Stove Tops

Stove Tops

A Poem by Stevvy Hopson

A poem about two people who always rise above the flaws and disagreements.

How can we keep surviving off of medium heat?
The cold steadily rushing in,
Trying to force thoughts to tear us apart.
If it gets any colder,
We'll be left too weak to comprehend,
Too hot,
We won't be able to see whats happening.
You sleep in the cold,
While I try to survive off of your body heat,
We spit in each others face,
When the final heat stroke blows,
We walk through fires,
We shoulder burns and scars,
But we never take our eyes off of each other,
Not for a second.
When our hands and heads are red,
From passion and lust,
We seem to forget our sights on everyone else.
We tied our hearts together,
And branded them with words, promises and hope.
We keep the fire going,
Throwing logs etched with the past.
We've stitched so much into this.
Your eyes reflect in mine,
As I lay beside you,
Even on the harshest of winter nights,
And we almost lost everything in the storm we created,
We still have enough wood for the fire in the stove.

© 2013 Stevvy Hopson

My Review

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Wow, I really like this one. It portrays a great story of love within a poem. I really liked the language that you used to explain how no matter what, we can depend on the one we love. Very good :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Stevvy Hopson

11 Years Ago

Thank you so much! I'm so happy you like it :D And yes, it is something my mother always taught me. .. read more

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1 Review
Added on March 5, 2013
Last Updated on March 5, 2013


Stevvy Hopson
Stevvy Hopson

Penacola, FL

It's three in the morning, And I can't think of a thing to write Got multiple ideas, To my writers block only view numbers are my replies Why'd you only write me when your high? Why won't anyon.. more..

To Him To Him

A Poem by Stevvy Hopson