A Chapter by Steven26192

The story unfolds on a vast medieval Western magic continent. In this age of expansion and aggression, money rules everything and conspiracies loom over the entire continent like dark clouds.

A week had passed since the envoy had arrived at Cherbourg with His Majesty's decree. During this week, Edouard lived a leisurely life with nothing to do, and nothing had changed around him. The only difference was that the royal knights brought by Earl Robert were added to the guards who were guarding the surrounding area.

Earl Robert claimed that this was to protect the heir of the lord more effectively. However, anyone can clearly see that the young lord is actually completely isolated from the outside world by the envoy. No one was allowed to go near the villa without the order of the envoy. For this matter, Count Fresnan had a quarrel with the envoy. Since Edouard had promised to take over the guardianship of Count Robert until His Majesty retracted the order, Count Fresnan had something to report. When Earl Fresnan wanted to report something to the young lord, he was obstructed by Earl Robert.

The lack of interruptions was not necessarily a good thing for Edwards, at least it allowed him to concentrate on his magic research. Most of the time, Edward spent in the laboratory, which was located next to the study, which was originally a room where miscellaneous things were piled up. Ever since Earl Robert sent someone to sneak into the lab, Edward moved the lab here.

Of course, old Miss Medine would never have stayed with these terrible creatures that seemed to her furry, with film wings or more than four legs. Long before the laboratory was moved in, the old lady moved to live in the mansion in the city of Cherbourg, she took two maids with her, leaving the other four maids to Miss Landy. Since the old Miss Medine does not live in the villa, Miss Landy will not restrict Edward's movement, so the entire villa, except for the old Miss Medine's original room, any place for Edward is completely open. Inside these rooms, the one that Edward liked the most was the study.

Usually, when he was not conducting magic experiments during the day, Edward spent time in his study. This is the first time in his life to have his own study, the heart of the natural joy is self-evident. Just like today, Edwards sat on the chair in front of the study window.

The four walls of the study were covered with five or six famous books, mainly in idyllic scenes, which Miss Lundy said was the old Earl of Medin's preference. The main color of the study is dark red, dark red floor, dark red walls, and the two rows of dark red bookshelves, only the ceiling was painted bright yellow, hanging a lamp above, the gilded lamp can gather the light together, which is really quite sophisticated design. In order to keep the sunlight from shining directly on these precious books, the study is quite dark inside, and only a window is open near the door. The chair and bookcase placed in front of the window became the only furnishings here. Obviously, if you do not want to stand and read, the study can only stay inside a person. When Edwards was reading with great interest, suddenly the study door opened, Edwards did not turn around, but already know is Miss Lilith came in.

Miss Landy would always knock before entering and wait until she responded before opening the door, while the maids would never go near the third floor, apparently the old Miss Metin seal for the terror of insects, also infected them. Since he made a "vow" to Miss Lilith, Miss Lilith has become a special presence in his life. Perhaps because the memories of his childhood are really unforgettable, therefore, Edwards to now is still a little difficult to accept the identity of Miss Lilith prostitute, and sometimes he even want to deliberately forget this thing.

And when Miss Lilith knew this, she always laughed at him for always growing up, always being a child, not knowing that there are regrets in anything in life. Instead of grieving those regrets, it would be better to focus more on the best part of that. Miss Lilith even deliberately to let Edwards understand, when he was young, deeply imprinted in the little heart of the innocent saint, has become a woman indulged in the love of men and women. By Edwards knew the past of Miss Lilith did not change her usual mockery. But compared to the past, her sarcasm has become much softer and less hurtful, but rather give people a warm feeling. Not much different from the original, Miss Lilith is still so enthusiastic, so enjoy the crazy passion. The physical torture that Eduard had given her did not seem to make her feel fearful of male and female love. In short, Miss Lilith is still the same Miss Lilith. Edwards knew very well that it was he himself who had changed.

Of course, there were times when Edward did not really want Miss Lilith to interrupt, especially when he was reading. Edward knows very well that Miss Lilith does not like to read, although Miss Lilith is afraid that he has seen the most knowledgeable woman. Miss Lilith for the understanding of learning, really make Edward feel uncomplimentary. In Miss Lilith's view, her knowledge is only used to attract men's capital, is part of her unique charm, and Edward is eager to ask Miss Lilith to play his academic teacher. Because Miss Lilith in this area only Drady can win her a chip. However, when it comes to versatility, Drady will not be able to compare.

But Miss Lilith does not care much about all this, the only thing she needs is Edward by her side, as if only so she does not feel alone. Although Edward did not mind, Miss Lilith and he stayed together, but Miss Lilith is obviously not a woman who likes peace and quiet. She always tries to talk to Edward, and Edward chat, although she has tried to restrain herself, but she can never do calmly sitting next to Edward without making a sound, just like Miss Landy. For the study full of books, this lady has no interest at all.

