A Chapter by Steven26192

The story unfolds on a vast medieval Western magic continent. In this age of expansion and aggression, money rules everything and conspiracies loom over the entire continent like dark clouds.

Edwards took the horse back to the stables. He thought about how to persuade Miss Landy. To make her promise to keep the horse in the villa. Through this lesson, Earl Robert will definitely remember the purebred stallion he owns. If this guy attacks again, I'm sure he will definitely count his beloved ride in.

To protect his beloved steed, Edwards hid the thoroughbred in the attic where the tack was kept.

The loft was low and cramped, and indeed condemned his beloved steed not to meet, and Edouard was only able to comfort the good non-human companion with a soft whisper.

The thoroughbred seemed to understand Edward's meaning and stayed there quietly.

After the feed bags were filled with the best horse feed as compensation, Edwards closed up the corridor.

Edwards will coalesce the air of the magic array arranged in the doorway of the horse corridor, and then from the pocket inside the wand, the psychedelic powder solvent into a spray of mist floating in the air.

At least until tomorrow morning, there is no need to worry about ordinary people entering the place through the gate.

Edouard did not think that Count Robert's men would go through the window into a horse corridor, it was too unthinkable. However, when attacking the villa, it is very likely that the window will be broken to enter.

Edouard returned to the villa. To his surprise, the cottage was busy inside. Maids came in and out, carrying bedding and pillows in their arms. Edwards followed the maids into his bedroom with a questioning face.

The maids looked at him with a puzzled look, the shy gaze seemed to contain something else. Edouard's bedroom was originally small, and now it was even spread with a mattress, so there was no place to even land.

"Oh, Edouard you're back!" Miss Lilith greeted me with a smile: "I asked everyone to move inside the bedroom, so that if something happens, you can also conveniently protect all the people here. You see, is this good?"

Miss Lilith had an inviting look on her face.

"Where's Miss Landy?" Edouard asked, though he knew immediately he shouldn't have asked that.

Sure enough, the maids looked at themselves one by one with strange eyes, what they were thinking in their hearts, Edwards did not have to ask and naturally understood.

"Don't worry, Miss Landy will naturally come here in the evening, what's your hurry?" Lilith said.

The maids were all red in the face.

"Then what about you? You've got poison on you to disarm, too." Edouard said.

The maids looked extremely surprised, they did not know that Miss Lilith was also poisoned, as if she had not told anyone.

Miss Lilith glanced at Edouard and said, "Don't worry, Miss Landy and the girls won't get in our way, they just come here at night when they are resting. You have enough time to detoxify me, this matter, Miss Landy already knows, now you are relieved?" The corners of Miss Lilith's eyes showed a teasing and mocking gaze.

The maids had obviously understood the meaning of what had been said, their faces reddened, and Edouard was simply embarrassed.

"How is Miss Randi?" Edouard asked, trying to find a good excuse to get out of the place that was embarrassing him.

"The priest is treating her, if you want to see her, she is inside the garden parlor, and Miss Lena is there too, she is the one who needs to be treated the most." Miss Lilith said.

"So have the others been treated yet?" Edwards asked.

"That priest said that your treatment was quite timely, so he could not have had to make a big fuss, and, also, not everyone was poisoned, apparently the poison was not that strong in the water earlier." Lilith said: "Miss Landy could have also been fine, she only drank a small sip of tea, the same poisoning is not too deep, only then by you he was not light, need to recover the spirit for a while."

The maids were also giggling on the side, apparently they were also quite amused.

Edwards looked so embarrassed that he went back upstairs to the lab with his head hanging low.

Edwards felt ashamed to meet Miss Landy, especially in front of the priest. Everyone thought of him as an expert who could be trusted, not realizing that he was nothing more than an able fusser.

In addition, another reason is that Edwards foresaw the danger approaching, although he has been through this period of training, mastered a lot of magical knowledge, but really can be used to defend themselves is still only the wand.

Edouard intended to go through that magic mirror and ask the distant Mashik magician for some really practical magic. He was confident that he was now strong enough to manipulate magic that he would otherwise not be able to manipulate at all.

Inside the laboratory, Edouard stayed for the whole afternoon, but unfortunately, never connected with the Mashik wizard.

