Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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A Story by Steven11

The days were nicer and hotter but the air stunk more. Next door the others sat still.
He loved the sugar cookies that came in the afternoon. He would hold his nose and take a bite in the gentlest manner so that any piece that was tempted to break off would still be caught. Looking down he could see that the bugs living in his skin were still there. He was now almost indifferent and no longer bothered the red juiciness. After she had seen him scratching the first time she stripped him bare and marched him outside, just deep enough into the treeline that they were out of earshot. First walking along the narrow path between the grey, wide walls, heavier and more burdened than elephants, but with no memory. Two younger creatures slumbered behind. Still, he did not hate the creatures. They were simply another part of this place. Like white sharks, they just were.

The others had each others company. He wondered how that might be. It had been four years since their arrival day, all dressed in their makeshift but best outfits. All his life tied up by a wiry rope. He happily took in the smell of the beans in the kitchen, never having sensed coffee until the train ride. Milk straight from the teet and water was all he had ever drunk.

The train knew where to go in the station. And its arrival was vital to this place, like the scurry of life that consumes a rusty desert floor instants after life's liquid gushes.. As the action peaked he saw her for the first time. She was smiling, but seemed displeased. She hustled them into a tunnel, away from the platform and the steamy dream. As if there was someplace to be. No more crumbs to find for those that still believed.

© 2013 Steven11

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1 Review
Added on March 10, 2013
Last Updated on March 10, 2013



Wanderer Wanderer

A Poem by Steven11