Although, every time Miss Lilith came into the study always give himself trouble, but Edward how can not lose his temper with Miss Lilith. This is partly because Miss Lilith has a special meaning to him, but more because he always feels guilty for having hurt Miss Lilith. Edward thinks that no matter how much he dotes on Miss Lilith, it is not enough to make up for the pain he once brought to Miss Lilith, not to mention Miss Lilith's kindness to him back then.

Knowing that Miss Lilith into the study, Edouard helplessly closed the book, he had already planned to talk with Miss Lilith for a while to comfort her lonely mood, and then go to the laboratory inside for magic experiments, which is the only way to let Miss Lilith leave his side for a while. Miss Lilith is not afraid of insects, in this point she and the old Miss Medine and the maids are completely different, but once she had eaten the bitterness of psychedelic powder, for such things as magic, Miss Lilith definitely do not have too much good feeling.

"How about a cup of tea?" Miss Lilith said with a smile, holding in her hands a large silver plate, on top of which rested the exquisitely detailed teapot and teacups. It was a masterpiece of wonderful craftsmanship from the East, white as jade porcelain surface with green silk and painted outline a unique and exotic book, the beautiful plants never seen before and the dancing butterflies, as if they were alive, the bright glaze reflected the fascinating colors that the glass did not have. From the teapot wafted a burst of rich tea's unique fragrance.

Edwards shook his head helplessly, Miss Lilith everything is good, is a little bit extravagant, like tea such a precious drink, even Mr. Hyde can not just drink, but, Miss Lilith seems to the expensive price of this drink does not care very much, she seems to completely tea as if it is an ordinary drink to look at. However, Edwards had to admire Miss Lilith's craft, many people believe that drinking tea is an extremely elegant art, and Miss Lilith is undoubtedly the master of this art. From Miss Lilith's hands to take the cup of tea, Edward raised to the front of the nose, savoring the rich fragrance of tea, warm and delicate, but with a hint of imperceptible almond flavor.

The smell of almonds? Edouard suddenly became alert. The experience of staying with Kellar was definitely too much for Edward to look back on, but the skills he learned from the king of killers were enough to make Edward proud. And Kellar taught himself the skills, in addition to escape, fighting, and how to move in the dark, the number of identification of various poisons the most difficult course, the most difficult to learn. What's more, Kellar is not a very good teacher, he taught Edward's methods, often bringing Edward unforgettable painful memories, these memories are deepening Edward's memory of these drugs. One of the poisons will carry a faint taste of almonds.

Edouard's face became stony. He put his nose to the mouth of the tea cup again and carefully identified it.

"Did you put almonds in the tea?" Edouard asked seriously.

"Almonds?" Lilith had obviously seen that Edouard looked a little unusual, and she said carefully, "I never put almonds in my tea."

Edouard placed the teacups gently on the desk and then stood up, "Miss Lilith, you had better show me what you used to mix these drinks. Perhaps I will have to go to the kitchen once more and check all the food." Said Edwards towards the study door, Miss Lilith hurriedly followed closely behind him. With Miss Lilith's intelligence, she was certainly able to guess what Edwards had found in the tea. Trained by Kellar, distinguishing poisons had become almost instinctive for them.

Miss Lilith accompanied Edward to walk downstairs, Edward's pace is so fast, Miss Lilith even feel a little unable to keep up, she certainly know very well what Edward's heart is worried about. From the third floor down, the second floor living room inside no one, Edward went straight to the ground floor living room. In the middle of the living room, Miss Landy holding a book in her hand, is leisurely reading, in her side placed a cup of tea, apparently Miss Lilith also prepared a copy for her. What worries Edward is that the tea has obviously been drunk.

Edwards grabbed a few steps, picked up the cup of tea, also raised it to his nose and sniffed it, exactly like his cup, the tea also smelled like almonds. Seeing this strange action of Edwards, Miss Landy obviously also guessed that something had happened. In that moment she froze for a moment.

"Gotta make sure, gotta make sure, hopefully it's not one of those things." Edouard muttered.

He suddenly seemed to think of something and turned to Miss Lilith and said, "Please go inside the kitchen and get a glass of milk, a large glass of milk, and two eggs, raw eggs."

Miss Lilith ran out of the room quickly, not daring to delay for a moment.

"Is there poison in the tea?" Miss Randi asked softly.

"No, I'm not sure." Edwards said, "Maybe I just had a false alarm."

"What if it really is poison? I ...... I will not be able to be your wife, and our children will not be born into the world." Miss Landy said here suddenly buried her head in Edward's arms and cried.

Edward has never seen Miss Randi cry, in his impression, Miss Randi showed a different kind of strong and calm, Edward never saw Miss Randi show panic or fear, even just now she guessed that she was poisoned, the performance is only calm. All of this made Edwards think that Miss Landy was the most unusual one among the women he had ever seen, and apparently, this was just his misunderstanding. Seeing Miss Landy crying, Edward finally understood that Miss Landy was always a woman, a woman who would be afraid, would be afraid, and would also cry. Miss Landy also has its weak side.

Edouard gently reassured, "Don't worry, you won't die, I won't let you die, and luckily, this poison is not very toxic or violent. Apparently someone wanted to poison all the people inside this villa and therefore used this poison."