He had nothing to do but to make a few air condensation charms, which are not very powerful, but are quite suitable for use with the flying mist made of psychedelic powder.

As usual, a serving girl woke Edouard from his magical experiments at dinner time.

Edwards went downstairs and came into the garden parlor. Miss Lilith and Miss Randi were sitting there, and on the table were hard-boiled eggs, and baked rice noodle buns, besides a bowl of conch meat. That was Edward's dinner.

Edwards took out the poison test kit he had hidden close to him and examined the conch meat over and over again.

"Hey, you've been stirring it up with that thing for half a day, is it even edible?" Miss Lilith said with a tight frown, and she put on a disgusted look.

Edwards unimpressed, the conch proved to be non-poisonous in his mouth chewed up, he never wasted food.

"There's no way around it, I have to be careful all the time, and I eat a different food than you guys, and the target is very obvious." Edouard had no choice but to say.

"Everyone's okay, right?" Edwards asked.

"Lian Nuo can't get up yet, the poison she got is more violent, she may need to rest for a while to fully recover." Miss Randi said.

"Gotta get her in the sun a lot, she'll recover a little faster and there are no after effects, that poison will corrode the bones and make them loose and fragile. Sunbathing plus on drinking milk is the only way to get back to health as soon as possible." Edwards said.

"You're really an expert, similar to what that priest just said." Miss Lilith said.

Her tone, however, proved to contain far more mockery than genuine praise.

Hearing Lilith's mockery, Edwards lowered his head and swallowed the conch on his plate by himself. Because the dinner is really a little too delicate, so that everyone soon ended the meal. Miss Lilith went to Edward's side and pulled him up. Except for the time of drug addiction, she has always been very strong. Edward naturally followed Miss Lilith's body to the bedroom.

Seeing the two people walking away, a waitress said softly. "After dinner, it seems like you should digest a little bit before you engage in strenuous exercise."

"You are so reckless," said another maid with a smile.

"Yes, yes, Iona, are you moved because of those words of Miss Lilith? Come on, tell me the truth?" Another maid snickered.

"Yes, I moved, so what, have you not moved, but do not play the lady, false withdrawal clear oh?" The maid called Aina argued.

These words made everyone's face flush.

Miss Randi spat softly. "Are you guys, ah, getting more and more unbridled without your aunt around?"

At this time, from Edward's room came moans of bliss, which echoed throughout the cottage, and these unrestrained sounds raged in the garden parlor, in the hearts of Miss Randi and the four maids. It was an indescribable uncomfortable and wonderful feeling.

"Hi ...... Miss, you say we are reckless, but for those who are really reckless, do you care, do you ever care? Dare you manage?" Aina argued softly.

Listening to that lilting and seductive voice, Miss Randi was also speechless. The voice is more high-pitched than a sudden voice reached the highest point, where the echo, and then everything back to the calm.

For Miss Landy, who is quite accustomed to such sounds, it is certainly clear that the game between Edward and Miss Lilith has only just begun and is far from over.

In the past, each of them were hiding in their own rooms listening to the mortifying sounds, no matter what they were thinking in their minds and what kind of reaction they had, they were only their own secrets, but now, listening to people gathered in the living room, it was really embarrassing to be so embarrassed.

Every one of them hung their heads down and silently endured the strange feeling.

If no one else was here, they might have indulged themselves, following the undulating sounds and enjoying the unspeakable sensation. Now, in front of so many people, the shame and shamefulness of the situation makes it impossible to indulge, which is simply a kind of torture.

And everyone here is afraid to leave the living room, said this will make others misunderstand themselves, like they will definitely think that the person who left the living room is trying to say to indulge and vent inside the room in general.

Because each of them had the same idea, they had to sit quietly in the living room, watching each other, and silently suffering from the strange feeling in their hearts.

It took a while for the wind to calm down inside the villa.

"I wonder how Lena is doing, it's late at night, maybe we should move inside the bedroom early and settle her down, didn't that priest say that the gloomy cold at night is not a good thing for Lena?" Iona said softly.

The other two maids looked at Miss Landy, saw her silent, and immediately burrowed out of the living room like a bunch of sneaky little mice.

