto 10th
Before I home-schooled
A small Christian Academy in Sardis
Where I graduated in 2003...
I moved away at just Seventeen
To Kansas City with my sister
Away from Little town drama
Oh but did I not realize what lied ahead
I went to college for a semester
My head wasn't really in it
So Yeah I dropped out..
I lived there just three short years
Met some great friends along the way
Two of them my lifelong friends to this day
Right towards the end of my stay
It was announced at Christmas time
I was soon on my way to becoming a mother
December 19th, 2005 oh what a day
What an exciting day it was for me
I called my mother and said Merry Christmas!
Your going to be a grandmother for the 8th time
Most of the family was excited
Always a few disppointed in me
Well let it be known I chose my daughter
No accident was she
Nine months later on September 2nd, 2006
She graced my presence
Welcomed by her Grandparents
I did my pregnancy alone
Without her father by my side
I live to this day a Single Mother
Just like before I wouldn't change either way
She is but 18 months old
Smarter than you could imagine
The love of a child is amazing
Teaches you to be grateful
I wouldnt be me today
Without this precious little girl
So here I am just Twenty Two
With new plans for my life
Everything will come together
Those hopes and dream still exist
They just include that little girl
Named Madilyn Kaydence
Whose made this life a pure bliss