Miss Landy was a bit skeptical when she heard Edward's persuasion, not knowing if he was telling the truth or just being reassuring.

"I definitely did not lie to you, this poison acts on the intestines and stomach, but the effect is very slow, generally speaking, after a day of poisoning, only after the discomfort reaction, two or three days later because of intestinal ulceration and death, it is because of having this characteristic, so this poison is often used. It seems that Count Robert de thought it was most appropriate to blockade us in the villa with this poison, because, when someone feels unwell, it is certain that everyone has been poisoned. However, it is because this poison is not powerful, so it is not too difficult to be rescued, milk and eggs, it would be better if there was green bean soup, and some peanut oil at night to get rid of the toxins and nothing will happen. You will in all probability have diarrhea from this, which will make you feel ashamed, but your life is absolutely fine, don't worry about it." Edwards said with a smile, his smile is obviously not just comforting. Miss Landy blushed, but her heart did settle down.

At this time, Miss Lilith came into the parlor with a large glass full of milk, followed by three maids, one of whom held a bowl with five eggs in it. Edwards took the milk from Miss Lilith's hand and was about to give it to Miss Landy to drink when suddenly he thought of something. He put the milk down and ran quickly back to his bedroom. When he reappeared in the living room, holding several vials of medicine and two or three strange-looking tools.

Edwards used these Kellar gave him, the detection of poison tools in that cup of milk inside the bin tried and tested, and suddenly his brow tightened up. In the milk mixed with another less potent poison.

Edwards sighed a close call, but fortunately, Kellar had told him that the skilled poisoner is good at using chronic poisons that kill without realizing it, and one of the tricks often used is in different foods, laying different poisons. Edwards for just suddenly thought of Kaille taught himself the knowledge and feel grateful. Otherwise, the potion in his hands is absolutely impossible to save the two kinds of poison at the same time Miss Randi. The poison placed in the milk, more violent than the first poison, more difficult to detoxify, obviously this is the real deadly kill.

"Has anyone had milk yet?" Edwards asked.

"Lena drank it, is she going to be okay." A maid said in a panic.

"How is she doing now?" Edouard asked.

"She may be poisoned, she just said she was not feeling well, so she went back to her room to rest, Master Edward, please save her." That maid pleaded, and the other maids joined in the pleading with a wailing voice.

"How much time has she been drinking?" Edwards asked.

"It's not quite clear, it may have been an hour or two, the milk was just delivered in the morning. By the way, all of us may have been poisoned, the muffins for breakfast were baked with the milk that was just delivered." The maid said with a sobbing face.

"Don't worry, that poison is afraid of high temperature, once heated above sixty degrees, this poison becomes a harmless substance, the high temperature of the baking is enough to keep all of you safe and sound. However, those muffins are better to throw away." Edwards said.

"Is Lena saved?" Another maid of honor asked with concern.

"You guys go prepare some peanut oil, about five of these cups so much." Edward Derby drew and said, "Whether Lianna drink or not, even if it is forced to pour, but also to pour down these peanut oil. For Lianna, tonight may be a more dangerous period, can save the life, depends on this evening, you have to have someone dedicated to watch over her, if she vomits or diarrhea, that is the best phenomenon, every two hours and then let her drink a small cup of peanut oil. The other two men go quickly to cook green bean soup, it is best to twist all the green beans, put some licorice in if you have it, the more green bean soup the better, there may be others who can use it." Hearing Edouard's order, the maids ran out of the living room quickly, they already knew what to do.

Edwards took all the eggs, beat them in a bowl, and then fed the sticky armpit-like liquid to Miss Randi and drank it. Miss Landy is not much averse to the taste of raw eggs, but, a series of five raw eggs to eat, no matter what people will feel uncomfortable, so later, Miss Landy is already a frown difficult to swallow the look.

"Is that going to be okay?" Miss Lilith asked.

"It shouldn't be too much of a problem, but eggs are much slower to work than milk, and it's a shame that this milk won't be available." Edwards said.

"Will there be any danger?" Miss Lilith asked, actually she was asking on behalf of Miss Landy.

"There won't be much danger, especially after this evening, and if there is no discomfort, it will prove that the poison has lifted. It is fortunate that Miss Landy has only had a small sip." Edwards said.

"By the way, can you take care of Miss Landy for me, I have to check the kitchen as well as the rest of the house, at least to know, what else has been put into the poison." Edouard suddenly thought of this important matter.

"Go on, go on, I always feel unsettled in my heart if I don't find those things out." Miss Lilith said: "I'll look after this place, you can rest assured."

Hearing this from Miss Lilith, Edwards hurriedly picked up the tools that Kellar had given him and headed for the kitchen, where he had to check thoroughly. Inside the kitchen, a maid was boiling green bean soup, and when she saw Edwards enter, she respectfully retreated to the side.

"Do you remember any of the things that were sent over in the morning? I think it's possible that the only things that were poisoned could have been those." Edwards asked.