In the bedroom, Edward and Miss Lilith just calmed down from the passion, and as usual, two people with the usual position of tightly embraced together, after the passion, followed by exhaustion.

Edvard now knows why Kellar never close to women, that is the eye for joy metaphor over for a killer who needs to be vigilant at all times, it is really big danger.

When the three maids carried Lena into the bedroom, Edwards then realized how great the danger was, and he did not even notice the heavy and messy footsteps of the maids.

Edouard hurriedly let go. Miss Lilith and backed out from inside her body, Ran understand panicked and pulled up the quilt that had lifted to the floor and covered himself and Miss Lilith's body.

In a panic, Edwards knocked over the ointment that was placed on the bed and rolled the bones far away.

The jar of ointment is originally rubbed on the girls before sex, used to enhance the passion, but this kind of ointment, originally on the body of Miss Lilith "point effect, but now the inside seeped into the psychedelic powder solvent.

Always use the wand as a subterfuge to increase interest, that is a bit too much, and the dose of the mystery powder is not easy to control.

Seeing Edward's embarrassment, the three maids of honor hastily turned their heads and dared not look.

Although, they originally came to take the opportunity to peek at the shy scene, Tan is Edward and Lilith Miss performance is obviously too exciting a little, beyond their expectations.

"We were just trying to put Lena in place, we didn't see anything, we didn't mean to do it. Aina defended in a panic.

"Well, well, see or not see, intentionally or unintentionally, there is no need to say. Miss Lilith will rest her arm behind her head and said leisurely, "Lena is really pitiful, you are used as a shield to drag around, her body can withstand such tossing and turning?"

Let Lilith Miss a reminder, those maids then remembered the holding of Lena, they hurriedly settled Lena.

Edouard whistled and slipped off the bed, dressed, picked up the jar of ointment that had rolled to the floor, and placed it on the bed.

In the small room of the floor above the trapped bedding and sheets, Edouard walked quite inconveniently, he carefully stepped on the edge of the quilt and quilts, as far as possible not to leave footprints in the place where this ladies-in-waiting sleep.

This reminds Edwards of the kind of game of jumping the grid when he was a child.

Walked to the bedside lying the maid, only to see that the maid cheeks some strange flush, eyes slightly closed, nostrils open and close, lips red as if dripping blood, which is the result of that terrible poison.

Edwards squatted down and touched Lena's forehead, his hands were sweaty but cold and icy, and fortunately his breathing was quite even.

Edouard placed his hand on her chest, which was originally a rather sensitive move that would have given rise to numerous erotic and exotic associations, but because of the gloomy atmosphere, the only thing that anyone inside the bedroom felt was tension.

The heartbeat was quite clear and strong, and Edwards put his heart down and said. "She'll be fine, she should be able to wake up tomorrow, but I'm afraid it will take two or three weeks of careful conditioning to move freely."

"As long as it's okay." A maid of honor said.

"Fortunately, neither of these two poisons are very strong in their effects." Edwards said somewhat thankfully.

"It is also fortunate that you and when you found the food inside the poison, and timely use of peanut oil for Lena detoxification?" Another maid said.

"If I hadn't poured you tea, you wouldn't have known that the water was poisoned. Miss Lilith sat up from the bed and said with her hand on her cheek.

Edouard admired Lilith's cheekiness, except for saying yes, how else could he reply?

"Hopefully, Count Robeld will not take any drastic action either?" A lady-in-waiting said with a long sigh.

"It doesn't matter, even if there is any danger, Young Master Edwards will protect us all?" Iona said with a smile, darting a glance at Edouard from the corner of her eyes.

"For this matter I can not be sure, only their own cautious some is, everyone rest time, dizzy to wear some extra clothes eye

While this may be uncomfortable, at least it won't seem rushed or shy should the need to escape arise?" Edouard said, not wishing to leave the maids with an irresponsible promise.

"Do not worry, we have already thought of it, what is more, either Miss Landy, or other ladies, and do not want to show great good in front of you? Miss Lilith said, apparently the point of her words and Edouard's meaning is very different.

What makes Edouard feel a bit puzzled is that this ordinary sentence makes all the girls except Lilith-sama, who has a thick skin, all blush.

"Where do I sleep today?" Edouard asked.

"If, on the other hand, you don't want to sleep in the bed, I don't have any objection. This bed is indeed capable of sleeping three people, but it is obviously much more spacious with only two people?" Miss Lilith said with a smile.

How could Edouard pass up a great opportunity to share a bed with Miss Landry?

Without saying a word, he took off his jacket and quickly got under the covers, occupying the place between Lilith and Randi.

Seeing this gesture of Edouard, the maids of honor unspokenly with a different look, looked at each other.

Edwards and Miss Lilith were lying side by side on the bed, and he was now waiting for Miss Randi to arrive, but with these maids around, I'm afraid nothing would happen.

Edvard was quite frustrated.

And five women living in a bedroom for another whole week, in this week, Edwards day all the time to pay attention to the surrounding movement.

He didn't think Count Robert would stop there.

Mr. Massek never wrote back, so I don't know what happened to Haru on his side.

The whole day of fear and anxiety, let Edwards feel some irritation, he now knows why Kailer's temperament is so bizarre, this life will make any normal person become extremely perverse.

Since the poisoning incident, Earl of Ravey has deployed Thurth Castle's guards to protect the perimeter of the villa. But Edwards did not think it would do much to hold Earl Robert. But this way, if something happens, it will be much easier to create chaos.

Kellar had taught himself how to use chaos.

Chaos and darkness are almost the same, both a good opportunity to carry out assassination, but also one of the ways to escape from the danger for the fight between the killer and the killer, who can be more clever to use and create chaos, is the proof of their skills. The master of assassination, Edwards, learned from Kellar, is still more certain about the use of chaos.

In addition to taking advantage of the chaos, another thing that made him confident was the drug test.

Since that day, Edwards has been constantly on the lookout for poisoning.

He definitely does not want anyone else to be poisoned.

But in this extraordinary period full of tension and fear all day long, there were also things that made him feel excited. Only Miss Landy is still unwilling to let go of her present hold, which makes Edouard feel extremely sorry.

He was expecting an exuberant romantic passion - two people in love with each other in the moment of life and death, in a crisis situation. But Miss Landy, who loved poetry and drama, was undoubtedly too lacking in romantic cells in real life.

Edvard always felt that she was a little too serious, a little too present.

Edwards did not want, Miss Landy to live with herself just for an order from old Miss Meding, just to have the Meding family lineage and the Meding family officially recognized children, just to continue the Meding family lineage. This is just too utilitarian!

He was extremely hopeful that the marriage would be more or less mixed with some elements of love.

Edwards made a careful tour inside the villa.

This is a habit he has just developed over the past few days.

The reason for this is not for safety reasons, few assassins will carry out assassination operations when it is still late at night.

Edouard always makes Miss Lilith feel satisfied and then uses the excuse of looking around so that Miss Landy can go inside her bedroom without fear, so that she won't be as embarrassed as on the first day and dawdle until late at night, causing everyone to think that Miss Landy has had an accident.

Slipped around inside the villa and put out the lights inside the aisles one by one. Edwards does not harm us darkness, on the contrary, darkness for him, is a friend rather than an enemy.

In the darkness of the villa inside, Edwards can vaguely see the road and room doors and stairs, if there is a human figure, he can also see. What's more, he has lived in the villa for so long, familiar with the terrain, but also certainly above a stranger, said the darkness undoubtedly gave him the best protection.

After making a round inside the villa and standing at the second floor window for a while, Edwards returned to the bedroom.

The lights inside the bedroom were out.

This is likewise to reassure Miss Randi.

But because of the faint light from the thick curtains through the cracks, so that the bedroom is not as invisible as the inside of the hallway.

Darkness does not mean quiet, especially in a small bedroom lying six women, it is more impossible to quiet down, although no one speaks, but the sound of mixed breathing incessantly.

There are those who breathe rapidly and full of tension, that is from Miss Landy, until now, she has not been able to completely eliminate this tension, there are also those who breathe softly, as if there is nothing, that is the voice of Lena, she has not yet fully recovered from the poison damage.

And the heavy, long breaths, that is Aina the crazy girl, in bed, that three maids of honor she is the most passionate one, can even be said to be the most crazy one, let her get satisfied even than the other two together are much more difficult.