The maid immediately tensed up, and pointing here and there, she said, "There was too much delivered this morning, all those vegetables, and three and a half kilos of meat, a kilo of mutton, some mince, and those damned half-milks."

As the maid pointed out, Edouard examined the food while inquiring, "What is different from usual about the person who brought the food today?"

"This, I'm not sure, I'm in charge of cleaning the living room and the study, the kitchen has always been under Lena's control, I'm just helping out when I'm cooking, Lena is the cook." The woman said in a panic.

Edwards checked all the food through, but found no presence of poisons other than half milk. As a precaution, he began to check the green bean field that was being cooked.

Once lifted the lid of the pot, Edwards immediately smelled an extremely obvious smell of almonds, apparently the green bean farm was poisoned inside. Few foods like green bean field more simple, raw materials in addition to green beans only water. Edwards can be absolutely sure that Lilith Miss tea, definitely will not put green beans, then was poisoned naturally only the water.

"Where does the water that you drink inside the villa come from?" Edvard asked seriously.

When Edwards asked this question, his intention was quite obvious, because he began to pour out a pot of water placed next to it. The maid apparently clear to Edward's meaning, her face immediately became white.

"The water ...... is from the forest ...... inside the ...... clear ...... spring ...... led over." The maids said with trembling voices.

"That far?" -Edward was surprised. The project was not exactly vast, but it seemed a bit unworthy just for a villa.

"You'd better prepare a few more eggs, are there any left inside the villa?" Edwards instructed, "You go and ask if anyone drank the water, the fresh water that just filled this morning, at least I know that the water of yesterday's soul was clean."

The maid scurried outside the kitchen, and it looked like it was going to be a pretty busy morning.

Edwards looked at the green bean field boiling inside the pot and searched for what he should do with these things. After thinking left and right, he finally decided to pour them out.

Edwards went to the stove, he had not been in the kitchen for months, but he was not the kind of noble lord who could not do anything after all. Edwards cleaned the pot, and then filled it with water and put it on the fire to boil up, no matter what, clean water is needed. After sprinkling a little salt into the pot and a few drops of vinegar, Edwards could only stand to the side and wait for the water to boil.

He was also not sure that he could completely remove the toxins inside the water, which was the method Kellar had taught him. But going outside to fetch water inside the lake was not a good idea either. This is the same as telling that Earl Robert that they have found someone poisoned inside the villa. Now there are a lot of poisoned women who need to be taken care of, and it's not a good thing to alert the ruthless Count at this time.

While boiling water, Edwards went through the entire kitchen, monitoring every suspicious, possibly poisoned item.

In the middle of the garden living room, Miss Lilith was sitting beside Miss Landy. Miss Landy was lying on top of the sofa, just like a real sick person. Just now the woman rushed over to tell them that the water was poisoned, and asked them both whether they had drunk the morning water up, but really jumped them both. Miss Lilith thought for half a day, seems to remember since the morning drink water, is the bedroom inside the glass water bottle in the clear water, that was filled last night, and Edward also drank should not matter, she then put down her heart. When the maid ran out to ask the others, Miss Landy talked softly with Miss Lilith.

"It seems that the envoy, Lord, cannot wait for His Majesty's decree." Miss Randi said, her tone full of sorrow.

"I never thought that the cold Earl Lord would be so kind." Lilith-sama said in her trademark mocking tone.

"Miss Lilith, the only two people who have not been poisoned here are you and Edouard, and if there is an accident, I don't want you to give up the possibility of escape because you are concerned about us people." Miss Landy said, her tone is quite resolute. Lilith looked at Miss Landy's face for a long while, trying to find out from Miss Landy's expression, whether these words were from the heart of the heart or just a false aside. To the relief of Miss Lilith, from Miss Landy's heel, she saw only sincerity.

"You should know that Edouard would never leave anyone behind." Miss Lilith looked into Miss Landy's eyes and said slowly.

"Yes, because of that, I hope you can convince Edward, as long as Edward is safe and sound, Earl Robeld definitely won't dare to do anything to us." Miss Landy said, "I don't seem to have that strong persuasive power." Lilith said in disbelief.

"I know that Edouard listens to you, and he addresses you is always seems to use honorifics, isn't that so?" Randi said with a smile.

"Hey, it's really annoying and annoying, I really can't stand him, all day to me 'you' ah 'you' called, as if I am that old Miss Medine." Lilith said, covering her forehead.

"He has a lot of respect for you, that's why I asked you to do that thing just now." Randi said sincerely.

"You save a little bit of thought and rest. A little, the body will be well-conditioned heart what things come practical, I think Edwards must already have a countermeasure, you forget? After all, he is a magician ah, that Yankee although brought a lot of people, but they do not seem to be a magician, if they act rashly, they are destined to fall, carrying Hu mouth a sneak into the laboratory guys like." Miss Lilith comforted.