Edwards carefully passed through the narrow passage between the bedding and the bedding, again avoiding stepping on Sh woman's hair.

He did not want to repeat the mistake of the day before, that day, he stepped on the top of Xue Na's hair, causing her to scream, and in a panic, he stepped on another person, fortunately that person was Aina, and not the weak Lena, otherwise we are afraid that we have been killed.

Edward took off his coat and hung it over the bed, and placed the things he needed where he could reach them at the end.

His treasures - the wand, the belt with two vials of potions bolted to it, the hand crossbow Kellar gave him to save his life, and a sharp dagger. Each of these things have their rightful place, so that it is easier to access them.

Edwards quietly lay down between Miss Randi and Miss Lilith, that belonged to him.

Although lying side by side with Miss Landy, but because of Miss Landy's present hold, Edwards did not dare to move casually, he did not even dare to go near Miss Landy's body.

Edvard tried desperately to control his thoughts, adjusting his body to the kind of state that Kellar forced himself to learn. No thought, no will, even the sense of smell, taste and sight are also eliminated together, will be fully focused on the sense of hearing and touch.

But lying on top of a thick mattress, with two beautiful women lying next to him, the sense of touch is obviously frequently disturbed.

Although Edwards was never able to do what Kellar said about using his ears instead of his eyes, to see to search, but keeping this state, Edwards was indeed able to hear the sound coming from the distance.

Edwards did not expect to hear the sound of a bowstring being drawn, which was a bit uncanny, but the sound of footsteps across the grass, the sound of swords being sheathed, and especially the sound of an officer giving orders, were recognizable.

Outside the house, the surrounding area was unusually calm, with only the sound of insects whining in the darkness and the rustling of the wind blowing through the leafy pillars.

I don't know how much time has passed, the breathing of the women in the room has been smooth and slow, as if everyone has fallen into a deep sleep by E.

Edwards that nervous heart gradually calmed down, maybe today is another peaceful night.

Lying quietly in bed, Edouard enjoyed the peace and quiet, and he did hope that no one would come to spoil the silence of this beautiful night.

I don't know how much time has passed, in a daze, Edwards felt as if there was some movement outside.

He closed his eyes and listened intently, and sure enough, someone was rattling the door to the garden parlor.

Someone is trying to break in! Edwards was immediately alerted to the situation.

Let Edwards feel a little relieved that those sneaky sneak attackers are obviously some amateurs. Flower eyes inside the living room pin, these sneak attackers busy half a day, made a lot of noise, but never opened the living room door.

Edwards reached down and removed his jacket, all weapons at the ready.

Put on the clothes, will bolt the potion bottle belt around, the wand is still in the pocket, it is not its turn to play, in this darkness, the really useful is the dagger, and the right arm pinned to the crossbow.

He pushed Miss Mirella beside him, while covering Lilith's mouth with his hand,, to keep her from making a sound.

Edwards whistled and climbed out of bed, and he used the same method to wake up Miss Landy and the other attendants one by one.

Edwards slipped to the window, gently lift the curtains, probe column outside to see, a bright moonlight from the curtains between the gap cast in, the window outside the shadows of the trees, the distant lake to reflect a bright moon under the moonlight there are two figures, one before and one after the whistle along the villa's exterior wall pillar here touched.

Their backs rustled against the wall.

Suddenly there was a slight but clear sound of breaking glass from inside the living room.

Obviously those sneak attackers really can't handle that door, said this chose an easier way to break into the door.

Edwards heart is more sure that those sneak attackers are all rookies.

Because if it is his intention to break the window to break into a room, he will certainly use a paper coated with adhesive on the window, and then bribe the decay of Gui Sol to pull out the luxuriant Han Suyu vortex tui Tsubasa.

What's more, it can also avoid climbing into the window, feet on those broken glass crumbs issued a piece of zhe leech salad broken sound.

In this silent night, all the sounds seem so noisy and harsh that even untrained people can be woken up.

The most let Edwards feel prostrated is that these sneak attackers apparently do not think they have been discovered, still creeping column here.

The steady footsteps of these sneak attackers as they stepped onto the aisle floor told Edwarded that these sneak attackers were some pretty good knights. If they were wearing armor and riding war horses to meet themselves in the wilderness, Edwards might suspect that he might not be a match for these knights.