Miss Landy felt a pang of disgust at the mention of the knight who had stolen the lab. She could never forget the way that knight was eaten away most of his body by the creepy crawlies that Edward kept. In order to keep Earl Robert from knowing that he was dealing with a magician, Edwards dragged the body to the villa and disposed of it with a special magical potion. The disappearance of a knight apparently did not raise enough alarm for that Lord Envoy from the capital. Although he also wanted to break into the laboratory for a proper inspection, but due to Miss Medine's insistence, it made him return without success. I think until now, the Earl still thought that his men were secretly imprisoned in some hidden place.

"From now on, this place may always be in crisis." Miss Randi said worriedly.

Hearing Miss Landy say so, Lilith seemed to remember something, and she asked, "What makes you think so?"

"Since Count Robert started to make his move, with his character, he should not stop until he achieves his goal. Unlike the sinister and cunning Earl Martial, Earl Robelde has a violent temperament, he will definitely not plan and move later like Earl Martial, he will be more willing to fight quickly, since he has already struck, then it can be expected that attacks will follow." Miss Landy said, the tone is extremely sure, obviously this is not her hasty purpose of view.

"This you can rest assured, Edouard is definitely able to handle this third-rate swordsman, hehehe, this is Edouard's opinion of Earl Robeld, he once said that this envoy lord's outward appearance is much more intimidating than his real strength at heart." Lilith said with a smile.

"You'd better advise Edwards not to be careless and gullible; he doesn't have a second life that he can make a bet on." Miss Randi shook her head and sighed.

"If it's advice, it's more appropriate for you to give it, isn't it?" Lilith suddenly came close to Miss Landy's ear and said, "I am not worried about Edward's ability to deal with the Yankees, but I am worried that Edward will not be able to take care of all the people in this villa, and you should know very well what will happen to Edward if someone uses your life or the lives of others to blackmail him: although I am not sure that Edward will give up resistance, he is not That kind of brainless fool, but, at least, will make him hesitant, even tied up."

Miss Randi nodded silently.

"So I want you to move inside Edward's room day as well, once there is any wind, Edward protects us, it is also a little more convenient, isn't it so?" Lilith said with a smile, her smile obviously hides some special implication::

Hearing Lilith say so, Miss Landy blushed for a moment, although she was already nominally for Miss Medin in order to maintain the Medin family lineage, and arranged in Edward's side of the unnamed wife, but, after all, the aunt did not command since the official union with Edward.

"If you feel shy, you can ask the maids to move in and sleep too, but lying on the floor is not very comfortable for our eyes." Miss Lilith said softly.

Hearing this, Miss Randi blushed even more, this kind of proposal can only be said by Miss Lilith, Miss Randi felt that this proposal is even more unacceptable.

"By now at this time, you are still hesitating what ah, in my opinion, this is the best way, all the people are concentrated in Edward's room inside, in the event of any accident, Edward can not worry about what people are not within his protection, if you feel very shy, simply pull those maids down, will not it? " Miss Lilith said.

Miss Landy was so dumbfounded by this that she didn't know how to answer.

"You think about it here first, I'll ask the girls, maybe, they think similar to me." Miss Lilith said with a wink.

Saying that, Miss Lilith went to the maid's bedroom, leaving Miss Landy alone in the garden parlor.

Inside the kitchen, Edouard left the important work he was doing to a serving girl to continue it.

And Miss Landy thought the same, Edward also have the same worry, he also top feel the crisis is approaching, although Edward also thought of some prior arrangements. Edward did not worry that Earl Robert led his knights to attack a fortress with magic. However, I do not know when the next attack of Robelde's death will come, it is impossible to always be on the edge of your seat, and everything around you will be set up as a murderous magic trap that no one can enter.

Recently this period of time Edwards learned some more magic, but also refined some useful potions, although he mastered the magic is not a lot, but he is confident that as long as he can make full use of these magical powers, against a group of ordinary people, he has no reason to occupy the disadvantage. And among the magical creatures he raised, there were indeed one or two very useful things. However, he would never use these terrible things without permission before he was sure that he had complete control over these magical creatures. Edwards didn't forget the bloodthirsty blood wasps that were flying all over the sky, but they were nothing compared to the ghost mantis that could tear apart and devour anything. The mutilated corpse was equally frightening and shocking to him. However, this ghost mantis is far from the magical creatures that Ms. Masek warned herself to be absolutely careful about.

Absolutely not to be able to set up the entire villa as a murder trap. Edward de dare not imagine Miss Lilith or Miss Landy accidentally trigger these traps. Also can not use those simply can not control the magic creatures. Edwards thought for half a day, can do, there is only Drady said the words - "improvise". The most important thing now is to find a highly skilled doctor to. In fact, Edwards would prefer to find Kellar, no one is more adept at poisoning and detoxifying the human heart.

Edouard packed everything up and headed for the stables behind the cottage.

Taking the thoroughbred out of the stables, Edwards then checked the water and forage in the stables, worried that Count Robert would do something to his beloved horses. He was reassured that the stables had not been poisoned and that the horse was drinking water from the river, not from a spring in the forest. Edwards examined the thoroughbred carefully and found no injuries, so he put his mind at ease. Mounting his horse, Edwards sailed off into the distance.