However, in this darkness, Edwards is absolutely confident that he can kill these sneak attackers, after all, he is the disciple of the King of Assassins.

From the sound of those footsteps Edward was able to roughly distinguish that five or six people had broken into the villa, plus the two outside, Earl Robert was quite a looker at himself.

The attackers who broke in through the window glass of Hanamaki's living room were groping along the aisle, little by little, and apparently they could not see where the door was in the darkness.

Two of them groped upstairs on the pillar quietly.

All the sneak attackers move quite tacitly, they let one person in the front to explore the way, the others quietly guard the back, apparently this E warp is not their first time to fight in the dark.

But Edwards really doubt in the darkness can not see things in the back of those who guarded, in the end played what role.

Edwards directed the girls to get under the bed. Luckily, the end was big enough to fit five women.

After placing Miss Mirella and Miss Landy in a safe place, Edwards was interested in starting to counter the sneak attackers outside the door who were groping and dawdling forward, and for a while the heart could not break in. From the sounds coming from the door can be heard, those sneak attackers outside the door did not have any action, on the contrary, the two people who went upstairs quite active, in the second floor of the various rooms day inside scurrying around.

Suddenly, Edwards smelled a scent of lamp oil. He was immediately alerted. Murder and fire are often linked together. Apparently the Earl of Robelde is the idea of a clean slate, with the fire burned a piece of waste hush to cover up all the evidence.

Now that he understood the ambassador's intentions, Edouard was certainly not willing to stand by and wait for death. He went to the window once again, and to his delight, the two sneak attackers who had been waiting outside against the wall of the villa were now only one person left, and the other one had gone somewhere.

Edwards repeatedly searched the surroundings using the methods Kellar had taught him at first. Every dark corner has become a place to hide. The woods in front of the villa really had most of the places to hide, and those thick trees were not easy to be penetrated by the crossbow.

The trees in the woods are sparse, but the leaves are quite dense moonlight cast on the ground only reveals some sporadic spots. The darkness under the shadow of the trees is deep and shallow, and the deep dark place is like a door to the mysterious and mysterious other world.

Edwards searched for half a day, but could not see a single figure. Edwards decided to take the risk.

He whistled to an invisible dead end outside the window, and it was close to a tall, upright tree.

Edwards took a deep breath, he wondered if the assassination crutches that he had painstakingly cultivated under Kellar's hand really worked. Pulled the window pin, Edwards tightened the bow in his hand, three sharp crossbow arrows early E by snapped into the launch slot inside.

The moonlight slanting, the figure of the man mapped on the ground in front of the window. The hazy moonlight will this sneaky Edwards watched the moonlight figure, just waiting for the moment when the man looked back to the other side.

Opportunity is in the moment, following Kellar, Edwards has long known how important it is for an assassin to have a chance, and to let go of a perfect opportunity is undoubtedly to send himself to his death. Kellar's teachings were not in vain, Edwards firmly seized that moment.

Without the slightest delay, Edwards opened the window, raised his arm, snapped his bow, and fired three sharp arrows out.

At such a close range, even at night, Edwards would not have missed his target.

The powerful crossbow arrow nailed deep into the back of the sneak attacker's head and neck, only the back was not penetrated because of the thick armor blocking it. The back of the head and neck are also the parts that are immediately fatal after being wounded, and the man fell down without even making a call.

Edwards was not interested in seeing the results of his battle, he ran silently to the sneak attacker's side, drew a dagger and slashed along the sneak attacker's neck, now he could finally rest easy, Edwards dragged the body and hid in the woods.

The darkness under the big tree became a good place to hide his body for a while.

Edwards weaves through the gaps between trees and trees, scurrying from one shade to another.

The second sneak attacker was also found. The rookie had abandoned his guarding companion and stood in front of the broken glass window in the garden parlor, watching out for the intruder who broke into the villa. Edouard really struggled to understand what this man was afraid of, was it the passers-by, or the patrols of Count Robert?

Not intending to waste his crossbow, Edwards whistled to the back of the guy looking out and wiped the guy out in January with his trusty hands. After the opponents outside the villa were taken out, Edwards entered the villa through the broken window. In order not to make a sound, he will be stripped from the corpse of the cotton clothes covered with that piece of broken glass.