The cold wind blew across the lake, blowing layers of ripples, but the sun was not as hot as in summer, reflecting the water of the lake a golden yellow, the lake grass is still green, supporting the hillside in front of the cottage that a thick clump of trees, looks quiet and peaceful. But Edward is not in the mood to enjoy all this, he spurred the ride to the distant Cherbourg.

Before he could get out much distance, he saw a group of royal knights coming from afar. Edouard did not want to bother much with them. He was fully aware of the orders given to them by Count Robert: if he was intercepted by these knights, they would certainly have a perfunctory conversation with him and take the opportunity to send him back to the villa.

Edouard spurred his steed. His thoroughbred ran at full speed, and no horse in the south of the Franks could keep up. Sure enough, the riders were soon far behind. Edouard was cautious from the beginning, because he was always in fear of a deadly arrow from some dark corner. In this wilderness is the world of those knights.

Edouard did not intend to fight the Count's knights here; he had not yet reached such a high level of strength, after all. For him, the woods on the hillside around the villa is a good battlefield, but the place where he can better exercise his skills is inside the villa. When Edwards studied with the king of killers Kellar, he learned how to move in a house, most assassinations are carried out in the room, not in the wilderness. Not to mention that the wind blowing through the wilderness can easily blow the fog he laid, but inside the villa, as long as all the doors and windows closed tightly, so that the wind can not run in, the psychedelic powder solvent turned into a fog can last for hours.

Breaking through the escort was indeed very easy and comfortable for Edouard. Once inside the city, Edwards drove straight to the cathedral, the most important thing now was to find the doctor.

The cathedral is still so grand and magnificent, but now Edward does not have a hint of appreciation mood. Hurry into the church, Edward immediately pulled a priest who was praying.

"Where is Prelate Mundi, please take me to him!" Edvard said eagerly.

The priest obviously recognized the identity of the teenager in front of him, and could also see that the young lord was flustered, so it was obvious that something serious had happened. Without saying a word, he took Edouard to the dean's office.

Prelate Mundy was obviously equally taken aback by Edward's sudden visit, and he looked at him with puzzlement.

"Dear Lord Prelate, someone has poisoned inside my villa: please send your best priest inside the villa." Edouard said.

"What kind of people are poisoned and is it serious?" Elder Mundi asked:

"Except for me and Miss Lilith, all the others were poisoned, fortunately I have carried out simple treatment." Edouard replied.

"Oh, that's really great, I'll follow your instructions immediately." Long Kyu, the elder of the Monerdians, nodded.

Said Elder Mundy gave a couple of instructions to the priest who brought Edward in. That priest immediately withdrew, he had a lot of things to do.

"Is Mr. Hyde there?" Edwards asked after making sure that the priest had gone far away.

"Mr. Bohaid has gone back to Southport, it seems that something happened in Southport, and the matter is serious." Elder Mundy said helplessly.

"So is Mr. Draddy in?" Edwards asked again.

"Yes, Mr. Draddy is now in charge of everything at Thurth Castle, would you like to see him," the elder asked.

"Yes." Edwards said with certainty.

Just at this time, another priest came in in a panic, and he said, "Lord Prelate! Lord Earl of Robeld, as well as Lord Earl of Fesnan, Lord Earl of Raiwei, have arrived, and they want to see you, as well as Mr. Lord's Heir."

"Got it, we'll be right there." Elder Mundy said, he waved his hand to indicate that priest, wait until that priest withdrew: the elder shook his head and said to Edouard full of helplessness: "It seems that you do not have a chance to meet Mr. Delardi."

Edouard came to the hall with Elder Mundi. Count Robert was waiting there, and behind him stood Count Fresnan and Count Levi. When he saw Edouard coming out, Earl Robert intended to make the first move and said, "Mr. Tatnis, I cannot forgive you for your recklessness in leaving the villa, which is under strict protection, without permission.

Edouard did not want to listen to the envoy, he interrupted Count Robert: "Count Reveille, who was guarding the villa this morning? Was it you or the knights that Count Robert brought with him?" Drady had long ago taught him how to successfully interrupt a person, and that the best way to do so was to simply ignore the presence of that speaker and speak to someone else.

Although it is not known why the young lord broke out of the protective circle without permission, but the Earl of Raiwei has clear a few of the things. This is not a difficult problem, when the Earl of Martial also once took the means of Sangang. Although Earl Laivi is not to openly stand against Robeld, but the matter will be clear from their own, is obviously the most accurate and the most easy to do.

"Lord, since Count Robert took over the responsibility of your security, all matters related to your Excellency are under the full responsibility of Lord Robert's men, my men are only stationed in the barracks, at the disposal of the royal knights." Raiwei said.

"Since Lord Roberd is in charge, then please ask Lord Roberd to check what kind of people poisoned the villa. The drinking water in the villa was poisoned, which is fine because the water source is in the distant forest, but the milk that was delivered in the morning was also highly poisoned, which should be able to be thoroughly investigated. The milk was brought in through the escort camp." Edwards said.

"Maybe it's just ordinary food poisoning, which many people would confuse with deliberate poisoning." Count Robert de Robelde said, apparently he no longer had the momentum he had at the beginning.

"This is not possible, tomentose root, a plant that can cause intestinal ulceration to death, only grows in the northern mountains, the production is not much, and absolutely no one will eat it as food, its appearance and smell is too unique, and Tronfen is - a very difficult to refine the poison, but in my villa at the same time The appearance of these two poisons at the same time in my villa, this can not be said to be food poisoning, right." Edwards said.

"How can you be so sure that it is these two poisons?" Count Robert de Robelde said, "Don't be overconfident in yourself, mistakes are inevitable for anyone."

"It is not difficult to prove, I have asked Elder Monti to appoint an experienced expert to come inside my villa to identify those poisoning agents and to save the poisoned patients, Elder Monti told me that that expert can be absolutely trusted, and his report is quite strong and fully capable of being used as evidence. Is that not so? Lord Elder."

Elder Mundy obviously understood Edward's meaning, he said: "Yes, yes, Pastor Matthew is the best pharmacist and healer in the Church, he is the Holy See's supervisor here, his teacher is the venerable Archbishop, Pastor Matthew's report is absolutely powerful even to His Holiness, the Pope."

For the words of Elder Mundi, Robelde could not refute, after all, he did not want to offend the Holy See. In fact, even His Majesty did not dare to easily offend the Holy See, offending the Holy See is tantamount to self-destruction.

"If there is really such a thing, I will investigate the matter thoroughly." Count Robert de Robelde only had to pluck the steps for himself.

"Earl Laivi, the occurrence of such a thing makes me deeply worried, it seems that the strength of Earl Robeld alone is a bit too thin from today, your men into the villa outside five hundred meters. With Robelde's royal knights guarding the periphery and you guarding the inside, I'm much relieved." Edouard ordered.

"Understood, sir! Count Reivi responded with a military salute.

"No, this is tantamount to distrusting my knights, and I do not agree." Count Robert de Robeld drank.

"Earl of Robelde, your knights have indeed failed to do their duty: never before your arrival has such a serious situation occurred, in my opinion enhancing the strength of the guards is the best way at present, and if necessary I can write a report to the Lord Archbishop and the Lord Pope to prove this matter. The Lord's safety and security, this is not something that can be done on a whim." Elder Mundy calmly said, using the big hat of the Holy See to press others to submit, originally is one of the things he is most adept at.

For a moment, Robelard did not know how to answer properly. Although he was sure that His Majesty the King definitely supported him, he did not know how long this support could be maintained once the pressure of the Church was at the other end of the scale of interests. After weighing the pros and cons, Robert de decided to temporarily withdraw from this battlefield that he could not win.

"Mr. Tatnis please go back to where you live, my carriage is waiting for you outside!" Count Robert de Robelde said, his expression looking even more rigid.

Now, he day hopes that Edouard returns to the suburban villa quickly, and he needs Edouard to remain isolated until he is fully set up. Earl Robert was not discouraged by the fact that he had not poisoned Edward, but of course, disappointment was inevitable. He hadn't placed all his bets in one place anyway. In Southport, he had another set-up, and a momentary miss here did not affect the y-day issue going on there. What's more, in his hands there was another killer move.

At the time of his departure, His Majesty signed two documents, the second of which gave him absolute power, except that His Majesty repeatedly warned that the second document must not be produced until the last resort. His Majesty was very worried that Prince Phillips would find an excuse to make trouble for the sake of a small Cherbourg.

The content of the second document is not much different from the forcible seizure of the lordship of Cherbourg and the forcible confiscation of the lord's property, which is a great risk to the world. His Majesty signed this document because, in his opinion, a remote southern capital such as Cherbourg has little influence, and the Medin family has no strong grip on the kingdom of Frans, and the only one who will take issue with himself because of Cherbourg is Prince Phillips. Anyway, sooner or later, he will turn against the Prince, and the King is determined to take back the control of the South Port. But now it seems that the influence of the young lord heir is quite far-reaching, and behind him there is at least the support of the Holy See. Robelde is now a dilemma, he can not give up the position of Lord of Cherbourg, as well as the untold wealth of Southport, but also can not afford to offend the Holy See. The desperate envoy decided to drag His Majesty the King into the water.

For the Earl of Robelde in the mind of what, Edouard is not very clear, but he believes that the Earl of Robelde is definitely not Mr. Hyde and Drady's opponent.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, for your kindness, but I prefer to ride, and I will go right back." Edouard said.

Before Robelde could speak, Count Fesnan snatched and said, "Lord Lord, I have something to report."

"What is it?" Edouard asked.

"It happened a few days ago, and I wanted to ask for your permission, but Count Robeld was adamant that I should not see you. He said that he, as your guardian, has the right to handle this matter." Count Fesnan said.