What reassured him was that there was still not much movement inside the villa, except that the guys who had gone upstairs were making their way to the third floor.

Edwards crossed the living room and slowly walked into the aisle, not that he was afraid of being heard with his footsteps, but to avoid driving abnormal fluctuations in the airflow as he entered the aisle from the living room. Experienced killers are extremely wary of the abnormal flow of air.

In the aisle, Edwards saw four dark figures in front of him, the farthest one crouching in the doorway of his bedroom.

Edwards was not sure that he could kill them all without alerting any of them in front of the eyes of these people. If Kellar is here, you can be sure that it is an easy task, but Edward himself does not have such confidence.

Can only walk to where to count, Edwards noiselessly walked to the nearest figure behind the dagger for the left hand when Kellar taught him, once specifically trained him to use the left hand to control the dagger, because the right arm rests on the crossbow.

The dagger is baked with black lacquer, so there is no shine at all, far more practical than the swords worn by those sneak attackers.

The dagger quickly slashed across the man's neck, the unbelievably sharp blade slicing through the trachea and carotid artery without hindrance, all of which was clean and crisp. It's a pity that the man's struggle to hear the sound he made when he was dying alerted the others.

Edwards aimed the hand crossbow that he had already prepared at the other figure in the darkness, and the crossbow arrow shot deep into the man's head, almost against it. Although the same immediate death, but, that scream, spread throughout the entire villa, even to the villa outside a long way.

The first person was killed and the others obviously didn't react and didn't know what was going on yet, but the scream sobered everyone up.

Edwards saw that the other two men in the darkness quickly drew the long swords they wore at their waists, but the unseen darkness protected them. Edwards now knows why Kellar always warned himself, for the killer, the dark is the safest place.

Indeed these knights, who are far more skilled than themselves, are simply at a loss in the face of this darkness, and their own hidden in the darkness.

From the rush and heavy breathing of those sneak attackers, from their panic moving figure can be completely seen, their hearts of panic. See the shining and dazzling moonlight that cut through the darkness, see the sound of the full air whistling splitting air, Edwards heart in turn extremely calm, because the darkness is the best armor on his body.

Edouard stuck to the wall and glided silently by. When he walked to the hand holding a long sword quietly, quite a master of the sneak attacker, he slowly swing his arm, wait until the man's neck side, suddenly lightning-like reverse wrist slash, dagger as a water bird's wingtips swept across the water, smoothly cut the man's throat.

That knight is indeed extraordinary, although seriously wounded, still wielding a long sword to attack Edward, only unfortunately, Edward originally expected the possibility of being attacked, so he deliberately back against the wall.

Heard a "dang" sound, dust and dirt splattered, the long sword in the aisle wall cut out a sliver of sparks, bricks and stone chips have fallen.

The power of this sword surprised Edouard, and, fortunately, that knight used a long sword, if he used a scimitar, with the bitterness of his strikes and the swiftness of his moves, he might have been a stiff corpse himself.

Edwards heart secretly shouted lucky, for that last person, Edwards no longer dare to trust.

The sneak attacker was seen wielding a longsword in a dense manner, as if hoping to escape his doom by doing so.

Edouard, after the thrilling fight just now, knew that his own sword skill instincts came from Draddy's teachings and were nowhere close to these real warriors. He pulled his crossbow and fired three arrows out.

The sneak attacker, after all, could not block the flying crossbow arrows, not to mention that in the darkness, he could not see anything. With a scream cutting through the night sky, the man's hands loosened, the longsword flew out of his hand, clashing in the narrow passage, rubbing out a series of sparks, the longsword flew far away before falling to the ground, emitting a crisp, loud sound.

Edwards re-cocked his three crossbows as he headed upstairs, certain that the two men upstairs knew that their operation had failed. Edwards now no longer dared to be arrogant, even in the dark, he preferred to use a crossbow rather than a dagger to solve the problem.

Suddenly, a fire broke out on the second floor with a puff. Someone lit the lamp oil on the floor, and the fire quickly spread out. In the midst of the fire, a figure suddenly jumped out, the man was ready to escape from the road. Edwards and the man stared at each other.

Behind the man was a blaze of light, mapping the man's hideous face, almost like a devil escaping from a flaming hell. The reason why the man did not attack, apparently because of the crossbow arrows in the hands of Edward.

Edwards likewise did not dare to act rashly, because the fire dispelled the darkness, and under the light, he was definitely no match for these professional soldiers. Edwards was waiting, waiting for the flames to go out.

In fact, Edouard had long thought about the methods that Count Robelard might use to assassinate himself. One of the most difficult means to resist was the use of heavy military crossbows. Edwards has personally followed the power of these guys, they can easily shoot through the walls of the villa.

The other way to kill is to use a fire to burn yourself to death in the villa.

Edwards never forgot how dangerous it was in the middle of Butte Forest when they faced that sky of rockets, and Mr. Hyde's completely burned wagon still appeared in his mind at times.

It is because of this that on the roof of the villa, he had already placed a water tank full of water. Once the villa is on fire, the water tank will release the water and flow along the floor of the third floor all the way to the ground floor. Although this does not guarantee that the fire will be completely extinguished, but at least to stop the fire from spreading further.

Edwards has heard the sound of water rushing on the floor of the third floor. Suddenly, a long and harsh shout came from the third floor, followed by the sound of someone opening the Zuiko jumped out, as well as the sound of falling below the crushed tree branches, and finally the sound of falling to the ground wailing in pain.

Obviously the person in front of you in order to save his life can not care about anything, even upstairs there are companions can not care, then began to set fire.

Edwards faced with such a person, this cold and ruthless guy. That brawny look, that stout physique, definitely not able to deal with himself.

After that danger just now, he really understood how much these knights differed from his own power.

In the past, they always used to Kellar's body to the amount of these knights, so they did not feel these knights terrible, and even a glance to be able to identify many of the shortcomings of these knights, only their own strength is not enough to make these deceased weaknesses into victory.

Fortunately, Kellar's harsh training has made Edward has long been accustomed to fear, although Edward still have fear in his mind, but, at least the timid and phobia that may affect his actions have been far away from him.

Edwards was waiting for the moment when the fire went out, that would be the best time for him to shoot the crossbow in his hand, the knight in front of him was using a long sword, and his reaction was much slower than his own. However, not waiting for Edwards to strike, the knight apparently can not wait, he used his left arm and arm to block the face, the right hand swung the sword to cut.

Edwards even thwarted several steps, backed down a few steps, and the knight distance, right hand a lift a buckle, three crossbow arrows shot out. The knight was also prepared, his body dodged a crossbow arrow, the other two crossbow arrows, one nailed deep in his arm, the other shot into the ribs.

The arrow in the ribs caused the knight a lot of damage, but not to the point of fatal. Edwards did not want to use the [head in his hands and the long sword to fight, Kailer had taught him the escape technique which now came in handy.

Edouard flew over the railing and jumped down the stairs, which was much faster than turning around and running away. When his body just over the escalator, the long sword has swept, the sharp blade of the sword will be hardwood railing cut off. Edwards narrowly avoided the vicious sword, the broken railing hit his spine.

The knight did not expect Edwards to escape, wearing armor he he did not have the ability to fly down the column jump. What's more, it was pitch black down there, and the teenager must have had his crossbow ready. The fierce knight ran downstairs, catatonic, not showing his head as much as possible, not carrying a helmet was their biggest mistake.

The knight turned the corner of the stairs and tried to escape to the Hanamaki living room, from where he could escape to the outside of the villa. His idea was not a bad one, but unfortunately he was facing an opponent who was an assassin, not a knight. A knight may not be able to do much about an opponent whose back is turned, but the killer is just the opposite.

The killer is the one who likes and at the same time is most accustomed to strike from behind. Edwards is exactly that.

Although the knight lowered his body so that his head was blocked by his body as much as possible, and his body was wearing armor, his own crossbow arrows were enough to shoot through the armor, but the crossbow arrows after penetrating the armor were not enough to kill.

However, Kellar had already taught him what target to choose in this situation.

© 2023 Steven26192

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Added on June 25, 2023
Last Updated on June 25, 2023
Tags: Magic



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