"Guardian? Count Robert de Robelde, it seems that we have reached an understanding regarding this matter, and Elder Mundi can fully attest to this matter, and until further confirmation from His Majesty arrives, I hope that Nichishita will not use the name of guardian to handle anything without permission, and I think Elder Mundi can oversee this matter." Edouard said. He decided to use the omnipresent and absolutely authoritative power of the Holy See to overwhelm Robelard.

"Yes, I will report it truthfully." The elder said, this kind of thing that pushes the boat with the wind, this elder lord is of course extremely happy to do it.

"Count Fresnan, what exactly is some of what is going on." Edvard asked.

"It's like this, in Southport, some merchants have joined together to demand that Southport become an autonomous city like those cities in Yirei." Count Fresnan said indignantly, "Count Robert de Roche has agreed to their request in the name of guardianship without your permission, and is busy in Southport to prepare for autonomy."

Hearing everything that Count Fesnan heard, Edouard frowned, this was indeed a very tricky matter, Mr. Hyde apparently rushed back just to deal with this matter. This was obviously a plot by Robelard, once Southport became an independent city, although nominally it seemed that Southport got a more solid and free status, but without the protection of the Medin family, His Majesty the King could withdraw any agreement on Southport at any time and bring it under his grasp. Those short-sighted businessmen obviously do not realize this, not to mention, behind these businessmen there may be some malicious guys instigating this matter.

"How many people in Southport support autonomy?" Edwards asked.

"It seems that this is the meaning of quite a few people, the petition has the joint signature of dozens of big businessmen, in Southport, the autonomy petition made quite a big noise." Count Fesnan said with a sad face.

"Dozens of big businessmen? Ha." -Edward said with a contemptuous smile, "There are at least five or six hundred merchants with a reputation in Southport, so what's the big deal if you can gather up a few dozen of them? This is not a big sound." Although Edwards knew that Mr. Meade would definitely be able to solve this matter, however, at least he had to make a show and express some opinions.

Edwards said after thinking for a while: "You should go to Southport and tell those merchants who want autonomy that Southport is the private domain of the Medin family, and if they want autonomy, Ferry Bay, 20 miles from Southport, is His Majesty's domain, and Southport is already very small and has little room for development. All merchants who moved into Ferry Bay were able to enjoy the autonomy of the town. Earl Robert is the king's special envoy, how much tax to pay to his majesty every year, and the Earl Robert can discuss." Edwards said here and thought about it, although it is clear that it is in the play, but the play also has to be made like - a little.

Edwards continued: "The merchants moving out of Southport will also be able to use the docks and stores in Southport without additional fees: I will buy the land that is vacated after the merchants move out at the original price. Count Fresnan, you plan to move the glass factory in Cherbourg to Southport. By the way, under my rule, I don't want Piton and Leyland and Southport to still hate each other because of some nasty things that happened back then. Piton was once famous for its wool, and this business is very profitable. Edwards began to talk about business, Robelard has long been little interest, in addition to the heart secretly screaming, he has no idea.

The idea of inciting the businessmen of South Hong Kong to become independent was originally a good idea that he had thought hard about: although he did not think that this move alone could completely solve the problem, but at least it could make these southerners in disarray. At that time, he is known for his strength of the big man, is hanging suitable to solve the problem, but, did not expect, this young man simply a few words, so that his plans are all in vain.

According to what he heard, even if he controls those merchants, it will not help at all. From those deceived merchants can indeed scrape off a lot of oil and water, but then no one will fall for it again. What's more, he is not sure how many merchants will be willing to fall for it. Those profit-oriented businessmen originally is the mouth is good, but really asked them to do, I'm afraid we are not many people are willing to move away from Southport. If you are not wrong, those merchants just want to take this opportunity to oppress the new on his lord, reduce taxes and gather. What's more, seeing Edwards talking endlessly about his own ideas there, as if he could not wait for those merchants to move out quickly, so that the prime land in Southport, so that he has to operate for nothing. Robelde had a strong feeling in his heart, as if he was making a dress for others.

If it was just Edward de Person talking to himself there, Count Robert de might have thought that the teenager was acting, but there listening to the delighted and eyebrow-raising appearance of Count Fesnan, it was obvious that everything the teenager had heard made the guy itchy, and I'm afraid the guy couldn't wait to get on with it. The Earl of Robelde had also gathered information about the young Lord of the Collar, because this teenager was obviously not just a useless puppet as described by the Earl of Martial, what shocked him was that this young teenager actually had a high prestige in the Thurth Castle. However, he was frustrated that neither he nor his riders were able to detect any further information, the boy was like a mystery. Now, Count Robert understood why the officials of Cherbourg were so obedient to this young man, compared with those fools, this young man was indeed much more intelligent.

After standing by and listening for half a day, the envoy had already made up his mind to give up the half-planned plan, because it was obvious that the plan had completely failed, while another idea was also growing and spreading in the heart of Earl Robert. Earl Robert had decided that he could not let this young man live in the world, he would become the biggest obstacle to his control of Cherbourg.

© 2023 Steven26192

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Added on June 25, 2023
Last Updated on June 25, 2023
Tags: Magic



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